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Added Cyberpunk 2077 back into rotation, this games story is so fucking good, it was amazing even with the disaster the game was on PS4 but now that things are all glitch free it's beyond that, game feels like a "Next gen" experience but it's how cool it is that's what tickles, it's so fucking fresh and flashy. The music, the intensity of the scenes, the gunplay, the animations, the pacing of the story beats, it's all so fucking wildly specatcular.

I hope people returned to this one in masses on 9th gen and didn't just write it off. Just done the Relic mission and the stuff after all Glitch free, no falling through the world, Jakie didn't glitch out once,nl the whole thing just went smooth as butter and didn't have to reload the game once since I started my playthrough, even the texture static is almost gone. I can't wait to do the takamura car scene the way it was ment to be presented, looking forward to a lot of stuff in this game actually.

I highly expect this is now a masterpiece and it blows my mind that this game went from almost unplayable to completely fixed. Mind blown that this turned out to be even better than the No mans Sky situation and devs have no excuses anymore to not fix broken games even if it is a console generation later. Fix 'em up, repackage and give the fixed game for free to people who own it, perhaps then your too big to fail dev studio may actually survive through good will.

Last edited by LegitHyperbole - on 06 January 2025