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Nice day today (-2c sunny) and the Weekend so I went for a longer run today. A bit over 27 km, 2h20 run. My legs were starting to get tired towards the end, already recovered after a hot shower. I had a bit of a race on the trail with a mountain biker, I won lol. Frozen rocky ground is not great for cycling, easy to roll an ankle on as well but after many years I know every bump on the trails. (Still slipped twice today, but no damage)

This is the forest part of my route

Normally 21.7 km including starting from home and back. I added on another 5.6 km today along the rail trail. The home part of my route has lots of nice variations to extend the length depending on how I feel. Today felt great :)

Last edited by SvennoJ - on 18 December 2024