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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Is Wii Fit Misleading? Ask a Doctor.

Wasn't she contradicting herself? First she said that when looking at BMI, you need to take age in to account and how tall you are, but it was a bad thing when Wii Fit did it. And i really haven't noticed that Wii Fit would focus on building muscle as she said. Doing hula hoops and jogging around Wiifitty island definately focus on fat burning. Besides, Wii Fit is a lot more than just BMI and few exercises, it tracks your progress and keeps list about your exercise outside Wii Fit, if you input it to the game. Anyway, considering the Wikipedia info someone posted, looks like she just tries to market the weight watchers.

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It's not about Wii-fit, Wii-fit is good at what it does : regular exercise training, it's about BMI.

Like it or not she's right, Nintendo shouldn't have used it at all because BMI is just a surrogate and more socially acceptable way to mesure weight, and can be misleading to a lot of impressionable preteen. They are many other ways to track someone's progression without resorting to body mass measurments.

well, at least now i know something about BMI, if only because of WiiFit. and i don't even have a WiiFit yet...

the Wii is an epidemic.

Dr. Judith Stern: You're absolutely, totally right. You don't tell kids that they're overweight. In fact, pediatricians don't use the word obese for kids. The word that they use for overweight really means obese. This can have such a negative effect on young girls especially, that they can focus on eating and develop eating disorders.

Is she stupid ? Kids don't need doctors to tell them how fat or not are they. They have hundred of kids in school calling them fat, thats how kids are.

Dr. Judith Stern: BMI is used as a surrogate, and you're right, it's simplistic. But younger people, below 20 or so, you can't just use BMI. You have to do BMI for age. And then, boys have a different reference to look at versus girls. Let's say you're 15, and you say your BMI is 25. I'd really have to look at your height to see if it was in the overweight category. Doctors will look at BMI change for age, and it's not just BMI for kids.

Now whats shes actually trying to say lol ? Why does Wii Fit asks for age and height ? Just so Nintendo knows if they should display condoms ads to you or not ?

Dr. Judith Stern: My understanding is that Nintendo ...

She seems really confident ...

My question is: Did she ever saw Wii Fit in reality or she just saw it on TV and she assumes things ?

I mean in the whole article she uses "my understanding", "i think", "i'm saying". She almost use no ferm words and she doesn't seem sure about anything. And nothing in the whole article leads to us thinking that she actually seen Wii Fit in real life, trying it it's definately out of the question lol.


What I'm really questioning at the moment is why GameSpy would do such an article? And why with that woman?

Also, I'm pretty sure that woman didn't even try the game. It may not be something to make you loose much weight but it is a good start and it can encourage people to move more since it is also fun.

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elgefe02 said:
I wil just say, Any physical activity is better than being sitting in the couch, So Wii Fit is a good tool to being Healthy.

 Is the first part of your statement being justified by the latter part ? if so you give up.

The idea is great, but BMI really is highly flawed. Using just the weight could work just as well, you can see for yourself whether or not your body fat is too high. If I stepped on the board, it'd tell me I was obese, which I'm not, having a body fat % below average but muscle % above average.

Mummelmann said:
The idea is great, but BMI really is highly flawed.

Dude doctors are using BMI in population statistics. Don't let you fooled by this people payed to slam Wii Fit. BMI is not exact but it can give you a GOOD idea oh how you are and how do you progress.

If a kid in 2 years gain little height but plenty of pounds his BMI will skyrocket showing the truth (the kid may have got a few muscles but he also got a lot of fat).


Yes BMI is flawed...

but it still works for 90% of the population the rest 10% are athletes7bodybuilders etc etc and for them the BMI index isnt someting to follow but as I said it works for the rest of us.

If it isn't turnbased it isn't worth playing   (mostly)

And shepherds we shall be,

For Thee, my Lord, for Thee. Power hath descended forth from Thy hand, That our feet may swiftly carry out Thy command. So we shall flow a river forth to Thee And teeming with souls shall it ever be. In Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritūs Sancti. -----The Boondock Saints