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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Battle of the 8th gen losers: Wii U vs Vita vs Xbox One


I think the best is...

Wii U 36 56.25%
Vita 14 21.88%
Xbox One 14 21.88%

I'm not really one of the big Wii U defenders but it probably still had the best games here. Vita had more potential though.

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The Wii-U was my favorite console for that gen, period. It was different. Felt different, played differently. It's library was different. Playing games like Zombi-U, Mii-Verse and experiences like the TV app all made for something that felt fresh in a market that was swiftly becoming a remake/remaster/retread fest.

Even though Im not a big fan of the Xbox One, it still had the best overall library. I just played most of them on the PS4. The WiiU had the best exclusives though.

Unlike the WiiU and Vita... The Xbox One despite being over a decade old is still getting games, is still getting support... Black Ops 6 being a recent massive example.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

Pemalite said:

Unlike the WiiU and Vita... The Xbox One despite being over a decade old is still getting games, is still getting support... Black Ops 6 being a recent massive example.

That's nothing special. CoD is just shooter Madden. It will be worthless in a year.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

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For three systems that were so bad, the question should be framed as, "Which one was the least bad?"

What becomes apparent in threads like this is that the legacy of any console will be defined by which games it had, so all the blunders of hardware design and in marketing that were being talked about ad nauseum during the lifetime of these systems get pushed in a dark obscure corner. Given how these consoles were treated by their manufacturers, this is a very easy ranking too.

1. Wii U - The release schedule for it was very barren, but it had unforgettable standout titles, so owning one still wasn't a waste.

2. Vita - Lacking standout titles, it at least managed to serve a niche with its exclusive games.

3. Xbox One - It had a much bigger library than the two systems above, but the money for it was better spent on either a PC or PS4 which had the same games, but so many more benefits. The Xbox One was the poster child for redundancy until the Xbox Series came along. When you can skip a system and never have to give it a second thought again, that's pretty damning.

Legend11 correctly predicted that GTA IV will outsell Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I was wrong.

The Wii U is my favorite Nintendo console, and, just to make sure I'm clear - no I'm not joking.

It was the exact type of console I had wanted for awhile. Ability to play system with the tv off. (Its also why I love the PS Portal).

Owner of PS4 Pro, Xbox One, Switch, PS Vita, and 3DS

Unpopular opinion time - the Vita. The Wii U and Xbox One were the continuation of trends from the previous console generation that most gamers had said "thanks, but no thanks" to by the time they launched. The Vita on the other hand ended up being the forerunner of the Switch and Steam Deck in that it tried to offer current-gen console experiences on the go, and only really failed because the technology wasn't where it needed to be yet (well, that and the whole memory card fiasco).

Vita for me.

They didn't have the most outstanding games but what they did bring I really enjoyed, and along with the incomparable PS1 library makes this system more playing in my lifetime than the other two. With it being portable and OLED screen is just bonus.

I really wanted to choose the Wii U but I found that as great as a number of their single player games were, I still preferred the Vita's selections. I'd choose the Wii U if majority of my game time were with friends and family, but I'm looking at this scenario as just me gaming solo mainly.

OlfinBedwere said:

Unpopular opinion time - the Vita. The Wii U and Xbox One were the continuation of trends from the previous console generation that most gamers had said "thanks, but no thanks" to by the time they launched. The Vita on the other hand ended up being the forerunner of the Switch and Steam Deck in that it tried to offer current-gen console experiences on the go, and only really failed because the technology wasn't where it needed to be yet (well, that and the whole memory card fiasco).

Admittedly, Vita had some excuses for its failure.

Getting good specs in a handheld/mobile device is far tougher than a PC and home console and Sony pushed the expensive proprietary memory cards to make up for some of the specs and features (touchscreen, touchpad, OLED screen, etc). 

Wii U and Xbox One were coming off of Nintendo's best-selling home console to date and the best Xbox to date. It makes the sales dip and software dip more severe in comparison.

I think most people would argue Wii U and Xbox One were more disappointing successors than Vita. Yeah, PSP got a lot right. But it was held back at times by its lack of a second stick (or even a stick that wasn't a nub), UMDs, etc. I haven't seen anyone say yet how much they loved PSP and Vita was such a huge dip.

But I see that with Wii and Xbox 360 players sometimes on how Wii U and Xbox One dropped the ball. 

If my previous post didn't make it clear enough

1. Xbox One - It has almost no exclusives (console or true exclusives) now and very few in the past. If you don't use it for Kinect titles (almost no one does) it has virtually nothing going for it that Series X/S can't do. Still, it has a massive library and some awesome features. I'm getting a good amount of use out of it in the past few months as a Halo machine and other games. 

2. Vita - Most of its games are on Switch, PS4, and PC. Still, it's a sleek device with neat features. Uncharted: Golden Abyss may be the weakest of the series but it's not much weaker than Drake's Fortune and I'm glad I played it. Vita will also hold a special place in my heart for Persona 4 Golden which I played almost 2 years before it came to modern consoles. 

3. Wii U - A really good system but it didn't help that I got it the year or so before I really started branching out into games more. When I made a Steam account in mid 2015, I ended up playing Steam as often if not more than Wii U until Switch mostly replaced both for me in mid 2017. And nowadays, Wii U is the most useless to me out of all of these since I'm not currently playing Wii games and most Wii U games can be played on Switch, PC, Xbox, or PlayStation. 

Lifetime Sales Predictions 

Switch: 161 million (was 73 million, then 96 million, then 113 million, then 125 million, then 144 million, then 151 million, then 156 million)

PS5: 115 million (was 105 million) Xbox Series S/X: 40 million (was 60 million, then 67 million, then 57 million. then 48 million)

PS4: 120 mil (was 100 then 130 million, then 122 million) Xbox One: 51 mil (was 50 then 55 mil)

3DS: 75.5 mil (was 73, then 77 million)

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