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Forums - General Discussion - How often do you floss?


How often do you floss

Every day 6 24.00%
Almost every day 5 20.00%
Every other day 2 8.00%
Once or twice a week 4 16.00%
About a couple times a month 4 16.00%
Just before seeing the dentist 0 0%
Only when the dentist does it for me 0 0%
I can't remember the last time I flossed 2 8.00%
I flossed a few times as ... 0 0%
I don't think I've ever flossed 2 8.00%
Koragg said:

I dont have any gaps between my teeth, do I even need to?

Maybe even more so. That definitely means the brush isn’t getting to those places. Decay and tartar can get in those places very easily. A water pick is also very handy, especially below the gumline. 

Around the Network

Brush once in the morning and at night and floss every night.

Bad breath is mostly caused by what you eat (especially in the morning). Dairy is a common culprit. Probably ask your dentist.

In general regular cleaning immediately after eating/drinking anything is more important than what exact cleaning process you use.


No. Just no. I don't and I haven't.

Around the Network

When it feels like I need to floss, usually two times per week. I just wait for that. Maybe more around meaty meal times, I often floss after a steak or some chicken.

Zkuq said:

No. Just no. I don't and I haven't.

You'd be surprised what ends up on that string. Honestly. You should. 

BraLoD said:



Koragg said:

I dont have any gaps between my teeth, do I even need to?

YES! You need to. I have no gaps but what ends up on that string is surprising. Please floss. 

Otter said:

I only floss like 2x a week unless I eat something where I feel gets stuck between my teeth. I gargle mouthwash a similar amount, or use it daily when I'm reacting to any weird symptons I get like tooth/gum aches, weird tastes, smells (sign of infection or bacteria build up)

Exactly. Same as you.