Today i did 800 calories on my bike and started doing KB swings like the Strongfirst guys...... did 5 reps EMOM, just had a 20 lb kb. But i'll build that up, no doubt about it. I feel it in my intercostals, shoulders, hams, glutes, abs, and lower back. It may not have worked the quads much but i still do biking. The anti-glycolytic training is different........ it supposedly allows you to give solid reps because you get that rest in, and don't go near to failure. So, more power is always created. I want to do the 10K swing protocol (in a month), but i'll have to build up to that. I may also start doing EMOM singles with my 70 lb kb. We'll see. The guys on another forum said that they lost some bodyfat and cardio improved, as well as things like pullups and forearms got better. So, looking forward to getting shredded from this. I'll see how far i can go with it.