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Jumpin said:

Witcher 3 is another I'm playing a lot of. Specifically, Witcher 3: Hearts of Stone on Death March mode.

Do I recommend one of my absolute favourite games of all time? Absolutely.

Also, I'm playing it on Switch. I do plan on playing one of the high-end versions later, but I'm holding out to see if Switch 2 gets a proper upgrade for it. But otherwise, I'll just play it later. Not sure which version this guy's playing, but the Switch version looks about the same, so I'm assuming the original.

I just did this fight, not the most difficult of the last three boss battles - the one before being the Ofieri Mage, which I managed in one go - but his henchmen led to me taking a bunch of damage, and the Frog Prince, who killed me about 20 times (the loading is where the Switch version hurts the most for me, especially in the early battles against the Prince where I wasn't as active and died in about 2-4 seconds. I'm guessing on PS5 there isn't any loading, at least not ~45 seconds worth after a death. As a note, I'm level 92 and wearing Mastercrafted Legendary Forgotten Wolven Gear - and that frog bastard was still able to kill me in one hit with a direct hit with that tongue - the key is always to stay moving, to the side, and take your hits when you see them and don't get greedy - if you've leveled stuff up enough, you should be able to survive all of the other Frog Prince's attacks, including a non-direct hit from the tongue.

But anyway, Olgierd - I love this fight and I love the spectacle of the whole thing. As a note, see the idiot cheering by the house beside the fire. In my game, Olgierd actually smashed into him, knocking him into the fire, and the guy went up like a torch, screaming. Wish I could find a video where that happens.

I'll also say I did significantly better than this player, and in a flashier style, than this guy did against Olgierd. One battle, no damage. Of course, I'd gotten in a ton of practice with my current build against Ilmerith, Caranthir, Eredin, the Toad Prince, and the Ofieri Mage over the last little bit.

If I may critique this guy's battle, I see several major problems:

  • He's not nimble enough on his feet, charging right in and attempting to exchange heavy blows with Olgierd is asking to get smashed. His style also looks clunky. First, he needs to keep dodging, not attacking when he's face to face with Olgierd, leaving himself open repeatedly. He should be constantly hopping to the side and avoiding all hits.
  • He used a roll to escape Olgierd. Don't. Aside from the stamina expenditure, it is also a clunkier way to evade. Instead, just hop to the side. Rolls should be used offensively to get to the side or back of Olgierd for a quick attack or two, or a whirlwind.
  • Speaking of quick attacks, he's not using them. Speaking of whirlwind, he clearly has the skill equipped, but he only uses it like 2-3 times. I was using it far more frequently, sometimes landing 4-5 hits on Olgierd.
  • Since he's actually taking damage, Ehkidna and Ekimmara Decoctions work wonders (and have some skills that function that increase toxicity tolerance).
  • When his Quen is down, he needs to back off and re-cast. Also, equip the explosion skill; when Olgierd connects, it will stun him and deal some damage.

.....Or do what this guy does and parry Olgierd's power hits... which is well above my skill level. And no doubt above the above player's.

I read your comment in the other thread too, very good stuff. I did have trouble with the frog my first time too and got stuff on the fight after washing ashore but tbh, the only fight I have actual trouble with in this game, aside from early stuff, is the three Witches when Ciri tags along. That's a bottle neck for me but I can take on pretty much everything else under leveled once I get my andrinline, quen build going. Using those passives is so OP.

Tbh, I can't remember fighting Olgeird... I'm drawing a blank and I've done Hearts of Stone three times. 

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Playing Persona 3 reload and got to the 2nd roadblock.

This game is extremely duality compared with other atlus games with hours upon hours of social stuff and then a marathon in the dungeon. But still, I already have the main song stuck in my head, and it feels like I am making good progress so it is still very fun. Saw some old pictures of the PS2 version and wow this game looks nice compared to what it used to have.

Now I am feeling like I should play Persona 4 at some point.

LegitHyperbole said:
DavidValbu said:

I am currently playing Red Dead Redemption on Nintendo Switch. Great Game, lookin forward to play Its sequel.
I Strongly recommend Dark Souls Remastered, Shin Megami Tensei V and Hollow Knight!

You're in for a test with RDR2, the game has small issues but it overcomes them easily and is one of the best stories it gaming. Just pace yourself, don't try to force your way through. Take time to stop and smell the roses and play in a laid back sort of way and you'll have a golden game on your hands. 

Definitely a game to take slow. My most watched you tube video ever is a canoe ride down Dakota river lol.

I didn't enjoy the story mission all that much (mostly shooting galleries)

Here 'testing' the game at 17 minutes, enemy spawns really never end!

It's old style rush to next 'checkpoint' style game play.

But damn do I wish I could roam around that map again in PSVR2.

LegitHyperbole said:
Jumpin said:

Witcher 3 is another I'm playing a lot of. Specifically, Witcher 3: Hearts of Stone on Death March mode.

Do I recommend one of my absolute favourite games of all time? Absolutely.

Also, I'm playing it on Switch. I do plan on playing one of the high-end versions later, but I'm holding out to see if Switch 2 gets a proper upgrade for it. But otherwise, I'll just play it later. Not sure which version this guy's playing, but the Switch version looks about the same, so I'm assuming the original.

I just did this fight, not the most difficult of the last three boss battles - the one before being the Ofieri Mage, which I managed in one go - but his henchmen led to me taking a bunch of damage, and the Frog Prince, who killed me about 20 times (the loading is where the Switch version hurts the most for me, especially in the early battles against the Prince where I wasn't as active and died in about 2-4 seconds. I'm guessing on PS5 there isn't any loading, at least not ~45 seconds worth after a death. As a note, I'm level 92 and wearing Mastercrafted Legendary Forgotten Wolven Gear - and that frog bastard was still able to kill me in one hit with a direct hit with that tongue - the key is always to stay moving, to the side, and take your hits when you see them and don't get greedy - if you've leveled stuff up enough, you should be able to survive all of the other Frog Prince's attacks, including a non-direct hit from the tongue.

But anyway, Olgierd - I love this fight and I love the spectacle of the whole thing. As a note, see the idiot cheering by the house beside the fire. In my game, Olgierd actually smashed into him, knocking him into the fire, and the guy went up like a torch, screaming. Wish I could find a video where that happens.

I'll also say I did significantly better than this player, and in a flashier style, than this guy did against Olgierd. One battle, no damage. Of course, I'd gotten in a ton of practice with my current build against Ilmerith, Caranthir, Eredin, the Toad Prince, and the Ofieri Mage over the last little bit.

If I may critique this guy's battle, I see several major problems:

  • He's not nimble enough on his feet, charging right in and attempting to exchange heavy blows with Olgierd is asking to get smashed. His style also looks clunky. First, he needs to keep dodging, not attacking when he's face to face with Olgierd, leaving himself open repeatedly. He should be constantly hopping to the side and avoiding all hits.
  • He used a roll to escape Olgierd. Don't. Aside from the stamina expenditure, it is also a clunkier way to evade. Instead, just hop to the side. Rolls should be used offensively to get to the side or back of Olgierd for a quick attack or two, or a whirlwind.
  • Speaking of quick attacks, he's not using them. Speaking of whirlwind, he clearly has the skill equipped, but he only uses it like 2-3 times. I was using it far more frequently, sometimes landing 4-5 hits on Olgierd.
  • Since he's actually taking damage, Ehkidna and Ekimmara Decoctions work wonders (and have some skills that function that increase toxicity tolerance).
  • When his Quen is down, he needs to back off and re-cast. Also, equip the explosion skill; when Olgierd connects, it will stun him and deal some damage.

.....Or do what this guy does and parry Olgierd's power hits... which is well above my skill level. And no doubt above the above player's.

I read your comment in the other thread too, very good stuff. I did have trouble with the frog my first time too and got stuff on the fight after washing ashore but tbh, the only fight I have actual trouble with in this game, aside from early stuff, is the three Witches when Ciri tags along. That's a bottle neck for me but I can take on pretty much everything else under leveled once I get my andrinline, quen build going. Using those passives is so OP.

Tbh, I can't remember fighting Olgeird... I'm drawing a blank and I've done Hearts of Stone three times. 

The trick to the Crones is patience. It is a longer fight. Keep your distance as much as possible, and stay moving. The goal is to try to get behind the crones for a strike or two (depending if you're using fast or strong attacks), but get out of there as soon as you can. If Ciri gets hit, back off and don't try to engage again until her HP recovers to about 80% or higher. As long as she's zooming around, they can't hit her. Focus on one (I take down the Brewess first, since she's the biggest and most dangerous) but don't shy away from hitting the others if you can. Even when the fight is coming to a close, don't compromise your strategy.

Also, if you are far enough away, and have the three in sight, use a blink attack (holding down the R2) and smash all three - but if you think you're about to get hit while charging, abort.

Once you get the hang of using Ciri, she feels overpowered against everything she fights - even on Death March.

Here's a video with a good approximation:

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

I’d definitely recommend NAIAD. Reminds me a lot of Flower in its zen. Super fluid 1 analogue control and performance wise is rock solid, it’s one of those super colourful games that looks stunning on a 4K OLED.

Ride The Chariot | ‘25 Completed

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Jumpin said:
LegitHyperbole said:

I read your comment in the other thread too, very good stuff. I did have trouble with the frog my first time too and got stuff on the fight after washing ashore but tbh, the only fight I have actual trouble with in this game, aside from early stuff, is the three Witches when Ciri tags along. That's a bottle neck for me but I can take on pretty much everything else under leveled once I get my andrinline, quen build going. Using those passives is so OP.

Tbh, I can't remember fighting Olgeird... I'm drawing a blank and I've done Hearts of Stone three times. 

The trick to the Crones is patience. It is a longer fight. Keep your distance as much as possible, and stay moving. The goal is to try to get behind the crones for a strike or two (depending if you're using fast or strong attacks), but get out of there as soon as you can. If Ciri gets hit, back off and don't try to engage again until her HP recovers to about 80% or higher. As long as she's zooming around, they can't hit her. Focus on one (I take down the Brewess first, since she's the biggest and most dangerous) but don't shy away from hitting the others if you can. Even when the fight is coming to a close, don't compromise your strategy.

Also, if you are far enough away, and have the three in sight, use a blink attack (holding down the R2) and smash all three - but if you think you're about to get hit while charging, abort.

Once you get the hang of using Ciri, she feels overpowered against everything she fights - even on Death March.

Here's a video with a good approximation:

The witches are definitely the hardest fight imo

Beaten FF7 Rebirth and I have thoughts I need to throw into the aether. 

Such a hard game to judge, on one hand it's amazing what they've done and on the other so many little things, much like in Remake add up to bring the game down and then it's tougher to judge knowing the team produced this during covid and in pretty swift time. It is so very close to a 10/10, they improved so much over Remake, the music which is a feat, the side content which is a bit bloated but really fun and it's up to you if you want to engage, even the combat and itemization is better but they just can't seem to cohesively make the game work and fall into the same poor design choices as Remake. First 70% of the game is damn near perfect, everything moves fluidly and it's all paced so well that doing side content is fun to engage with and feels natural to do while progressing the story, a masterstroke but towards the end it breaks down for many reasons but one in particular, the game drags much like Remake, I had to take a break and play something else to refresh during the latter half so something was clearly off. 

What needs to be improved for part 3 and reasons this game isn't a ten for me although it so very well could have been:

***Spoilers ahead maybe***

  • A common design language between mini games, genre bending works in games like Neir Automata or Dave the Diver because there is a cohesive language that allows the player to instantly or at least easily move into a new "mini game" without have to learn a new set of deep mechanics. My heart sank when I came across some of the protorelic mini games and I choose to give up with Robots and Gambits and having to learn yet another set of fairly deep mechanics, although I really wanted to see the conclusion to the story line. Some main story mini games are atrocious, Cait Siths section in particular. 
  • Stop with the traps. They have to stop causing the player to be set back and gain their way out of scenarios that are deigned to set the player back and escape fron them. Falling into a ravine and having to escape or being locked into an actual trap set by the enemy. This is not fun progression and feels like padding. 
  • Terrain traversal around some of the later maps is confusing and frustrating. Some areas of interested are guided with birds or other indicators like Ghost of Tsuhima and all map icons need this feature. 
  • What they did to Red 13s character is unforgivable. Had it happened much earlier it wouldn't have been so jarring but it's an absolute sin, in my book.
  • Image quality issues in performance, while you get used to it and some areas are actually great looking when they are more confined the early game and more open bits have terrible texture pop in and general instability. No excuse, seems like an engine or dev team problem more than a lack of power problem. 
  • Giving me the solution to a puzzle or obstacle before I have even had a thought, sometimes before I knew I had an obstacle or puzzle ahead of me. 
  • Difficulty scaling, hopping between difficulties to keep things interesting but then lowering it cause the sponge just isn't worth it. Difficulty should never be just more spongey enemies.
  • Bosses with cutscenes in the middle once you hit a certain threshold, makes it all feel like a set piece rather than a boss, a trend inherited from Remake that I wish they'd stop with. Mini bosses are more fun. 
  • Bloating every area a little too much, this is a double edged sword, the side content is so fun but there is a definite feeling of bloat and as I mentioned above padding for length which is a bigger sin. They could have pulled back on so much of the chadley stuff and it'd be a better experience. Half the content and make it more impactful and rewarding, the checklist is too much and wears thin in the latter half of the game. 
  • Climbing and slowed progression towards the end, another form of slowing things down for length that Remake did constantly, here it is less of an issue and only near the very end but it's there none the less. 
  • Minor story issues. The ridiculous Deus Ex machina whispers aspect, the swapping between worlds and what not, it's intriguing, I understand what they are trying to do but I think in trying it, they just couldn't convey the way they intended. Kinda like the show Lost, it's a fun ride if you don't take it to seriously. 
  • Chadley constantly interrupting after every single map item cleared. 
  • Naming every single little action during quests, it's tacky. Just name the quest, no need to telegraph every action the players makes with some cringey phrase. 
  • A common JRPG problem of extending the ending sections and not knowing when to call it quits or in this case creating a bit of a slog to get through. A well designed, spectacle filled and well presented one, but a slog none the less. Something very impactful happens in the story, a character dies and it is supposed to gut wrench you but you're just left wondering is it another subversion, another end that isn't the end or if it's happening in the characters minds or if she's dead in this world or that world or whatever world cause at this point it's unclear before we find out what has actually happened and they make clear that we are dealing with many worlds and the characters are definitely zapping between parralel universes, even then it's still unclear if this is happening through sci fi or as something in the characters minds cause cloud seems to be in between worlds...or is it in his mind or is it physically reality...ugh, this is annoying as all fuck. That said, Japanese devs need to know when to put the breaks on their stories, especially since this is a part of three titles, tighten it up, make it clearer. 
  • Over spectacle. Big flashy moments works when used relatively sparingly or separated by long subdued pacing, over use the spectacle for extended periods of time especially in succession and it looses all effect, if not become less and less cool only to become tacky and cringe inducing.  

Despite all these issues though the game elevates itself high above them and is an easy, strong 9/10, and so very close to a 10 with cohesiveness being the main shortcomings. With part 3 I hope they can identify and rectify these issues and I pray they don't aim for more bloat and more mini games (blend them in better), checklists and chadley chiming in every other second.  

Some additions to part two are great, the item transmuter and a need to constantly pick stuff up adds greatly and pays off with great gear. The immediate traversal over terrain is great, hoping easily about, at least as cloud. Many great improvements and a recent patch to speed up story bits so they were clearly listening to complaints of the first part and of this or st least have their eye on the ball. What they have acheived so far is very impressive, lots of fun to be had and cool stuff to experience. Fingers crossed for part 3 and hopefully they'll nail it in all aspects this time. 

All in all, I may return to clear up the side content after a long break, It really is fun, exhausting as it is. 


Edit: Looked at an ending analysis. You're supposed to differentiate the worlds by the cartoon dogs, that's cool and all but so very, very stupid. The choices that branched these worlds was the creator/s of the stamp dog artistic choices and decisions in the artistic process, those were the branching paths that separate the timelines and that's so fucking stupid, not Cloud, Zack, Sephiroth or Aerith and Aerith is able to exist in these handful of very specific timelines that these artists branched. That's wild, surely they'll bring in those artists to join the main cast, they are obviously the most important characters to the story. I feel like docking points. I'm skeptical and think they might have confused themselves, knowing now the script for part three was only locked in after Rebirths development ended, I'll eat my pants if the ending is concisely presented. 

Last edited by LegitHyperbole - on 05 January 2025

Jumpin said:
LegitHyperbole said:

I read your comment in the other thread too, very good stuff. I did have trouble with the frog my first time too and got stuff on the fight after washing ashore but tbh, the only fight I have actual trouble with in this game, aside from early stuff, is the three Witches when Ciri tags along. That's a bottle neck for me but I can take on pretty much everything else under leveled once I get my andrinline, quen build going. Using those passives is so OP.

Tbh, I can't remember fighting Olgeird... I'm drawing a blank and I've done Hearts of Stone three times. 

The trick to the Crones is patience. It is a longer fight. Keep your distance as much as possible, and stay moving. The goal is to try to get behind the crones for a strike or two (depending if you're using fast or strong attacks), but get out of there as soon as you can. If Ciri gets hit, back off and don't try to engage again until her HP recovers to about 80% or higher. As long as she's zooming around, they can't hit her. Focus on one (I take down the Brewess first, since she's the biggest and most dangerous) but don't shy away from hitting the others if you can. Even when the fight is coming to a close, don't compromise your strategy.

Also, if you are far enough away, and have the three in sight, use a blink attack (holding down the R2) and smash all three - but if you think you're about to get hit while charging, abort.

Once you get the hang of using Ciri, she feels overpowered against everything she fights - even on Death March.

Here's a video with a good approximation:

I'll keep those tips in mind. You're probably right, probably just need to get used to ciri, her move set is OP but I fail to remember if some of it is held back at this point in the game. Regardless, I'll soon find out, any weekend now soon I'll start my go for the PS5 Platinum. Reading your comments above and in the other thread got me more hyped than I already was. Cheers. 

We beat Act 1 of PoE2 in cruel today, or rather my wife beat it.

My monk can't stay alive anymore during boss fights, one hit kills get me eventually, it's getting rather annoying. The difficulty scaling for co-op is definitely broken as I can easily defeat the same bosses on my own, yet in co-op I get 1 hit killed. My wife's Warrior survives simply due to having more hp. My Monk can't recharge his energy shield during the battle, thus the health flask only effectively heal me to 66% of my total, leaving me vulnerable to one hit kills.

It's kinda disappointing when you start talking about taking turns on the bosses single player rather than co-op them :/ It's like the game adds both our characters together and considers them as one to scale up the enemies accordingly. My wife's war cry is also not effective anymore in co-op, yet in single player it still works to wipe out the lower critters in one blow.

The game does seem to scale back down when one of us dies, so it's much easier for the other to finish the fight. The boss' HP stays the same but he calms way the fuck down and it's a totally different game.

Clearing zones together is great fun though, chaos to the max. Fireworks all over the screen in glorious HDR visuals. But then you get to a boss and repeated deaths with only one of us surviving most of the time. It took 20+ tries on the Act 1 boss again with all the random bs.

Dunno how to improve my defenses, but I do know it's pretty pointless to improve energy shield. Don't need it for regular mobs, doesn't help in boss fights. I might as well go for amour and evasion instead of energy shield stats.

Want to play on a higher difficulty, go couch co-op lol.

I finished Grand Theft Auto V on PS5 last night.

My current playing list is