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Forums - Sales Discussion - Astro-Bot or Zelda EoW? Clash of the 2024 September Titans


Which will sell more? Which will perform better with critics?

Astro Bot (Sales & Critical Reception) 20 19.61%
Zelda (Sales & Critical Reception) 35 34.31%
Astro Bot (Sales), Zelda (Critical Reception) 3 2.94%
Astro Bot (Critical Reception), Zelda (Sales) 44 43.14%
BraLoD said:
TheRealSamusAran said:

Helldivers released on PlayStation and Steam simultaneously, and sold more on Steam, where online shooters are VERY popular. Also, if Astro didn't sell more than every platformer outside of Mario I would consider it a Concord level of failure lol, can you name any other AAA 3D platformer in the year of our lord 2024? All we have is indie titles made for a market niche.

The remarks about it outselling those non-Mario games is not in 2024, but from the last 10 years.

In the UK it during its launch it sold better than any Sonic or Crash, releases in the last 10 years, which are very popular and liked franchises, released as multiplatformers. Also sold better than Kirby which is a beloved Nintendo platformer.

It was quite the feat.

"The year of our lord 2024" was figure of speech, 3D platformers not named Mario or Sonic haven't been popular since the 6th generation, and Sonic, although a household name, haven't been doing super hot with the quality and reception of their games since that same time period, although things seem to be changing there at Sega. And do I even need to mention what the Crash situation is?

Kirby is a 2D platformer franchise, but they did release that 3D game a couple years back which sold pretty well, so I will give you that. I'm actually curious now on wether Astrobot really had a better launch, because Forgotten Land is sitting on over 7.5m copies sold as of March 2024. I think comparing those two would be way more interesting than comparing Astro to Mario or Zelda.

Ryzen 7 5700G

Radeon RX 6750 XT

16 GB of RAM

Steam Deck 

Nintendo Switch OLED

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firebush03 said:
BraLoD said:

Who told you it's Sony most critically acclaimed game of all time? Lol.

Having a 94 on Metacritic it matches God of War original Greek debut game and it's original Norse follow up, loses to The Last of Us, Little Big Planet and Gran Turismo debut games, also loses to Gran Turismo 3 and Uncharted 2.

Based on accolades and general awards it will probably not come even close to The Last of Us, and TLoU released on the same year as the most popular game of all time, GTA V.

prolly should’ve added: According to OpenCritic. Only first-party Sony title to ever hit 95. It seems to be sitting in 6th on MC. As far as awards are concerned, that’s a but irrelevant to my initial remark, though I agree it won’t receive anywhere near the same level of praise of many PlayStation games (for the obv reason that platformers almost never receive any recognition in these situations).

Opencritic is way newer than Metacritic, how can you say it's the most critically acclaimed Sony game of all time while using a site that doesn't have data on most Sony games to compare it with. Even TLoU that is as new as 2013 isn't there, only the remastered version.

Otter said:
TheRealSamusAran said:

Helldivers released on PlayStation and Steam simultaneously, and sold more on Steam, where online shooters are VERY popular. Also, if Astro didn't sell more than every platformer outside of Mario I would consider it a Concord level of failure lol, can you name any other AAA 3D platformer in the year of our lord 2024? All we have is indie titles made for a market niche.

I think you're loosing sight of the point. 

"it would be impossible for Astro Bot, a small Sony IP to outsell a bigger Nintendo IP like Zelda, it hasn't happened in the entire Switch generation."

Helldivers was a smaller sony IP. It has sold a lot on PS5, well beyond the IP's original estimation, around a minimum of 4m in 3months and its still charting on PSN chart, it could be at 7m or 8m by now but Sony hasn't updated the number. There is no "impossible" in this conversation, there is always obviously potential for titles to overperform and for franchises to have breakout hits. I mean would anyone of expected Zelda BOTW to approach 30m in sales back in 2017?

Considering Sonys last 2 major platformers have sold 4m & 7m, it is not "impossible" for Astro to reach the 7-8m range which would make it competitive with this branch of Zelda on Switch. It was already tracking ahead of the 4m selling title (Rift Apart) so that is the sensible floor for its sales.

With the second point, you ignored my key point about platformers depending on legs. Crash Trilogy & It Takes Two have sold 20m each, Spyro Trilogy 10m, Crash 4, 5m...  but that isn't reflected in huge openings but simply through having strong legs. Astro having a strong start for its genre is in fact a good indication it can go on to do big numbers.

Ngl, I'm surprised with those numbers, I guess not too surprised with It Takes Two, but I wouldn't group that game in the same kind of platformer as the others.

And sure, not impossible, just pointing out that Helldivers and Astrobot are two very different situations.

Ryzen 7 5700G

Radeon RX 6750 XT

16 GB of RAM

Steam Deck 

Nintendo Switch OLED

TheRealSamusAran said:
BraLoD said:

The remarks about it outselling those non-Mario games is not in 2024, but from the last 10 years.

In the UK it during its launch it sold better than any Sonic or Crash, releases in the last 10 years, which are very popular and liked franchises, released as multiplatformers. Also sold better than Kirby which is a beloved Nintendo platformer.

It was quite the feat.

"The year of our lord 2024" was figure of speech, 3D platformers not named Mario or Sonic haven't been popular since the 6th generation, and Sonic, although a household name, haven't been doing super hot with the quality and reception of their games since that same time period, although things seem to be changing there at Sega. And do I even need to mention what the Crash situation is?

Kirby is a 2D platformer franchise, but they did release that 3D game a couple years back which sold pretty well, so I will give you that. I'm actually curious now on wether Astrobot really had a better launch, because Forgotten Land is sitting on over 7.5m copies sold as of March 2024. I think comparing those two would be way more interesting than comparing Astro to Mario or Zelda.

Nintendo games keep good sales for longs periods of time, I can see Kirby release not being extremely hot and it still reaching quite the big sales number down the road.

I didn't give Forgotten Land much thought when it came out, had zero hype, and still got it sometime later when I found a deal for it out of the blue.

About Sonic and Crash, both Crash Bandicoot 4 and I assume Sonic Frontiers (3.5M in 6 months) sold over 5M copies, which is a pretty big number for that kind of game, so outselling both during the launch windown was indeed an impressive feat in my eyes, as that is exactly the kind of sales, 5M, I see it would be trying to reach.

God of War used to reach about 5M to 7M and now it's reaching 15M to 20M, it tripled in sales size, so Astro Bot would surely need to carve its way into the userbase until thet get used to see it, until let's say, Astro Bot 3 can finally reach 10M, that was always a way more likely scenario IMO.

If the game is already popular enough to compete with Sonic and Crash, it's a pretty great start.

TheRealSamusAran said:

"The year of our lord 2024" was figure of speech, 3D platformers not named Mario or Sonic haven't been popular since the 6th generation, and Sonic, although a household name, haven't been doing super hot with the quality and reception of their games since that same time period, although things seem to be changing there at Sega. And do I even need to mention what the Crash situation is?

Kirby is a 2D platformer franchise, but they did release that 3D game a couple years back which sold pretty well, so I will give you that. I'm actually curious now on wether Astrobot really had a better launch, because Forgotten Land is sitting on over 7.5m copies sold as of March 2024. I think comparing those two would be way more interesting than comparing Astro to Mario or Zelda.

Well Kirby actually outsold Links Awakening lol. But yes, Astro and Zelda are not obvious games to compare. The thread was just inspired by the fact that they were both platform holders respective big autumn releases. And because EOW is a spinoff, it is more approachable from a sales angle. 

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BraLoD said:
firebush03 said:

prolly should’ve added: According to OpenCritic. Only first-party Sony title to ever hit 95. It seems to be sitting in 6th on MC. As far as awards are concerned, that’s a but irrelevant to my initial remark, though I agree it won’t receive anywhere near the same level of praise of many PlayStation games (for the obv reason that platformers almost never receive any recognition in these situations).

Opencritic is way newer than Metacritic, how can you say it's the most critically acclaimed Sony game of all time while using a site that doesn't have data on most Sony games to compare it with. Even TLoU that is as new as 2013 isn't there, only the remastered version.

you're getting a little defensive Lol. I can just change it to say "most acclaimed game in over a decade (according to OpenCritic)" if that would make you happy?

firebush03 said:
BraLoD said:

Opencritic is way newer than Metacritic, how can you say it's the most critically acclaimed Sony game of all time while using a site that doesn't have data on most Sony games to compare it with. Even TLoU that is as new as 2013 isn't there, only the remastered version.

you're getting a little defensive Lol. I can just change it to say "most acclaimed game in over a decade (according to OpenCritic)" if that would make you happy?

What am I being defensive about? Where did that even came from, lol.

Anyway, I won't be either happy or unhappy, you don't need to edit your posts, was just pointing you it was wrong at first and after your reply that using Opencritic to claim an "ever" on this matter was not the best choice, that's all.

Not bad sales for Astro, given its genre and platform, but I feel like it deserved better as while I haven't gotten around to playing it myself, it does look excellent.

Seems Echoes resonated more with the Nintendo audience than Astro did with the PS crowd.

BraLoD said:
firebush03 said:

you're getting a little defensive Lol. I can just change it to say "most acclaimed game in over a decade (according to OpenCritic)" if that would make you happy?

What am I being defensive about? Where did that even came from, lol.

Anyway, I won't be either happy or unhappy, you don't need to edit your posts, was just pointing you it was wrong at first and after your reply that using Opencritic to claim an "ever" on this matter was not the best choice, that's all.

bud, you made like two comments against a single sentence in one of my posts. Maybe not defensive, though a little aggressive. In any case (to response to the latter half of you most recent comment): Sounds good.👍🏻

BraLoD said:
firebush03 said:

These are criminal figures for Astro. Sony’s most critically acclaimed first-party release *of all time* can’t even crack 2mil? The Sony base needs to get their priorities straightened out, this is insanity. I knew launch figures would be low, but not this low.

These numbers will explode with the holiday season, I have no doubt. I remain optimistic for Astro.

Who told you it's Sony most critically acclaimed game of all time? Lol.

Having a 94 on Metacritic it matches God of War original Greek debut game and it's original Norse follow up, loses to The Last of Us, Little Big Planet and Gran Turismo debut games, also loses to Gran Turismo 3 and Uncharted 2.

Based on accolades and general awards it will probably not come even close to The Last of Us, and TLoU released on the same year as the most popular game of all time, GTA V.

That being said, 1.5M sales is in the range I expected, and I do not expect it to have massive legs just by itself, as I said, I would be happy if the game reaches 5M sales in the end.

Amazing game, definitely deserved way more, but there is nothing surprising here.

Don't want to go to much oftopic but isnt minecraft the most sold/popular game of all time?

Not gta V


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