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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Stellar blade is average, avoid

Darc Requiem said:
KratosLives said:

The game definitely isn't nier. How is it not like bayonetta or devil may cry. It has the boss fights, stylised moves,  same kinda music when fighting enemies or bosses. I think it's a fair comparison. They just added some mediocre side quests.

Because they play nothing alike. Are you sure you've actually played the game. That's the kind of comparison people make when they haven't played Stellar Blade and just make assumptions about it. I've played games in the DMC series. I've beaten all three mainline Bayonetta games. I've platinumed Stellar Blade. Those two franchisess playnothing like Stellar Blade. DMC and Bayonetta have some commonality. Which makes since due to Kamiya's involvement in both. Having "Boss Fights" and "Stylized Moves" applies to a multitude of games that play nothing a like.  

Are you serious? If there were no devil may cry or bayonetta, this game never would have existed. They all follow a similar path. You have your gun and sword, combos and flashy moves,  enemy creatures that spawn you have to clear through, same dark rock music hits when fighting enemies and boss fights etc. With slight modifications to design.   

This game was made by amateurs. It must have been the koreans studios first game and it shows. The level design is outdated, the platforming, swim through here,  jump to here, unlock this  etc, they took from other games but without improving.even the unlocking of doors, imagine unlocking a code , which your bot friend knows, and it shows u the code, yet not advanced enough to unlock it for you, that you have to waste a few seconds to type it yourself.  Small things like this  annoyed me.  The game has u jumping from place to place but none of it feels connected . 

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Random_Matt said:

DMC sucks, shit I know; controversial statement.

We do not talk ill of DMC in this household. 

Last edited by Chazore - on 05 February 2025

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

KratosLives said:
Darc Requiem said:

Because they play nothing alike. Are you sure you've actually played the game. That's the kind of comparison people make when they haven't played Stellar Blade and just make assumptions about it. I've played games in the DMC series. I've beaten all three mainline Bayonetta games. I've platinumed Stellar Blade. Those two franchisess playnothing like Stellar Blade. DMC and Bayonetta have some commonality. Which makes since due to Kamiya's involvement in both. Having "Boss Fights" and "Stylized Moves" applies to a multitude of games that play nothing a like.  

Are you serious? If there were no devil may cry or bayonetta, this game never would have existed. They all follow a similar path. You have your gun and sword, combos and flashy moves,  enemy creatures that spawn you have to clear through, same dark rock music hits when fighting enemies and boss fights etc. With slight modifications to design.   

This game was made by amateurs. It must have been the koreans studios first game and it shows. The level design is outdated, the platforming, swim through here,  jump to here, unlock this  etc, they took from other games but without improving.even the unlocking of doors, imagine unlocking a code , which your bot friend knows, and it shows u the code, yet not advanced enough to unlock it for you, that you have to waste a few seconds to type it yourself.  Small things like this  annoyed me.  The game has u jumping from place to place but none of it feels connected . 

No. Soulstice would not have existed without DMC/Bayo. SB is nothing like Bayo or DMC. You may as well say Max Payne would not exist without Winback. This was not Shift Up's first game. It was their first console game. The rest of your post is pure dribble. Come on dude you are 40. Just spell out the word You. Not saving any time the other way.

Last edited by Leynos - on 05 February 2025

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

Leynos said:
KratosLives said:

Are you serious? If there were no devil may cry or bayonetta, this game never would have existed. They all follow a similar path. You have your gun and sword, combos and flashy moves,  enemy creatures that spawn you have to clear through, same dark rock music hits when fighting enemies and boss fights etc. With slight modifications to design.   

This game was made by amateurs. It must have been the koreans studios first game and it shows. The level design is outdated, the platforming, swim through here,  jump to here, unlock this  etc, they took from other games but without improving.even the unlocking of doors, imagine unlocking a code , which your bot friend knows, and it shows u the code, yet not advanced enough to unlock it for you, that you have to waste a few seconds to type it yourself.  Small things like this  annoyed me.  The game has u jumping from place to place but none of it feels connected . 

No. Soulstice would not have existed without DMC/Bayo. SB is nothing like Bayo or DMC. You may as well say Max Payne would not exist without Winback. This was not Shift Up's first game. It was their first console game. The rest of your post is pure dribble. Come on dude you are 40. Just spell out the word You. Not saving any time the other way.

What does age have to do with it, unless experience.  You knew  to gaming?  Maybe stellar blade was your  entry into this type of gameplay.

If you consider yourself a well rounded gamer, you are beyone saving. Or maybe simping on eve too much clouded your judgement. Get off it man. 

KratosLives said:
Leynos said:

No. Soulstice would not have existed without DMC/Bayo. SB is nothing like Bayo or DMC. You may as well say Max Payne would not exist without Winback. This was not Shift Up's first game. It was their first console game. The rest of your post is pure dribble. Come on dude you are 40. Just spell out the word You. Not saving any time the other way.

What does age have to do with it, unless experience.  You knew  to gaming?  Maybe stellar blade was your  entry into this type of gameplay.

If you consider yourself a well rounded gamer, you are beyone saving. Or maybe simping on eve too much clouded your judgement. Get off it man. 

I don't know what any of this meant. It wasn't English. More nonsense. I've been gaming since the mid-80s buddy. My home is wall-to-wall of games from all eras.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

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KratosLives said:
LegitHyperbole said:

Two questions. Have you beaten Giigas, the third boss and have you kept the difficulty on normal?

Yes. The game wasnt much of a challenge. Prob because i  played black myth wukong prior.

Based on your replies and comparisons I don't believe you. 

I played the demo. It was generic at best, plus insta-dying from platform sections and they going back to a auto save point and not just before the platform section is a big no.

Last edited by The Fury - on 06 February 2025

Hmm, pie.

LegitHyperbole said:
KratosLives said:

Yes. The game wasnt much of a challenge. Prob because i  played black myth wukong prior.

Based on your replies and comparisons I don't believe you. 

What's hard to believe? Is he supposed to be one of the hardest  boss fights in recent memory??

KratosLives said:
LegitHyperbole said:

Based on your replies and comparisons I don't believe you. 

What's hard to believe? Is he supposed to be one of the hardest  boss fights in recent memory??

Nope, he's a Genichiro moment. Once you beat him all the games mechanics click and then shortly after the game opens up and once it all falls into place it's epic.

What's hard to believe is you comparing it to DMC and Bayonetta and refusing that it is a Sekiro like. It is more like Sekiro than any of the others, with the my turn, your turn. You also said it's easy, so you definitely didn't do side content but aside from that, the normal mobs on normal after Gigas are no push overs, especially when they are in groups but if I had to guess, you didn't beat Gigas yet and make it into the first open world which means you didn't get into the excellently designed dead Space like sections that restrict you to gun only or the incredibly crafted main quest larger dungeons. 

Tell me now, what happens after Gigas, tell me the steps you take in the story for the next ten hours, quickly reply straight away and don't cheat, I'll know, I've played the game through 4 times. Give me details from dialogue and what not, it should be fresh in your memory. 

Also, it's okay to be wrong. Don't double down. Play thr game further and give it a fair shake. Yes, Eidos 7 is pretty damn bland and they shouldn't have used that as the opening or made it as good as the rest of the game but play further and a gem will open up for you. All your points apart from the story become nonsense cause everything becomes so, so good. The level design from early mid game (after Gigas) onward and fights near the end of the game are best in genre. Hell, some are even better than some of Sekiros bosses although Sword Saint can't be beaten.