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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Digital Foundry: Best graphics on Nintendo Switch

Pemalite said:
zeldaring said:

Naturally, this is partly down to John and Oliver's personal tastes; while technology can be judged objectively, art direction is subjective. Still, it's cool to have their input; Switch may be low end kit compared to the competition, but it's still proven itself capable of producing beautiful results in the hands of talented artists and programmers.

You literally can't use that excuse that it's subjective... Because I literally provided a list of objective technology.
And considering you have used Digital Foundry prior to justify your arguments, you don't get to ignore this, otherwise you are being a hypocrite.

Witcher 3 is very much technology driven for it's visuals and relies less on stylization/art... Thus destroying your "subjective" argument in it's entirety.

zeldaring said:

Again this really doesn't matter and up to personal taste. like mario wonder and mario oddysia are in the list and they aren't pushing the tech that witcher 3, doom, and the more technically  advanced switch games. it's all about balance and red dead is the perfect blance it still pushing the switch cause it aint running the game at 60fps like the others games on the list do i have no idea to what you are even talk about here. like doom is probably way more techically advanced then prime remaster but everyone is picking that over doom. also using advanced garphic tech doesn't help much when the game is looking like mud witcher 3 for example and doom, that's why they are not even on the list for DF or anyone here.

Mario Wonder and Mario Odyssey aren't my arguments.

Witcher 3, Doom and other more "technically advanced games" is literally my argument that is counter to yours.

Red Dead is not a "balance" as it's a last-generation remastered port and does NOT showcase the Switch's hardware in it's best possible light.

For example... Where is the Tessellation? The Switch features that in hardware, but the Red Dead Redemption port doesn't use that functional unit inside the Switch processor, meaning it doesn't use 100% of the Switch hardware capabilities... And performance and graphics is left on the table.

Witcher 3 is impressive because of the technology it's deploying to render it's more complex world and on a mobile OLED display that the Switch has... It looks absolutely stellar.

zeldaring said:

You have to learn opinions ain't wrong. 

That is a lie... And that is the kind of rhetoric that some individuals use to justify the Earth is flat.
"Their opinion ain't wrong, ergo... Flat Earth."

zeldaring said:

yes and no. Resolution is part graphics as well. Image quality is one the most important things when it comes to graphics, then you have the models and envoriments look more detailed. when talking about a technical level. the big thing is what trade offs are they doing, if you trading more advanced tech for lower resolution thne you are doing it right, you can't really look at both pics and honestly say X3 looks better cause it made bad trade offs and ruined image quality, even the envoriments have a insane amout of pop in and really don't have much in them.

The impact resolution has is very dependent on a multitude of factors.
1) Size of display.
2) Viewing distance from display.
3) Display quality. - I.E. Low contrast displays tend to hide resolution issues because everything is washed out.
4) Display type. - CRT's look good even a 1024x768, but an LCD at that resolution looks terrible.
For LCD... VA vs IPS vs OLED vs TN also impacts things.
5) Sub-pixel layout. - Can exhibit some additional artifacts on the image.
6) Reconstruction. - TAA, XESS, DLSS, FSR is making the resolution issue less important.

Not only that but... Resolution is only one aspect of the pie.
You can render a game at 1920x1080, the shadows in that game? Might only be 192x192 resolution, the light shaft might be 512x512 resolution and the texture maps might be 1024x1024. - Everything in a game world operates at a different resolution and framerate... And thus a game that has an output resolution of 1280x720 and it's assets rendered at a high resolution can and will look better than a game that outputs at 1920x1080 with low resolution assets.

Sorry to educate you on this, but someone had to do it.

zeldaring said:

Heh i don't this developer is really meh when it comes to making a great looking  open world games they go for massive scope over everything and everything suffers for it I think red dead, and BOTW does almost everything better graphically this doesn't have dynamic shadows which is so important in making a game like this to look good, the last thing DF said was meh  about it xenoblade 3  lol.

But you said Digital Foundry is just an opinion?
So which is it, opinions are fact or fiction?

Again this is about DF best looking games not games using the most advanced feature set, if it was about the games with most advanced graphics features they would have actually named games like witcher 3 and doom arent on the list and do you know why it's because they look like mud. botw runs on hardware objectly  weaker then the 360 yet you named it as the most impressive open world game just a few posts ago, when we know witcher 3 is way more advanced so you are allowed to do it but i'm not?

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So are lighting and shadows on PC ultra settings higher resolution than consoles? Since I moved to PC I have been blown away by the improvement on PC. Lighting and shadows look like a gen leap.


Vengeance 32 gb

RTX 4090 Ventus 3x E OC

Switch OLED

It never got better than BoTW. Perhaps MH Rise but that has some awful textures. Fire Emblem 3 houses and Astral chain are up there. 

Last edited by LegitHyperbole - on 31 July 2024

LegitHyperbole said:

It never got better than BoTW.

Its own sequel improved on it with superior draw distance and sharper image quality.

BotW is a beautiful game, just not very consistent with it. There are areas like the north cliff of Death Mountain or the Gerudo Highlands that feel flat textured and boring to me.
From the games I own I think Link's Awakening Remake is the most visually pleasing.

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zeldaring said:

Again this is about DF best looking games not games using the most advanced feature set, if it was about the games with most advanced graphics features they would have actually named games like witcher 3 and doom arent on the list and do you know why it's because they look like mud. botw runs on hardware objectly  weaker then the 360 yet you named it as the most impressive open world game just a few posts ago, when we know witcher 3 is way more advanced so you are allowed to do it but i'm not?

The title of the video is "best graphics" so it's really about whatever semantic definition DF gives that phrase. And they didn't explicitly state what that phrase means to them in this video, but given their catalog of work my personal understanding of their view is that they appreciate and analyze how various techniques are applied towards an end result, considering the hardware it's running on. It's not one or the other between technical make-up and end-result of the aesthetics for them. It's about the ingenuity and implementation of said techniques towards a final goal that each individual project is trying to achieve. That's why they can have proper discussion and analysis of games on older or less powerful hardware and still appreciate the outcomes. 

As for why they didn't name games like Witcher 3 and Doom... Well again I'll point to the title. It literally says "First Party Exclusive Selection". Doom and Witcher 3 aren't first-party or exclusives. And they reiterate that at 1:08 in the video. They make exceptions to their own rules with Fast RMX and The Touryst, but that's because they aren't robots. John has touted his admiration of that (non-first party) studio for the decade he's been there and is always open to highlighting their works. The studio also has a long-standing closeness to Nintendo hardware with Fast RMX being an expanded port of a Wii U exclusive, The Touryst debuting on Switch before coming to other platforms, and most of the studio's output being exclusive to Nintendo platforms.

Chrkeller said:

So are lighting and shadows on PC ultra settings higher resolution than consoles? Since I moved to PC I have been blown away by the improvement on PC. Lighting and shadows look like a gen leap.

In a simplified way of speaking, yes. The higher quality settings are usually just higher "sample rates" (you can think of this as resolution) versions of the same effect. They can also be completely different techniques/ways of doing the same kind of effect but requiring much more processing power. That's what "optimization" is. It's about setting the right "resolution" for the different effects and/or finding the right technique to do the same thing but with less processing power, usually at a reduced quality of end result but weighing the performance cost to quality. For example, there are many ways to blur a frame/image, or apply "depth of field" to it. Typically the "better" techniques (those that better resemble how a camera or eyeball works) require more processing power. But you can get away with a cheaper technique if it's used the right way or during the right moments in a game (like maybe only using depth-of-field during cutscenes when action is more controlled, the framerate is lower, or the CPU is freed from processing game logic).

Luigi's Mansion 3 to this day is my favorite game in terms of graphics/visuals.

Whatever they did , was amazing.

The lighting, animations, shadows, reflections, etc

Perfect game for the Halloween season too.

curl-6 said:
LegitHyperbole said:

It never got better than BoTW.

Its own sequel improved on it with superior draw distance and sharper image quality.

Nah, the textures on ToTK are atrocious at times. BoTW is nicer looking.

BasilZero said:

Luigi's Mansion 3 to this day is my favorite game in terms of graphics/visuals.

Whatever they did , was amazing.

The lighting, animations, shadows, reflections, etc

Perfect game for the Halloween season too.

Agreed.  I can't wait to see LM4 on the switch 2.  It will be something else.  


Vengeance 32 gb

RTX 4090 Ventus 3x E OC

Switch OLED

LegitHyperbole said:
curl-6 said:

Its own sequel improved on it with superior draw distance and sharper image quality.

Nah, the textures on ToTK are atrocious at times. BoTW is nicer looking.

Huh ... Show us an example of what you speak of cuz they're both similar games, that sure ain't what I saw.

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