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Forums - Sony Discussion - Trophy whore games need a label or identifier and some form of shame.


Trophy system needs...

To be curated & improved 3 25.00%
To be left the same 6 50.00%
To be removed 3 25.00%
Other in comments 0 0%

I enjoy buying cheap indie games that are highly rated and checking out what I'm going to get without too much fuzz or investment, this year I found a market of games priced around five euro and I've snatched many up after a slight glance at reviews and scores to see if it's rate 4.5 or higher, often finding something great and very good value for money. I don't much care about loosing out to a game I don't like but I do in this case cause it's less than the price of a sandwich and fairly rare I buy 'em BUT I hate ending up booting the game and checking the trophy list only to find it's something absurdly high like 80%+ and realising, oh fuck it's a trophy whore game. 

It has happened three times since I started playing five euro titles and it is so deflating because I'm left in the situation that even if I play the game and enjoy it I may not be able to play it incase I auto pop a plat and I don't want useless plats nor do I want a game I can't progress in to avoid the pop and loosing the money hurts in this scenario but more than that it has devalued my Platinum trophies and list and hurt trophies in my eyes if this is what people are doing and buying platinums. Sony can't stop selling these but they sure could create a mark of shame, or a label of shame and not to effect any accounts that have already partaken in them but have the ability to delete games like this to restore legitimacy to your account because I have to imagine that Trophy Hunters so not enjoy this and feel some level of shame already, with games like I am Mayo marking their really valued platinums they spent hundreds of hours on and buckets of sweat. 

What I'm saying is, Trophy lists need a valu ranking system and showcase on an account in the same way rarity works but for games that may be designed for easy platinums that pop within minutes and two, if someone pursues these trophies and pops one, a little mark of shame needs to be added somehow and most of all, an editors pop up needs to appear, like an Anti seal of approval from Nintendo that this game is likely rated highly due to it being on the market specifically for trophies. It's too late to fix the system fully but it can be patched up in various ways and it's such a boon to the PS ecosystem, Sony know how important it is with how they design their mainline IP these days around them yet they won't protect the integrity of it. 

I know people will point and say, pfft, Trophies... that's cringe, no one cares about your trophies... Well, people do. 10% of the souls player base always Platinum the good titles. Well over a million people platinumed Elden Ring, an experience that can last 200+ hours depending on how you approach it and one you have to go out of your way to pop. The system is loved. Now it needs to be put back together and made meaningful. 

And after it is fixed, how about a digital trophy case you can manually arrange on your profile tab. Trophy difficulty ratings asides from rarity. Go back to the PS4 what's new menu where Trophies get shared with friends, the widget for this on ps5 is broken and pretty useless anyway, give us a scroll down menu to see what your friends are achieving. An over all strategy teophy league for all time on PSN and a seasonal thing that resets plus friend leaderboards. They have gold on their hands here, no pun, with this system. It's one of the reasons I and many others are so bullish on PS being the primary hardware for games but they won't hold up integrity of it and retroactively allowed the integrity of many legit Trophy Hunters to be weakened. Also a way to delete games with any percentage of trophies earned (It's my account, give me control please).

Rant over. Apologies if you made it this far. 

Last edited by LegitHyperbole - 2 days ago

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You're looking into it too much for your own good.

That said, the system is probably a bit flawed. Curation would probably be nice, but it's never going to happen. Another simple improvement (although this is probably debatable) would be awarding points for each trophy based on how rare it is. But then we'd have a constantly living system that's also parallel to the bronze/silver/gold distinction, so it adds a notable amount of complexity to the system.

The practical solution is to either care less or focus your attention on any of the unofficial trophy hunting sites that actually do value the trophies appropriately.

Some games will always be easier to platinum than others, so it will never be a fair system no matter what they do.

I just checked your platinums and I just don't get it how you can live with yourself and how must your ancestors feel?

Anyway I honestly don't care about someone's platinums, it is rare that I check.

I dont think most people care about this as much as you do. I like trophy/achievement support because often times it will tell me about content in the game that I havent experienced, but I dont compare the amount of trophies I have with other people or wether it was too easy or too hard to plat a game. That seems unimportant. Its normal that some games are gonna be easier to plat than others. High profile games rarely are very easy to plat.

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Louie_86 said:

I dont think most people care about this as much as you do. I like trophy/achievement support because often times it will tell me about content in the game that I havent experienced, but I dont compare the amount of trophies I have with other people or wether it was too easy or too hard to plat a game. That seems unimportant. Its normal that some games are gonna be easier to plat than others. High profile games rarely are very easy to plat.

Nah, I think a lot of people have got on board in the last few years, Platinum rates are ever increasing albeit, many games have more easy platinums, like you mentioned but that same thing is what got us all hooked, I think when people get their first plat it isn't their last and they plat games that they love gping forward. I only do that myself, so no, ot's not that I care like I'm one .01%er. Nah, there are many millions of us out there. Now it's not just easy and short games either (although Adtrobot foes have some amount of chalange in it as I hear) but to see Ff Rebirth Platinum at over 2%  is wild considering it takes actual skill to do it and it could take over 200 hours depending on your skill level and wheter you planned for it or not, I'm not one to go that far, very rarely but I like plating games that I've finished but haven't lost interest yet and the platinum extends the life of the game. Like I extended MGS5 from an eighty hour game into a 250 hour game cause of the platinum andnI ringtone loose interest in the game cause it's so good and it gave me so much more goals and content to engage with the game.

I think there are millions of us now and more coming in all the yime as people display their plats on social media and see their friends plating games, the ones in-between no trophy hunting and trophy whoring, we just wanna see that ultimate sign off on a game we love and end up plating like a hafe dozen games a year and I think PS wrap up confirmed this wcause all the numbers are so similar to mine. If there 1.5 million people in Elden Ring going for the platinum and looking up guides then the number of semi casual Trophy Hunters has to be much more than that since not everyone likes the same games. I'm gonna give a wild guess and say 10% of PS4 and PS5 gamers are casual Teophy Hunters in the way mentioned and I'm probably under cutting that. Astrobot is at 20 percent like, that 400k people that went that far, many games 30% is the general average of who simply finish video games but now, platinum numbers are closing in to meet that average. 

Idk, I wish Sony would give some kind of stat release as to how many players do trophies and plats per year and what now compared to the install base. That'd be cool. 

konnichiwa said:

I just checked your platinums and I just don't get it how you can live with yourself and how must your ancestors feel?

Anyway I honestly don't care about someone's platinums, it is rare that I check.

I like to see scroll through people's and see what kind of a gamer they are and I do care for them. Sometimes I'm impressed when someone has a platinum that I know I wouldn't have the skill or patience to achieve and I always congratulate people on my friends list when they pop a real good plat and they are happy to thankful. People popping trophies isn't just some big dick competition, it's about praising games we love and adore. 

KLXVER said:

Some games will always be easier to platinum than others, so it will never be a fair system no matter what they do.

True, but there is a point when it gets ridiculous. The game I bought, Void Gore has all progression tied to trophies and literally nothing you do to earn those trophies outside of continuing the game. Or there is My name if Mayo where the whole goal is to do nothing but tap to earn a trophy and many other who have followed this path. Now compare that to something like Cat Quest which does the same but it actually makes you do stuff outside of the campaign to earn the trophy and is designed to make you engage with the game in full. It should be curated uring the approval process, is all I'm saying and if it's a auto popper Sony should sens back a doc with the trophies that aren't acceptable to some Nintendo seal of approval type deal. 

Zkuq said:

You're looking into it too much for your own good.

That said, the system is probably a bit flawed. Curation would probably be nice, but it's never going to happen. Another simple improvement (although this is probably debatable) would be awarding points for each trophy based on how rare it is. But then we'd have a constantly living system that's also parallel to the bronze/silver/gold distinction, so it adds a notable amount of complexity to the system.

The practical solution is to either care less or focus your attention on any of the unofficial trophy hunting sites that actually do value the trophies appropriately.

Can you recommend any of those sites?

I don't think Sony would ever want to put in the effort to change points based on rarity and that would require the points changing over time. Sure, some websites have already done it so it's not a crazy amount of effort. But again, Sony doesn't care.
I do think shovel ware whether easy trophies or not does need to be cracked down on greatly. Asset flips need to be reduced greatly by the amount that flood the store and hundreds of the trophy spam games should be delisted from the PS Store to reduce the clutter.

Lifetime Sales Predictions 

Switch: 161 million (was 73 million, then 96 million, then 113 million, then 125 million, then 144 million, then 151 million, then 156 million)

PS5: 115 million (was 105 million) Xbox Series S/X: 48 million (was 60 million, then 67 million, then 57 million)

PS4: 120 mil (was 100 then 130 million, then 122 million) Xbox One: 51 mil (was 50 then 55 mil)

3DS: 75.5 mil (was 73, then 77 million)

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