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Forums - General Discussion - Olympics opening ceremony

The opening ceremony had lady gaga but that was actually the tame part. There was also this naked blue guy that wasn't wearing anything and you could see his junk, also had drag queens in an obvious imitation of the last supper and they had it looking exactly the same way it is depicted in paintings.  I guess that they wanted to shock the world, well mission accomplished. 

And you know that snoop was high as hell lol 

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Lots of angry people on Twitter but I'm not watching this for 4 hours, is there a summed up video? I did see that mans ball sack hanging out. Lol.

I remember Beijing 2008 having a great opening ceremony. On that day I couldn't go to school because it was raining a lot, so I spend the morning watching it.

Haven't watched the current one, but from what I saw it was a disaster.

Death Metal band was actually kinda dope! I’m also pretty sure I saw a golden calf there at one point too lol. I usually really enjoy watching Olympics opening ceremonies because it usually gives such a creative history of the host country. I definitely didn’t get that experience this time around lol

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

I tuned in, thinking we were going to get some huge thing like we got in '21. Then when the boats started rolling out underneath that random angel dude, playing his little accordion (kinda reminded me of Tingle, TBH), I was like... you know, on second thought...

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I tuned in when there was a big group of dancers attempting to dance the cancan. Were they supposed to be all totally out of sync with each other? It looked like a complete mess.

I also don't get the staging, it was separate things all along the banks of the Seine. Made for TV, not for an audience. The flag bearer playing Assasins Creed Unity was interesting. But they didn't get all that far yet rebuilding Notre Dame. It's been 5 years since the fire.

It looked like a miserable day out there, lot of people wearing plastic bags lol.

Yeah Being 2008 is still the favorite.

I will say this, the theme was original. Instead of the athletes marching into a stadium, they came in on boats. Also, the Eiffel Tower light show was spectacular.

On the downside, I am not a fan of Lady Gaga and Celine Dion. Their music is not my cup of tea. I like Rock n Roll, and yes, the "Heavy Metal" segment was a joke.

Also, the Eiffel Tower light show reminded me of a Pink Floyd concert. I am a huge fan of PF.

What really baffled me was the journey of the masked torch bearer. I don't get it, was it someone famous? It just seemed difficult to follow, and lacking a point.

Last edited by BFR - on 27 July 2024

BFR said:

I will say this, the theme was original. Instead of the athletes marching into a stadium, they came in on boats. Also, the Eiffel Tower light show was spectacular.

On the downside, I am not a fan of Lady Gaga and Celine Dion. Their music is not my cup of tea. I like Rock n Roll, and yes, the "Heavy Metal" segment was a joke.

Also, the Eiffel Tower light show reminded me of a Pink Floyd concert. I am a huge fan of PF.

What really baffled me was the journey of the masked torch bearer. I don't get it, was it someone famous? It just seemed difficult to follow, and lacking a point.

I saw the Eiffel Tower thing, that was dope.  

This whole thing is kind of bizarre b/c it's French.  I've noticed that with things like French movies (in english, don't speak da frenchie language), and it seems that the French are so in awe of their creativity and culture that they feel that anything that's not over the top in creativity and just plain out there, is boring.  

Last edited by shavenferret - on 28 July 2024

I saw the whole thing, or rather, my tv was on for the duration of the whole thing. There were some neat things in there, and Celine Dion proved she can still sing, but there were a lot of errors which was quite annoying. Both technical (which in this day and age I really can’t understand), and in performance. The worst part was when they hung the Olympic Flag upside down. There were also things like the country name flags on the boats being too big and too high and I don’t get why there were Minions.

Overall, a lot of things took way too long. The drag show, the breakdancing by a guy who then also had to sing (or, pretend to) a song, the lightshow at the end. The horse that went all across the Seine and took half an hour just to bring the flag. The torch bearer went all through Paris through and over buildings (yes, he also made me think about Assassin’s Creed Unity) to finally end up at the Eiffel Tower, where I thought they’d light the fire and he’d be revealed to be someone famous, only to pass the torch back to Zidane (who already had it in a video all the way at the start) who then gave it to Raphael Nadal to take it on a boat again all the way up the river back to the Louvre to give it to more people in a relay finally going to the spot where the flame was lit. While the torch bearer had already been there hours earlier.

I get it just takes a lot of time to sail down the Seine and this needed to be filled with entertainment, but was it really necessary to do this three times? All in all I think they could’ve easily slashed an hour off this ceremony.

Last edited by S.Peelman - on 28 July 2024

shavenferret said:

The opening ceremony had lady gaga but that was actually the tame part. There was also this naked blue guy that wasn't wearing anything and you could see his junk, also had drag queens in an obvious imitation of the last supper and they had it looking exactly the same way it is depicted in paintings.  I guess that they wanted to shock the world, well mission accomplished. 

And you know that snoop was high as hell lol 

I watched the rest of the performances last night. Was interesting while high, honoring Snoop lol. Ffwd through the parade to get the performances. But the Canadian broadcaster apparently couldn't stomach the blue guy. As soon as he came on, the footage cut away "Well, there is still the lighting of the Olympic fire coming up" cut to long commercial break lol. Cowards.

Then the horse boat on the Seine and the slow march with the Olympic flag took so long the recording cut short before the Eiffel Tower light show :/ Didn't get to see that.

The last supper drag queens bit had my teenage music, took me back to the past at least. Same music I used to dance to in night clubs as a teenager. No drag queens around back then though.

Yeah this 'new format' is a bit of a miss. A lot of chaos and a lot of time in between performances. It didn't flow, a lot disconnected segments.

Anyway they definitely managed to shock the CBC, quick cut away, his blue balls are hanging out. The announcers had already fallen silent during the whole last supper fashion show, finger on the trigger to cut it off lol.