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Forums - General Discussion - Explain Your Username

The first 4 letters from my name (Alexandre), plus I'm a Sonic the Hedgehog fan.

PS: This nickname is a bit embarassing to me on current days... I don't know, it feels kinda childish...

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My user name mjk45 , is made up of my initials and the addition of 45 came about later ,I found out the ISP my mum was on had a small gaming site so I joined using just my initials for my user name, not long after (this was a long time ago) the network moved from ADSL to Broadband and we had to redo our usernames but when i went to redo mine it told me it was taken so I added the number 1 at the end only to get the same answer after doing this up to around 8 with the same result I randomly chose 45 and that was accepted . it turned out that my original username wasn't taken at all but they had made the letter/number combination a minimum of 5 but failed to notify us

Research shows Video games  help make you smarter, so why am I an idiot

I got an Xbox 360 in 2006. The thing asked me to create an online account and choose a name. I didn't care, I just wanted to play Gears of War. So I chose random and it spit out OdinHades. I just rolled with it and used it for anything else, lol. So basically Microsoft gave me my username.

Official member of VGC's Nintendo family, approved by the one and only RolStoppable. I feel honored.

The hip hop group G-Unit was pretty big in the area I grew up in and I had to come up with a gamertag when Xbox Live launched. Don’t remember what game it was for but I had the gamertag for about a year before Halo 2 released. So on the spot I decided to do a play on the G-Unit name. And stylized it a bit lol. I thought I was pretty cool at the time xD

EDIT: It was Unreal Championship lol. I loved the hell out of Unreal Tournament and I lost my mind when I found out Xbox got an exclusive Unreal game. So I came up with my G2ThaUNiT gamertag to play that game online. 

Last edited by G2ThaUNiT - on 23 December 2024

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

OdinHades said:

I got an Xbox 360 in 2006. The thing asked me to create an online account and choose a name. I didn't care, I just wanted to play Gears of War. So I chose random and it spit out OdinHades. I just rolled with it and used it for anything else, lol. So basically Microsoft gave me my username.

Well, you have a fairly godly username that was given to you, so that's something!

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CourageTCD said:

Well, mine is pretty obvious. My favorite cartoon character/cartoon TV show is Courage, The Cowadly Dog, so CourageTCD it is.

...Are you not the dog from the show?? You must be kidding here, right? You're Courage the Cowardly Dog!

My name on AIM was Axemblade, which is a reference to Axem Rangers ship from Super Mario RPG. I can’t remember why I changed the spelling. Maybe I lost that screen name for some reason but I created a new one under Axumblade. So I kept it up. Thought about changing it to the correct spelling a few years ago but never went through with it. Maybe I will one day. 😅

I used to play Ragnarok Online a lot before, and many RPGs. I always like to chose a Knight, Crusader, or any armored warrior. Usually I went by Black Knight or a combination of those. It was always used on most servers. So I opted for Knightmare, which is also used on most servers. So this is how i ended up with Knitemare. Still pretty common, but sometimes i get lucky and manage to be the first one on the servers.


"We all make choices, but in the end, our choices make us" - Andrew Ryan, Bioshock.

Literally copied from the (now defunct) publisher. Tried changing my then Xbox acc to it and surprised it was still available. Stuck ever since.

Ride The Chariot | ‘25 Completed

I was literally a newspaper delivery boy back when I joined this site (not anymore though), and my real name is Justin which explains the "J."