GTA5 (PS5) will be my first finished game for 2025.
AstroBot as of now. Started late 2024 and finished it yesterday. Honestly? Good game, for sure, but definitely shouldnt have won GOTY.
I just started Metaphor ReFantazio now.
Beat Crash Team Racing at eight hours, dipping into some of the side challenges and all. Best Kart racer there is but even still I don't wanna pursue end game. Hesitant to give it a 10/10 cause of frustrations and some minor nit picks. But it's a very high 9/10, Very fun campaign although I'd imagine it would be very short B lining it but I suppose that's what the end game is there to compensate for.
Last edited by LegitHyperbole - on 04 January 2025Beat my first game in 2025 - Grand Theft Auto V on PS5 at 50 Hours
Game: Grand Theft Auto V
Genre: Action (Sandbox)
Developer: Rockstar North
Publisher: Rockstar Games
System: Playstation 5 (PS5)
Year of Release: 2022
Length of Playthrough: 50 Hours
Score: 97 out of 100
+Remastered graphics and frame rate, played with 1440p at 60 FPS, faster loading times
-Some bugs in the game that crashes game in mission (supposedly happens in PS5 version only) and another mission where the marker disappears unless you walk away a bit from the area
Beaten so far in 2025
-Grand Theft Auto V (PS5) - January 2025
Beaten in Hours
-Grand Theft Auto V (PS5) - 50 Hours
Beaten Games Scores
-Grand Theft Auto V (PS5) - 97
Total Number of Hours Played on Platforms
PS5: 50 Hours
Currently Playing
Next to Play (In no particular order and Subject to Change)
-Assassin's Creed Rogue (PC)
-Dragon Ball Z Kakarot (NS)
-Super Mario 3D World+Bowser's Fury (NS)
-Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition (PS5)
-Gears of War 3 (X360)
-Dead or Alive 6 (PC)
-Tekken 3 (PS1)
-The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time (NSO)
-Fallout 1 (PC)
Beaten FF7 Rebirth.
Such a hard game to judge, on one hand it's amazing what they've done and on the other so many little things, much like in Remake add up to bring the game down. It is so very close to a 10/10, they improved so much over Remake, the music which is a feat, the side content which is a bit bloated but really fun and it's up to you if you want to engage, even the combat and itemization is better but they just can't seem to cohesively make the game work and fall into the same poor design choices as Remake. First 70% of the game is damn near perfect, everything moves fluidly and it's all paced so well that doing side content is fun to engage with and feels natural to do while progressing the story, a masterstroke but towards the end it breaks down for many reasons but one in particular, the game drags much like Remake, I had to take a break and play something else to refresh during the latter half so something was clearly off.
What needs to be improved for part 3 and reasons this game isn't a ten for me although it so very well could have been:
***Spoilers ahead maybe***
Despite all these issues though the game elevates itself high above them and is an easy, strong 9/10, and so very close to a 10 with cohesiveness being the main shortcomings. With part 3 I hope they can identify and rectify these issues and I pray they don't aim for more bloat and more mini games (blend them in better), checklists and chadley chiming in every other second.
Some additions to part two are great, the item transmuter and a need to constantly pick stuff up adds greatly and pays off with great gear. The immediate traversal over terrain is great, hoping easily about, at least as cloud. Many great improvements and a recent patch to speed up story bits so they were clearly listening to complaints of the first part and of this or st least have their eye on the ball. What they have acheived so far is very impressive, lots of fun to be had and cool stuff to experience. Fingers crossed for part 3 and hopefully they'll nail it in all aspects this time.
Edit: Looked at an ending analysis. You're supposed to differentiate the worlds by the cartoon dogs, that's cool and all but so very, very stupid. The choices that branched these parallel worlds was the creator of the stamp dog and their artistic choices and that's so fucking stupid, not Cloud, Zack, Sephiroth or Aerith and Aerith who is able to exist in these handful of very specific timelines that these artists branched. That's wild, surely they'll bring in those artists to join the main cast, they are obviously the most important characters to the story. I feel like docking points. I'm skeptical and think they might have confused themselves, knowing now the script for part three was only locked in after Rebirths development ended, I'll eat my pants if the ending is concisely presented.
Last edited by LegitHyperbole - on 05 January 2025Game | When I played it | Time to Beat | Beaten? |
Portal (NSW) | Jan 4th | ~4hr | Yep. |
One down.
Name | Platform | Rating | Review |
Final Fantasy Type-0 HD | PS4 | 7.0/10 | A solid game with plenty of potential that just fails to properly realize it. Too many things in the story go unexplained, too many characters are not properly expanded upon, and as such remain distant all the way to the end. The world the game creates is fascinating, but the disjointed story and lack of character development hampers the experience. |
Currently Playing:
Beat Alan Wake 2. 8/10
Really solid game, not as great as the first cause it's so campy and a little too esoteric and meta for it's own good but I can't fault it much at all, it does exactly what it sets out to do and does it really well. The focus on more Resident Evil style survival horror is disappointing personally but it holds up well enough. The side stuff is nicely threaded too, it hooked me on finding every little thing and by the end of the game I naturally had the platinum with the final story trophy. Something about how FMV and gameplay woven together never sits right with me but this is the best ai've seen it done. Ending of the game, like most horror endings is dog shit however.
Done bits of the DLC, it's fun, I really wanna go back and finish Control now, probably will do just that.
Louie_86 said: AstroBot as of now. Started late 2024 and finished it yesterday. Honestly? Good game, for sure, but definitely shouldnt have won GOTY. |
What do you think of Metaphor?