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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Flawed games that you love anyway

Currently playing Blood Waves. Very flawed and buggy game but slaughtering waves upon waves of zombies is very satisfying.

Love building death machines where they meet their doom.

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I guess Cities: Skylines is worth mentioning, both the first and the second game. The second game obviously has more notable issues, but honestly, I haven't looked back since the game released. It improves in some key areas for someone who played the first game with only relatively few mods. As for the first game, traffic was both the really interesting and fun part as well as the annoying part due to the terrible traffic AI, and otherwise the game was just way, way too easy. Still, the flaws don't really get rubbed into your face, so living with them is generally easy enough. But when the second game was finally released, I was so done with all the traffic issues and the duct tape holding the game together with all the mods all their own designs that didn't really match the vanilla game. I'm sure the flaws of the second game will also start to annoy me more at some point, but I'm hoping the game gets improved enough before that happens (and I'm quite confident that's the case).

Indigo Prophecy or how it’s known in my country Fahrenheit, such an unforgettable game for me but there are some major plotholes! Lol

Target Earth/Assault Suit Leynos

Early Genesis run-gun game. Masaya is one of my favorite 16-bit-era developers. Langrisser. Assault Suits games. Hellfire. Gynoug. Cho Aniki. Gleylancer and more. It's nowhere near as polished as a Contra or Gunstar Heroes. It was a bit stiff and punishingly difficult but there is something lovely about it, from the stellar OST to some cool secrets. Finish the first level by only killing the boss and no other enemies? Unlock every weapon in the game.  For every level, you choose a loadout.  Future games were polished great games like Cybernator/Assault Suits Valken or Assault Suits Leynos 2. The first game is my favorite and it even got a great remake on PS4/Steam. It's often on sale for a couple of bucks if you like a good run-and-gun. The remake is better than the original.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

Ridge Racer Type 4 (PS1) has a horribly grind system for collecting all cars, which relates to how you basically have only one game mode where you always play the same 8 tracks with 7 opponents, starting last. Repeat 200 times (getting every possible result with every available vehicle) to get the cool Pacman car.
But it was also one of the most enjoyable driving games of the many I've played.

There would be many games I played once, enjoyed for some reason, but hated certain parts.
Mafia 1 (original) had much great, but FPS parts were awful.
Nocturne is a nicely atmospheric horror game with terrible gameplay.
Betrayal in Antara is more a nostalgia piece for me, but it had its moments. (And I don't mind the graphics, even it was said to be ugly and aged already when it came out.)

Wing Commander: Privateer I've played number of times and that really among games I love. But the fully linear story - where it's game over if you ever fail a story mission - is a big flaw (even if that's how it often goes with generally "open world" games).

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For me:

Mass Effect

The framerate's all over the place and the cover and melee systems are awkward, but the universe Bioware created is just so deep, so rich, and so compelling to engage with that its technical foibles do little to dim its brilliance.

Epic Mickey

It's such a charming and likeable throwback to the golden age of 3D platformers that the sometimes janky camera and framerate hardly bothered me.

Bayonetta 3

The graphics are poor by Switch standards, but the gameplay is still incredibly fun, and its highlights are great enough to outweigh its shortcomings.