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Forums - Politics Discussion - Concord is Sony's biggest failure in gaming history.

the-pi-guy said:
curl-6 said:

There are many reasons why Concord failed as badly as it did, and alienating potential buyers is one of them. My point was simply that if you're making a big budget video game, it's generally best to appeal to what gamers want, and not come across as contemptuous towards a large percentage of your audience.

How many of these potential buyers were even aware that there was a tiny notice in the corner of the screen of what pronouns someone uses?

It was pretty widely covered on social media, but I feel like you may have gotten me mixed up with another poster here as I never said anything about that.

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the-pi-guy said:
chakkra said:

Sure, let's just pretend that Redfall belongs to a genre that is much more popular than Hero Shooters.

You all acting as if Hero Shooter fans will just spend the rest of eternity playing the current games and will never try a new one; and you all keep saying that like we didn't just see Marvel Rivals gathering around 20x more people than what Concord did when it was free to try.

But at least we're getting somewhere with your "bad characters" theory. Now let me ask you,

1) What do you think was it about these characters that made them unappealing to fans of the genre?
2) Due you think the lack of appeal of these characters was due to a simple lack of talent from the designers? or was it a lack of awareness of what the regular gamer want?
3) In case you pick lack of awareness, what do you think was the reasoning behind the design of these characters?

It doesn't have to be a more popular genre. It just has to be a less competitive one. Being the biggest in a specific niche is sometimes better than trying to compete in a big space. 

Well to me, even the better characters give me Dollar store versions of Guardians of the Galaxy vibes.  

And no it doesn't have anything to do with "DEI". Plenty of other games like Overwatch are far more inclusive and yet have far better designs. 

Sure.. I mean, they just happen to have had ideas for 9 female characters and only 4 male characters (with 1 robot and 1 non-binary character to round things up). I mean, that's totally normal, it happens all the time with games with a big roster. And I'm sure it is just a coincidence that none of these ladies have any trace of sexappeal to them; again, totally normal in these types of games.

And let's not even talk about the inclusion of pronouns; I mean, all the other games on the genre have been using it forever, so..

Tober said:
Ryuu96 said:

Is your issue the length of his response or something else?

It's interpreting my words in a way to "score points"

Actually, I do not know if that is the case because I cannot read minds. But I simply do not want to get bog down in a discussion about what I meant, then clarify what I meant, have a discussion about how my words should be interpreted and so on. That's what gets to these endless meaningless discussion we sometimes see on the forums. And I do not wish to contribute to that, because I don't think other readers will find that helpful.

To make a meaningful point I like to be concise and to the point and obviously that means being direct and less nuanced sometimes (I'm Dutch after all)

Ahh, you’re Dutch! This explains why I enjoy your replies so much! I spend some time in Tilburg as one of my best friends is Dutch - and yes, of course, I’ve been to Efteling haha

Here is Juno, the latest hero in Overwatch, who launched within a few days of Concord:

Now here's Concord

curl-6 said:

Here is Juno, the latest hero in Overwatch, who launched within a few days of Concord:

Now here's Concord

Yikes, that is a truly abysmal comparison for Concord.

Blizzard knows what they are doing. They manage to add diversity to the game without going overboard. Soldier 76 is gay, Tracer and Pharah are lesbians, Lifeweaver is pan, Baptiste is bi, while Venture is a they/them trans. The vast majority of their characters are straight, but with a good representation of different races and nationalities and accents and body types, and the vast majority have appealing designs that led to alot of fanart (not to mention the largest NSFW art community of any video game series most likely, probably only Pokemon comes close to matching it in that regard). Those who want to find a character they personally can identify with probably can in Overwatch 2, while those who just want to see sexy/hot characters (which is probably most people) are very well represented by the character roster. 

Concord by comparison seems like what happens when you make a game with diversity as the highest priority on your list, above gunplay, above map design, above the need for the playerbase to find the designs appealing. Diversity probably shouldn't be an afterthought, but it also shouldn't be anywhere near the top of the list for a studio's development priorities.

To make matters worse, most of those who are behind this modern diversity push seem to not want true diversity, they seem to make most of their characters average or less than average in terms of how attractive they are, they seem to want more LGBT characters than you would see in a representative sample of the actual real world population, they seem to want to put minority races into settings they don't really seem to belong in (AC Shadows for instance is facing backlash for this because of their decision to make African character Yasuke one of the two main playable characters in a game set in Japan's feudal period). And it's not limited to games, the same thing is happening in movies and tv shows right now. 

Last edited by shikamaru317 - on 10 September 2024

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shikamaru317 said:
curl-6 said:

Here is Juno, the latest hero in Overwatch, who launched within a few days of Concord:

Now here's Concord

Yikes, that is a truly abysmal comparison for Concord.

Blizzard knows what they are doing. They manage to add diversity to the game without going overboard. Soldier 76 and Tracer are gay and lesbian respectively, while Venture is said to be a they/them trans I believe. The vast majority of their characters are straight, but with a good representation of different races and many different countries of origin and accents and body types, and the vast majority have appealing designs that led to alot of fanart (not to mention the largest NSFW art community of any video game series most likely, probably only Pokemon comes close to matching it in that regard). Those who want to find a character they personally can identify with probably can in Overwatch 2, while those who just want to see sexy/hot characters (which is probably most people) are very well represented by the character roster. 

Concord by comparison seems like what happens when you make a game with diversity as the highest priority on your list, above gunplay, above map design, above the need for the playerbase to find the designs appealing. Diversity probably shouldn't be an afterthought, but it also shouldn't be anywhere near the top of the list for a studio's development priorities.

To make matters worse, most of those who are behind this modern diversity push seem to not want true diversity, they seem to make most of their characters average or less than average in terms of how attractive they are, they seem to want more LGBT characters than you would see in a representative sample of the actual real world population, they seem to want to put minority races into settings they don't really seem to belong in (AC Shadows for instance is facing backlash for this because of their decision to make African character Yasuke one of the two main playable characters in a game set in Japan's feudal period). And it's not limited to games, the same thing is happening in movies and tv shows right now. 

On your last paragraph I'd like to add that the They/Them characters and lesbian characters are the most stereotypical, heavy-handed approach to design imaginable.  This Daveers is a perfect example, along with Mrs. Freeze from Suicide Squad.

It doesn't matter what their pronouns or sexual orientation is, they narrowed down any potential attraction to a multiple of zero.  It's no different than every black girl having that stupid undercut hairstyle.  Them selecting the most infantile, cookie cutter design choices causes one to wonder: are these people actually the racist, bigoted, prejudiced, woman haters they love to call their audience?

"You should be banned. Youre clearly flaming the president and even his brother who you know nothing about. Dont be such a partisan hack"

I saw a post asking where and under what circumstances people are getting actually charged with wrong think and wrong speak. And I recently came across this video, talking about a rapist getting less time in jail than somebody who "verbally abused" him.

The video

Also, Andrew Doyle talks a lot about this topic. I recommend this video about a small list of the people saying the wrong thing and getting targeted by police, legislation and (ironically) a whole lot of hate from the people who are still allowed to express it.

Andrew Doyle

Andrew Doyle 2

I could not find the video with the long list of people who lost their carreer Andrew made a while back. But honestly, that stuff like this exists is tough to argue against, no matter how many examples I bring.

(Thank you to the moderators to put this in political discussion and also proof that in here speech is still way more free than in a lot of other places/countries/societies.)

Wow, even a housefly is out here living longer than Concord. C'mon Sony, when will it click? Just make more of that sweet single-player magic. Resistance, Killzone, Uncharted, Bloodborne, God of War... You know, the games that turn "one more mission" into a full-blown weekend disappearance.

CPU: Ryzen 9950X
Motherboard: MSI MEG X670E GODLIKE
SSD: Kingston FURY Renegade 4TB
Gaming Console: PLAYSTATION 5
deskpro2k3 said:

Wow, even a housefly is out here living longer than Concord. C'mon Sony, when will it click? Just make more of that sweet single-player magic. Resistance, Killzone, Uncharted, Bloodborne, God of War... You know, the games that turn "one more mission" into a full-blown weekend disappearance.

Yeah the fact this trash got made while the likes of Resistance, Killzone, Motorstorm, etc languish in purgatory stinks.

Anyway, hopefully this debacle serves as a lesson not just to Sony but the industry at large. 

Last edited by curl-6 - 17 hours ago

A jak & daxter game would make me buy my first ps console since the ps3