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I saw a post asking where and under what circumstances people are getting actually charged with wrong think and wrong speak. And I recently came across this video, talking about a rapist getting less time in jail than somebody who "verbally abused" him.

The video

Also, Andrew Doyle talks a lot about this topic. I recommend this video about a small list of the people saying the wrong thing and getting targeted by police, legislation and (ironically) a whole lot of hate from the people who are still allowed to express it.

Andrew Doyle

Andrew Doyle 2

I could not find the video with the long list of people who lost their carreer Andrew made a while back. But honestly, that stuff like this exists is tough to argue against, no matter how many examples I bring.

(Thank you to the moderators to put this in political discussion and also proof that in here speech is still way more free than in a lot of other places/countries/societies.)