CS2, I play it sometimes and also deadlock
Can't uninstall anything if I'm only playing physical, am I right 😉
Kidding aside, that place would prolly be reserved for the Xenoblade and Kirby games.
Too precious for me to erase anything worthy
Switch Friend Code : 3905-6122-2909
Zkuq said: Probably something along these lines:
Oh, Grim Dawn is great. Really wish they'd have brought this to console or followed up with a sequel. The genre has seen a real explosion since Diablo 4 aswell as streamers recently going back to dust off Grim Dawn so they might take the renewed interest and knock out another. Fingers crossed.
This isn't a question I have to think about, because so far all of my systems have ended up with one piece of expanded storage that allows me to have all of my games ready to go at any minute.
Legend11 correctly predicted that GTA IV will outsell Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I was wrong.
RolStoppable said: This isn't a question I have to think about, because so far all of my systems have ended up with one piece of expanded storage that allows me to have all of my games ready to go at any minute. |
Just on PS4. With 3 TB I can keep about just under 10% of my library installed at one time, you must have an insane amount of storage or a small library or love indie gaming.
On switch with a 1tb card it's far easier, haven't even gotten close to filling it but I have a small library.
LegitHyperbole said:
Just on PS4. With 3 TB I can keep about just under 10% of my library installed at one time, you must have an insane amount of storage or a small library or love indie gaming. On switch with a 1tb card it's far easier, haven't even gotten close to filling it but I have a small library. |
I have a 512 GB card on my Switch with around 100 games on it. I'd have to check how many of them are indie games, but probably not the majority. Besides, a lot of indie games waste space and are as such just as big as a Nintendo game or a title from a bigger third party publisher, so indie is not an inherent benefit when it comes to file size.
Plus 80+ physical games that don't need installs, so that's several hundred GBs out of the way in addition to the benefits of game ownership.
Legend11 correctly predicted that GTA IV will outsell Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I was wrong.
LegitHyperbole said:
Oh, Grim Dawn is great. Really wish they'd have brought this to console or followed up with a sequel. The genre has seen a real explosion since Diablo 4 aswell as streamers recently going back to dust off Grim Dawn so they might take the renewed interest and knock out another. Fingers crossed. |
Grim Dawn actually got an Xbox One version in 2021, which was obviously very late compared to the PC version, and it's only Xbox, but it's something. Anyway, the game's getting a new expansion at some point (probably next year), which I'm personally quite excited about.
LegitHyperbole said:
The Matrix demo... why? |
Can't answer for them but I forgot I had it installed until he posted that. For me it's just because they removed the demo. So, I may as well keep it. Be kinda fun to revisit in a few years when it seems quaint.