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JuliusHackebeil said:

As others have pointed out, Concords failure is not due to the implementation of pronoun choices.

But to what you have written: This might apply to some, but I would presume the majority of people is not upset because somebody uses pronouns. They are upset because somebody insists that they have to use pronouns wrongly.

I (-see, I am using them) know what a pronoun is. And I do not believe that gendered pronouns refer to gender at all. They refer to sex. Gender is way too new a concept for pronouns to account for, or be directed by gender. Yet, if somebody wants to have a different sex, perhaps I could be convinced to refer to them as what their sex is not.

In portuguese (and I believe in any Latim language) the pronouns are grammatically divided (among others divisions) by gender, not sex. Many words indeed have genders in portuguese.