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Forums - Politics Discussion - Concord is Sony's biggest failure in gaming history.

Leynos said:

If you have ever referred to yourself as I. Congrats you use pronouns.

As others have pointed out, Concords failure is not due to the implementation of pronoun choices.

But to what you have written: This might apply to some, but I would presume the majority of people is not upset because somebody uses pronouns. They are upset because somebody insists that they have to use pronouns wrongly.

I (-see, I am using them) know what a pronoun is. And I do not believe that gendered pronouns refer to gender at all. They refer to sex. Gender is way too new a concept for pronouns to account for, or be directed by gender. Yet, if somebody wants to have a different sex, perhaps I could be convinced to refer to them as what their sex is not.

But using plural pronouns for a singular person? That is over the line for me. Or made up pronouns like xir, zyr,... I once unironically herd a person claim "clown and clownself" as her pronouns. Ridiculous.

It is the newspeak of one of the worst counter cultures we ever had. Way more often a "screw you, dad!" from juvenile lack of purpouse and direction, than a serious illness. And every time a game has options to choose wrong pronouns, it gives legitimasation to a strangely puritanical, cencorious, overly self-absorbed mob of bullies. I say "bullies" because they claim ownership and authority, not only over general use of language, like pronouns, but also claim offence and try to shame and censor and cancel people into submission, when they don't want to play their silly word games.

And concord, by inclusion of pronoun choices, becomes part of that, even if their intentions were noble (I don't think they were).

Let me end my pronoun rant with this: third person singular pronouns: he, she, it - the gendered ones. I get why people started there. But as soon as you make pronouns up, you can also go to first person singular: I. That refers to oneself. And it is quite telling, that I seldom if ever see made up alternatives for "I". As if to say: "you have to talk silly now, referring to me. Not me though, referrig to myself."

And to fold concord in one last time: it is part of a style trend in gaming that I absolutely dispise. Fairgames too, and the concept art for London Studios unreleased game, Bungies incubation studios unreleased game, Fortnite to a degree, etc.. One concept art picture and I know I am hard out on these. Bunch of try hards, thinking about what other people think is cool, instead of making something actually worthwhile. I think that is the ultimate undoing of Concord: being a trend chaser without soul or identity.

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Saw this on Twitter just now and busted a gut

Analyst Simon Carless estimates Concord has sold just 25,000 units. This breaks down to 15,000 units sold on the PS5 and 10,000 units sold PC via Steam.

Circana analyst Mat Piscatella stated Circana's Player Engagement Tracker on Monday August 26 showed "Concord ranked 147th in US PS5 daily active players across all titles, with fewer than 0.2% of Monday's active PS5 players playing the game."

For a major first party game, and particularly for a title that was in development for 8 years, this is disastrously poor.

Feeling for the devs. Studio shut down imminent?

Can't imagine why

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

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Leynos said:

Can't imagine why

I'm really curious to see a behind the scenes of the development process of this game. I wanna know if nobody pushed back on the designs of these characters; and if anyone did, what was the argument to shut them down.

Although seeing some of the responses on this thread, I can see why some people would be afraid to give their honest opinion.

Leynos said:

Can't imagine why

Somebody at some point should have told this person that game design was not their thing. This is the equivalent to that australian breakdancer in the Olimpics.

JuliusHackebeil said:

As others have pointed out, Concords failure is not due to the implementation of pronoun choices.

But to what you have written: This might apply to some, but I would presume the majority of people is not upset because somebody uses pronouns. They are upset because somebody insists that they have to use pronouns wrongly.

I (-see, I am using them) know what a pronoun is. And I do not believe that gendered pronouns refer to gender at all. They refer to sex. Gender is way too new a concept for pronouns to account for, or be directed by gender. Yet, if somebody wants to have a different sex, perhaps I could be convinced to refer to them as what their sex is not.

In portuguese (and I believe in any Latim language) the pronouns are grammatically divided (among others divisions) by gender, not sex. Many words indeed have genders in portuguese. 

This whole pronouns discourse surrounding Concord is stupid and honestly a proof people choose to fight with ghosts

The cast of Concord has robots and humanoids aliens thst only barely resemble humans

The pronouns are just to identify what is the gender of the character. It's just that

Imagine if you could play C3PO from Star Wars, he's a robot and of course don't have sex, but he (look I'm using the pronoun "he") is clearly depicted as a male, this is C3PO gender

In fairytales and other kind of stories is common for beings that are otherwise not gendered to be portrayed as gendered, the pronouns are just a way to make the player understand what are the gender of the robots and non human characters

Social media have clearly rotten people brains if they can no longer understand how gender identity works in fiction without mixing up politics. If you really find a game that have its characters cast displayed on screen something to rage about you're just one of the a deranged and chronically online politics-obsessed person lol

Glancing at some comments on here, I'm a little confused why discussion has gotten into the territory of DEI, pronouns, and such? Concord's failure has almost nothing to do wtih this lol. It has to do with the simple fact that consumers who are interested in GaaS titles likely aren't interested in (i) paying $40 for entry (ii) to an incredibly uninspired and unoriginal experience which (iii) had little to no excitement built up behind it. Why not look toward F2P titles such as Fortnite, Overwatch, or Destiny which'll provide an infinitely better experience without the cost to entry?

Concord failed to find its market of consumers. You can't alienate a market with DEI when you don't have a market in the first place.

Taking break this wk. I'll be back soon! :) (Read my wall for more details...not the religious post, but the response to it.)