SvennoJ said:
LegitHyperbole said:
I can't believe how well presented Cyberpunk is, the most natural animations and body language from NPC's I've ever seen in a game even better than TLOU2 or RDR2. All the small details and how you run into NPCs so organically and naturally while they do their own thing and move about doing stuff while they talke is astounding. All these small details is very impressive.ÂÂ
And the campaign, my God, I can't think of a single game that is cooler, it even beats COD games or Doom with how it makes you feel and amps you up but the trick is the pacing, having down time then reving up and repeating that process is masterfully done here. My only complaint is the map markers, I wish there was something else they could do instead of having to check the map for side stuff.ÂÂ
Sounds great. Sadly the game is forever tarnished in my book. How it all went down at release and the disrespect by management to those that put so much overtime into it, I can never enjoy it. CDPR to me represents the worst of the hype building, false promises by marketing and release broken product, fix later. (Or not, last gen versions were simply abandoned)
I feel the same about Acti/Blizzard, hence I'm not touching Diablo 4 despite it having co-op.
So we're playing more Path of Exile 2. We did a few maps on Act 2 in cruel yesterday, much easier now than in normal. I can still get one hit killed but boosted my freeze ability more so now I'm quickly freezing any threat. Basically I jump from enemy to enemy to freeze them while my wife shatters them. Crowd control. It works on bosses as well, just need to get 'lucky' the freezes happen at opportune times.
Indeed @Mummelmann The best defense is a brutal offense. With all out new abilities, scorched and lightning earth, slams, stampeded, jagged earth, shattering palm, charged staff, it looks like a Peter F. Hamilton space battle goes off. Fights only last a few seconds so even when we die it's just more xp/loot.
Whirling wind / dashing over the screen with charged staff pretty much feels like this lol

We defeated the Bone pits boss (Mastodon quest) first try. First round (normal mode) we had no chance there and had to come back way later.
It's starting to become a 'cozy' game as well. Of course from playing together first, but the light show in dark zones is also a true spectacle. The lighting is great, lovely shadows everywhere and colors and HDR highlights from all the spells.
But we'll see how Act 2 boss goes later on, I'm probably speaking too soon :p
Tonight time to try out some more upgrades. Since I'm using a 'fire hat' still we found in Act 2 last time, we've been taking advantage of dmg against ignited enemies, and now also looking for anything against enemies inflicted by ailments. Since everything in range is always either on fire or frozen, it's permanent damage buffs. (Doesn't reflect in the DPS shown in skills unfortunately. Rerouting 10% spell dmg to 12% spell dmg against inflicted dropped my dps from 2000+ to a bit below 2000, it would be nice if it gave a breakdown instead of just a base number) My wife now has 30% additional fire dmg against ignited enemies, she was just above 4000 dps, so should now be 5,200 dps before other modifiers. That should make a difference tonight. More chaos.
First off, they simply got too ambitious with with what they were doing and ya can't really blame them for the hardware being so behind what they were attempting to do, the fact that it was playable from start to finish on ps4 at all was a miracle and the stats show more than the average count finished it, so people at least loved the campaign and yeah but you get the free PS5 upgrade. I know they can't fix PS4 but they solved it for costumers at least. I'm willing to forgive them anyway, especially since the final product is this good. Like I can't explain to you how good this is now and I hear Pahntom Liberty is even better. I can't say yet cause I'm barely into it in this version but it looks like a 10 if not a masterpiece and I'd have rated the ps4 version, game overall all a 4 and a bit line campaign run at 6.
If we don't forgive these companies then noone will have incentive to even attempt a No mans Sky like fix. Think about Athem, bare bones game that could easily have been brought back in and made better or repurposed into a single player game cause the mechanics and vore of it were super solid. Same with ME Andromeda and many other games, we are in the digital age, this isn't like games go Gold and that's it, even the most polished games provide fixes and updates after release and it's the broken ones that are abandoned, forgiving and taking the win of a fixed game means more will be fixed in the future and there will always be and has always been broken or really shit products right back to the first generation, they could never fix or upgrade them back then like E.T for example but they can now. Hell, the Witcher 3 needed much fixing at launch, not as bad as Cyberpunk but it took to months to get that game fixed and years to perfect it along side releasing the DLCs and that game was a 10 even in launch state with the technical issues, damn, you could barely use the map on ps4 cause it was so jittery, while sections of the game (which were tough areas) that the FPS was so bad it would get you killed constantly but it was fully complete and no one really or demanded fixes nor complained and yet they fixed it anyway.
Yes, you could argue it would have the lean on and take advantage of this to release EA titles but I don't see that happening cause they would be doing this for free and everyone wants the best reception at launch with lots of sales and word of mouth buzz. You're playing Path Of Excile 2 now, you paid for essentially the same thing, many paid for Divinity OS 1 & 2 in EA, at least Cyberpunk was completely playable at launch and was such a good game that despite the technical issues many saw it through to the end and it had a high completion rate on PS4 for that size of game, above the average of 30%. You also have thousands of hours in GT sport which launched without a career mode only to be added in later, I don't see the difference. To have it fixed for free when they didn't need to do it is something that should be applauded. It could easily have been abandoned lile so many EA games or Live service failures, hell we live in a time when the game you bought can be removed from you six months down the line.
Cyberpunk being fixed is a good thing. And honestly man, this shit was and still is so fucking cool, it just back at release it was a rough diamond, now it's a really polished diamond and the added in some gold on the side in new content and QoL. You're missing out on something spectacular and really special. There really is no other game that feels this "Next gen", not yet anyway. I'd be surprised if GTA manages some of the stuff that they have achieved here especially with the details in animations and how you interact with NPCs.
Last edited by LegitHyperbole - on 07 January 2025