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Forums - Sales Discussion - Famitsu Sales: Week 30, 2024 (Jul 22 - Jul 28)

Imagine cheering like you won the lottery for selling the least amount of units compared to everyone else, just give the participation award to xbox at this point anything is considered a win because it cant do any worse.

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MadDogg said:

Huge drop for Ps5 this week. Any reason?

Last week was an anomaly, I'm guessing from Power Pros being released. Now it's back to normal for the year, which has been 20k-30k per week.

Switch: SW-3707-5131-3911
XBox: Kenjabish

Pretty standard week and I wonder if this is the end of that relatively good few week period for PS5 sales. Also man some of the comments about the Xbox Series in this thread are absurd. The pessimism about it is getting so over the top it's as ridiculous as the overly low Switch predictions from a few years ago at this point.

Last edited by Norion - on 01 August 2024

Xbox Series sales are higher due to the system being in stock again since last week, it was out of stock at a lot of places for at least 2-3 weeks.

Pinkie_pie said:

I'm also looking at how much it's sold already and how much more it's gonna sell in 2025 with GTA6. Currently it's around 30m and you telling me it's not gonna sell at least another 10m for another 3 years even with GTA6 ?

MS has been reporting significant decreases in hardware yearly. 2022 was the peak year for Xbox Series hardware. Compared to last year, Xbox hardware fell 42%. At the same point last year, Xbox hardware was down 13% from 2022. Now these are quarterly results, but I dont think there has been any hardware growth reported in any of their quarters since 2022. Which even at the tail end of 2022 Xbox hardware revenue was dropping around 13% as reported on their Q2 report for that year (which covers Sept - Dec). Also, I believe last quarter they reported a 32% drop YoY too.

Even the Switch, which is in its 8th year on the market, is not experiencing decreases in hardware sales that significant and its selling more than the Xbox currently is yearly. 

In 2022 their peak for Xbox sales was about 8.7M. Last year that dropped by about 15% to 7.4M. This year its dropping by 30% or more, which means its going to be around 5.2M or even less. Lets say it ends this year at 32M. Well, with consistent hardware decreases its unlikely to start spiking up at this point. The BEST they could probably do is remain somewhat consistent. But with reports of a new Xbox in 2026, its doubtful it will stay steady. So 32M by the end of this year, 36-37M at BEST by the end of 2025. Then 2026 a new console launch? Idk about you, but I can see how many people doubt it will hit that 40M mark. Even best case scenarios dont paint a pretty picture. Yes, GTA 6 could give it a boost...but that would be banking on the Series S more than anything. Since most others who want GTA 6 and dont have a current gen console will probably buy a Playstation for it, based on the numbers. Except for those who maybe cant quite afford one (hence the Series S).

Note: One flaw with these calculations is that hardware revenue can also decrease for other reasons (sales, more Series S purchases), but what VGChartz is extrapolating with console sales seems to match a lot of the revenue that MS is reporting as far as I can tell. 

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dupe ignore.

Last edited by firebush03 - on 01 August 2024

Decent opening for One Piece Odyssey as a late port.

PS5 seems to be returning to baseline after an elevated few weeks; Switch continues to defy all conventional logic and refuses to settle to a baseline.

As for Xbox, solid week, but 5k a week isn't going to dramatically change its global fortunes. 

Relative to Xbox usual doings, it is a great week for them. But you can't really get that celebratory when it is bodied by its competitors on a weekly basis ... And that's not counting it's falling out worldwide ... But I digress,

The Switch and PS5 levels down a bit closer to their usual form. Switch a bit on the upside though with a 50K+ week !

Software side seem to be doing alright.

Switch Friend Code : 3905-6122-2909 

The performance of Xbox in Japan is puzzling to say the least. Why is this market not experiencing the same steep decrease as the rest of the world? It would be really interesting to know what are the most played games on the platform over there, but I'm willing to bet money that Palworld has A LOT to do with this.

chakkra said:

The performance of Xbox in Japan is puzzling to say the least. Why is this market not experiencing the same steep decrease as the rest of the world? It would be really interesting to know what are the most played games on the platform over there, but I'm willing to bet money that Palworld has A LOT to do with this.

They have a crystal ball that allows them to see the future increase in demand, and are getting their hands on a console now while they can. avoid getting banned for inactivity, I may have to resort to comments that are of a lower overall quality and or beneath my moral standards.