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Forums - Sports Discussion - Post your workout today

I commuted to work yesterday and I also had a commute to a work meeting. In the end it was about 20km on bike. My work also has too many stairs and all the walking really keeping me healthy. I am trying to eat more, otherwise I will quickly skeletonize myself.

Before my summer vacation in America, my friends commented on my face looking really thin. I gained 25lbs on that trip, but it is quickly falling off again. It is tougher to go out during winter and eat at restaurants with the cold air.

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Wanked last night, wanked this morning. Does that count?

My newest toy is a Shakti mat. These are accupressure mats with little plastic ends that stick into your back as you lay on it. The mat has been an incredible hack for my life. I get more sleep now, and am more motivated in general. I feel more focused, i guess because using the mat gives an upgrade to my dopamine. But i'm motivated to work out more, get more chores and business of life stuff done as well now. I've had adhd all of my life and even though i've grown out of it to some degree, it still has a negative effect in that i'm generally unmotivated to get stuff done lol. But this is helping, a lot.

Definitely reccomend the Shakti mats if you like wholistic health stuff.

This morning i did a little more than usual. I got 1000 calories burned on my spin bike, did 10 minutes of alternating reverse military presses and upright rows. I do the reverse ones because I feel like the regular overhand ones focus way too much on the lateral head of the triceps, which leaves the other parts weak.
I also did some ab wheel work. Hopefully i can get in a yoga session when i get off of work.

Later, y'all.

Today i did 800 calories on my bike and started doing KB swings like the Strongfirst guys...... did 5 reps EMOM, just had a 20 lb kb. But i'll build that up, no doubt about it. I feel it in my intercostals, shoulders, hams, glutes, abs, and lower back. It may not have worked the quads much but i still do biking. The anti-glycolytic training is different........ it supposedly allows you to give solid reps because you get that rest in, and don't go near to failure. So, more power is always created. I want to do the 10K swing protocol (in a month), but i'll have to build up to that. I may also start doing EMOM singles with my 70 lb kb. We'll see. The guys on another forum said that they lost some bodyfat and cardio improved, as well as things like pullups and forearms got better. So, looking forward to getting shredded from this. I'll see how far i can go with it.

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I went for a run yesterday (I do every other day). Yesterday was a bit different, -7c with 70 kph wind gusts. I did my 16 km route, bit slower running in pants, shirt, long sleeve shirt, heavy sweater, balaclava, 2 pairs of gloves. Getting up the hill against the wind wasn't easy.

Anyway no matter how cold, I still get warm while running apart from my hands. It did take until bedtime for my feet to feel warm again.

I decided to take an easy day, b/c was sore from the kb swings.

-13 km on spin bike
-Ab work, consisting of my ab wheel and a 10 minute ab workout.

My back still gets tired. It got tired way before my legs did. So i'm doing more abs so that my spinal erectors and whatever else moves your spine back can have room to get stronger. I'll probably get back on the kb swings again tomorrow.

Overall, work went really well and I felt a lot more powerful. Those swings work! Everything seems stronger. So, i'm sold on their value. I just need to do some ab work to stay balanced and cardio (bike or walking) and i'll be golden.


Last edited by shavenferret - on 14 December 2024


Nice day today (-2c sunny) and the Weekend so I went for a longer run today. A bit over 27 km, 2h20 run. My legs were starting to get tired towards the end, already recovered after a hot shower. I had a bit of a race on the trail with a mountain biker, I won lol. Frozen rocky ground is not great for cycling, easy to roll an ankle on as well but after many years I know every bump on the trails. (Still slipped twice today, but no damage)

This is the forest part of my route

Normally 21.7 km including starting from home and back. I added on another 5.6 km today along the rail trail. The home part of my route has lots of nice variations to extend the length depending on how I feel. Today felt great :)

Last edited by SvennoJ - on 18 December 2024