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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Is Wii Fit Misleading? Ask a Doctor.

Imperial said:
Anyone using Wii-Fit for fitness purposes is obviosuly deceiving themselves

 Wow thats a pretty bold statement.

I know about three very built friends who got that way by simply doing 100-push ups and 100-crunchies a day. With eating right WiiFit could very well improve a persons BMI infact thats exactly what the doctor said if someone excersized for about three hours a day they could see a change in their BMI. I do 2-hrs on my WiiFit each day I just bought muscle supplements and I run 5 laps and do 25 flights of stairs each evenning. I can already after only a few days of having WiiFit feel a massive differance, I hurt all over.

The excersizes shown in WiiFit are actual excersizes and they do work, I mean Yoga has been around for thousands of years hasn't it. So why would Yoga being taught to you by a video game be any different then learning the same Yoga positions in real life.

I actually think the Wii's aspect of having to maintain a balance while doing the excersizes leads to you using muscles you wouldn't usually use. If you use WiiFit every day and play hours a day it should work like any other excersize. Also the game paces you. You unlock more reps and excersizes the more time you spend playing.

 Lastly after each  excersize the trainer tells you to keep doing the excersizedaily to help tone specific muscles. I am very sure if someone sticks to the daily routine and enhances their reps as they unlock them that visible changes and BMI changes will occur.

Nintendo never claimed WiiFit would majically make you loose weight by buying it. Just like a guy can get buff doing Push ups and Crunchies a person can easily build muscles and burn fat by training with WiiFit for hours and on a daily basis! 


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many people are using examples of BMI as saying that you are obese when you're not. Personally I have had very different results with it. I have generally been very skinny most of my life, and living in america i was getting pressure to actually gain weight (the opposite of many people). In late high school and first year of college i weighed 120-125 pounds and had a waist of 28 inches, people had told me for so long i was too skinny so i made an effort to gain weight by lifting weights and eating lots and lots of food. At my heaviest i had gotten to 152 pounds and had a waist of 32+ inches. There was still some people that told me i was skinny, but i didn't feel skinny. I had pretty huge love handles and a pretty big stomach. I did study abroad in Japan for 1 year, and was told by many people that I was fat. Of course in Japan people are skinny, but I finally realized I was fat after all. I realized that I can't just aim for a specific weight number, but I have to get my body to a point where I feel and look (hopefully) like i'm healthy and fit. At my heaviest I still didn't even break the overweight mark at 5'6 (i know, i'm short), but i was in the worst shape of my life by far.

Right now i am 140 pounds with a 28 inch waist and even though that seems like nothing to most people it feel great to me. I have been going to the gym 5 times a week and i feel very healthy and not actually kinda liking what i see in the mirror.

currently playing: Skyward Sword, Mario Sunshine, Xenoblade Chronicles X

I got Wii Fit on Wednesday, launch day in the Us, and it says I am overweight. I completely expected that. I'm 6 feet (roughly 2m) tall, and right now clock in at about 220 lbs. I am, according to this "game", on the brink of obese. I, on the other hand, have a good grip on where I need to be to be at my optimum "health". I'm about 25-30 lbs over where I'd like to be in a perfect world, and Wii Fit can be a great tool to help me monitor myself and work towards achieving my goals.

This is summer, which is my busy season. I play softball and volleyball several days a week, and the aerobic and "strength building" exercises in Wii Fit help me work toward my goal of being down to about 190-195 lbs by the end of summer. The whole monitoring myself every day aspect of it just shows me the actual progress I may be making as I go. By no means is it a stand alone workout regime, but it's a great complimentary workout.

The dedication you show to any particular console or company is inversely proportional to the number of times you have gotten laid. If you get laid enough, even if you prefer a certain brand, you just don't give enough of a shit to argue about it on the internet.

She is right in some ways, but I think it is very bold of Nintendo to approach this product from a weight perspective. Sure not everyone is going to be accurate to their BMI/WiiFitclassification relationship, but the majority of the US is overweight. I even think they adjust the healthy weight charts per height so as not to offend the populous or stop them from buying. It is about time someone called all of those overweight people, well, overweight.