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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What remake would be your most anticipated?


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Metal Gear Solid 3 9.09%
Silent Hill 0 0%
KOTR 5 15.15%
Elder scrolls: Morrowind 2 6.06%
New Vegas 1 3.03%
Elder Scrolls: Oblivion 0 0%
The Legend of Dragoon 2 6.06%
Chrono trigger 7 21.21%
Bully/Canis Canam Edit 0 0%
Other in comments 13 39.39%
LegitHyperbole said:
RedKingXIII said:

It's my favorite way to play Ocarina of Time, actually. Too bad it's trapped on the 3DS, I'd love if they did even a simple HD remaster of OOT3D and put it on the Switch.

As for the thread, a Metal Gear Solid or GTA San Andreas would be the remakes of my dreams. Would also love to have a rerelease of Fallout 3, NV (throw the 2D ones as well) on my PS5.

Oh yes, if anything the remasters for GTA done is cement the need for remakes. Imagine GTA SA with GTA5 level graphics and features but I'm not sure R* pursuing stuff like this is a good idea or we'll be waiting till 2050 for GTA7. Alas, If they could organise a Blupoint level team. One can dream. And yes on MGS1, Idk why they didn't start with that instead of 3 and work up towards 3 instead they'll be going backwards, it's definitely coming though at some point.

It's probably because MGS3 is the easier one to make a faithfull remake. 3 aged really well, so they're remaking the visuals and calling it a day, and that's fine. They could actually do a lot more with it (porting the MGSV moveset to 3, remake the areas and more), but without Kojima I'm glad that's the direction they're taking with Delta: a faithfull remake like OOT3D or the N Sane Trilogy. Oh, and it's also the first of the timeline.

A San Andreas remake is never going to happen, sadly. Maybe it can, considering they can put GTA Online in it. But eh. I'm not holding my breath.


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For the most part I'm not really into remakes, as I'd much rather an actual brand new game.

That said, I would like to see the 2012 Fatal Frame 2 reimagining visually remade and brought to modern consoles in the same fashion at Fatal Frame 4 was last year, since its a fabulous game but got a fairly limited release on Wii back in the day and didn't even come out in North America.

I'd also like to see the original SNES Starfox remade, as its in many ways better than its more famous successor in my opinion, but its very early 3D graphics and low framerate make it hard for modern audiences who weren't there back when it came out to really appreciate.


After that.

Panzer Dragon Saga

Panzer Dragoon Zweii

Skies of Arcadia

Golden Axe by Vanillaware


Final Fantasy IX

Bulk Slash

Geist Force and on Dreamcast.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

I almost forgot, Descent

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

G2ThaUNiT said:
LegitHyperbole said:

Good choice. I'm surprised they haven't done this already, they done did Twilight Princess but not this. This would sell train loads. 

They did in 2011 for the 3DS lol. Although we are due for another remake since the 3DS remake is now as old as the original game was when the remake released lol

Damn this makes me feel old.

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One that is in the works that I anticipate the most is Gothic Remake - Gothic started back in late 90s as "let's try to make something like Ultima VII, but in 3D", and while it's quite playable til this day, even for someone like me, who really loves it, can be rough around the edges in many aspects. It seems that studio making the remake is listening to fan's feedback, so I'm cautiously optimistic about it.

That said, it's exactly Ultima (IV-VII) that I'd want to see being remade the most, preferably in the style of classic isometric CPRGs.

Some remakes I'd be excited for:

  • Total Annihilation
  • BioShock
  • Bloodborne (remaster would be fine too)

Viewtiful Joe
Rival Schools
Uncharted Golden Abyss
Half Life
Syphon Filter

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Metal Gear 2 and Metal Gear Solid come to mind, but obviously with Metal Gear 2, the first Metal Gear should also get a remake. MGS3 is probably among the games least in need of remake, yet that's the one they're remaking - not that I'm complaining, but others were in more need (although from a business point of view, MGS3 does make sense, I suppose).

Final Fantasy X is another one. It's by far my favourite of the series (although I've missed a lot of the games), but it could certainly do with some modernization - and no, please don't touch the battle system, it's already excellent.

I'm sure there are other games deserving a remake too, but those are the ones I tend to think of when I do think of remakes.

Signalstar said:

Half Life

What's wrong with Black Mesa?

Honestly it's so sad that why will never get a proper MGS6 cause 5 gameplay/controls was perfection.