I enjoy buying cheap indie games that are highly rated and checking out what I'm going to get without too much fuzz or investment, this year I found a market of games priced around five euro and I've snatched many up after a slight glance at reviews and scores to see if it's rate 4.5 or higher, often finding something great and very good value for money. I don't much care about loosing out to a game I don't like but I do in this case cause it's less than the price of a sandwich and fairly rare I buy 'em BUT I hate ending up booting the game and checking the trophy list only to find it's something absurdly high like 80%+ and realising, oh fuck it's a trophy whore game.
It has happened three times since I started playing five euro titles and it is so deflating because I'm left in the situation that even if I play the game and enjoy it I may not be able to play it incase I auto pop a plat and I don't want useless plats nor do I want a game I can't progress in to avoid the pop and loosing the money hurts in this scenario but more than that it has devalued my Platinum trophies and list and hurt trophies in my eyes if this is what people are doing and buying platinums. Sony can't stop selling these but they sure could create a mark of shame, or a label of shame and not to effect any accounts that have already partaken in them but have the ability to delete games like this to restore legitimacy to your account because I have to imagine that Trophy Hunters so not enjoy this and feel some level of shame already, with games like I am Mayo marking their really valued platinums they spent hundreds of hours on and buckets of sweat.
What I'm saying is, Trophy lists need a valu ranking system and showcase on an account in the same way rarity works but for games that may be designed for easy platinums that pop within minutes and two, if someone pursues these trophies and pops one, a little mark of shame needs to be added somehow and most of all, an editors pop up needs to appear, like an Anti seal of approval from Nintendo that this game is likely rated highly due to it being on the market specifically for trophies. It's too late to fix the system fully but it can be patched up in various ways and it's such a boon to the PS ecosystem, Sony know how important it is with how they design their mainline IP these days around them yet they won't protect the integrity of it.
I know people will point and say, pfft, Trophies... that's cringe, no one cares about your trophies... Well, people do. 10% of the souls player base always Platinum the good titles. Well over a million people platinumed Elden Ring, an experience that can last 200+ hours depending on how you approach it and one you have to go out of your way to pop. The system is loved. Now it needs to be put back together and made meaningful.
And after it is fixed, how about a digital trophy case you can manually arrange on your profile tab. Trophy difficulty ratings asides from rarity. Go back to the PS4 what's new menu where Trophies get shared with friends, the widget for this on ps5 is broken and pretty useless anyway, give us a scroll down menu to see what your friends are achieving. An over all strategy teophy league for all time on PSN and a seasonal thing that resets plus friend leaderboards. They have gold on their hands here, no pun, with this system. It's one of the reasons I and many others are so bullish on PS being the primary hardware for games but they won't hold up integrity of it and retroactively allowed the integrity of many legit Trophy Hunters to be weakened. Also a way to delete games with any percentage of trophies earned (It's my account, give me control please).
Rant over. Apologies if you made it this far.
Last edited by LegitHyperbole - 2 days ago