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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Your personal, single best game of all time.


The Winner is...

The Witcher 3 4 9.52%
Not the Witcher 3. (Comment) 38 90.48%

To this day, it's about the closest thing I've experienced to a perfect video game.

From its tense, thrilling action to its rich atmosphere, from its glorious B-movie camp to its pitch-perfect pacing, it's just a masterclass in pure entertainment, delivering a constant stream of dopamine and adrenaline.

I've played through it 11 times, and each time it blew me away all over again. There may come a day when I find something capable of dethroning it, but after almost twenty years, so far, nothing else has.

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LegitHyperbole said:
Veknoid_Outcast said:

I really need to play more Ys games. I loved Origin and VIII, but haven’t fully explored the series. I have Ys I & II Chronicles downloaded on my Vita at the moment, so hopefully I can find time to play it soon :)

Ys Nordics comes out soon, perfect place to start but Ys 9 is on PS+ Catalogue if ya have that. 

Eh Ys IX is the worst in the series.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

curl-6 said:

To this day, it's about the closest thing I've experienced to a perfect video game.

From its tense, thrilling action to its rich atmosphere, from its glorious B-movie camp to its pitch-perfect pacing, it's just a masterclass in pure entertainment, delivering a constant stream of dopamine and adrenaline.

I've played through it 11 times, and each time it blew me away all over again. There may come a day when I find something capable of dethroning it, but after almost twenty years, so far, nothing else has.

The remake is better in everyway. Honeslty was the best game ever when it was released, but the combat is just too simple now, as we gamers have gotten way more skilled from playing games for 15 more years, the shoot in the head and kick is way too OP, then the shot gun just oblitrates enemies it's way to easy for something that's suppose to be a survival horror game these days. Play the remake in hardcore.

This where things to get confusing for me cause for mario 64, OOT, and resident evil 4 were goats for there time but they been surpassed in almost every way.

Last edited by zeldaring - on 27 July 2024

I played The Witcher 3 at release, which was a huge mistake. I played for about 3 hours and experienced quite a few bugs. Finally I was in some cellar with Geralt and he just refused to use the ladder to get back up. I was stuck down there and my last save was like an hour before. I lost all motivation and figured if I wanted to keep going, I had to save every two steps or something, managing multiple savegames like in Bethesda games. I really didn't want to do that. So I quit the game and never touched it again. I'm sure it is a great game and all, but in my memory, it will be forever known as "The Glitcher 3".

As for the best game of all time, that is obviously Mega Man X on SNES. Level design is next to perfect as is the flow in gameplay. Simply unmatched until this very day.

Last edited by OdinHades - on 27 July 2024

Official member of VGC's Nintendo family, approved by the one and only RolStoppable. I feel honored.

OdinHades said:

I played The Witcher 3 at release, which was a huge mistake. I played for about 3 hours and experienced quite a few bugs. Finally I was in some cellar with Geralt and he just refused to use the ladder to get back up. I was stuck down there and my last save was like an hour before. I lost all motivation and figured if I wanted to keep going, I had to save every two steps or something, managing multiple savegames like in Bethesda games. I really didn't want to do that. So I quit the game and never touched it again. I'm sure it is a great game and all, but in my memory, it will be forever known as "The Glitcher 3".

As for the best game of all time, that is obviously Mega Man X on SNES. Level design is next to perfect as is the flow in gameplay. Simply unmatched until this very day.

The Glitcher 3, haha. Yeah, at launch I fell in a hole in the middle of nowhere and couldn't get out. There were quite a few bugs at launch but by the time I was nearing the end of my playthrough and ready to start my next for the platinum they had ironed all that out apart from a few QoL issues like the sluggish map and inventory messiness. But I assure you, since then, I played in 2020 again and it was a perfect experience, the graphics hold up, the production value etc. It's not aging like milk so to say and they have that next gen upgrade, I've not tried it but it look s great on PRO in HDR anyway and I assure you that it's worth it if you have two hundred hours or so cause you'll want to do everything and play through the expansions as well. 

Main tip, play on the hardest difficulty, it brings out all the nuance of the game and makes you engage in mechanics you'd brute force through without if you go easier. It balances out and becomes a normal gameplay experience half way in anyway through itemaztion and your own skill. Don't overlook it cause of launch issues, of course if you have the time to invest and you want all other games to go out the window when you're hopelessly addicted. 

Around the Network

Such a tough decision.

I would say Half Life: 2 (PC) the closest game I would consider the Perfect video game.

Honorable close mentions would be below in no order,

  • Mario Galaxy
  • Zelda BOTY
  • Warcraft: 3
  • Perfect Dark
  • Halo: 3
  • Homeworld
  • Resident Evil: 4
Last edited by Azzanation - on 27 July 2024

zeldaring said:
curl-6 said:

To this day, it's about the closest thing I've experienced to a perfect video game.

From its tense, thrilling action to its rich atmosphere, from its glorious B-movie camp to its pitch-perfect pacing, it's just a masterclass in pure entertainment, delivering a constant stream of dopamine and adrenaline.

I've played through it 11 times, and each time it blew me away all over again. There may come a day when I find something capable of dethroning it, but after almost twenty years, so far, nothing else has.

The remake is better in everyway. Honeslty was the best game ever when it was released, but the combat is just too simple now, as we gamers have gotten way more skilled from playing games for 15 more years, the shoot in the head and kick is way too OP, then the shot gun just oblitrates enemies it's way to easy for something that's suppose to be a survival horror game these days. Play the remake in hardcore.

This where things to get confusing for me cause for mario 64, OOT, and resident evil 4 were goats for there time but they been surpassed in almost every way.

I played RE4 ps4 remaster in 2019 for the first time and I bought the remake a few months ago. I progressed the remake enough to know that it's not better in every way, they slowed down the pace of the game and there is something to be said about overcluttered graphics for this game. I felt like reducing difficulty just so I could get a better flow and pacing, before I put it in my backlof folder. I don't think RE4 was supposed to be pure horror nor was it supposed to follow RE in puzzles or level design. Just build as an action thrill ride from start to finish while keeping the vibe of the series. It was perfect. Even the VR game on Quest, as cool as it was, didn't feel like RE4 although they changed little but the key word is pacing. That game is built around the pacing. It needs to have progression get up and go and no down time. The remakes tennsenss is cool but to avoid getting gangbanged it slows it all down. To much I say.

Last edited by LegitHyperbole - on 27 July 2024

Azzanation said:

Such a tough decision.

I would say Half Life: 2 (PC) the closest game I would consider was Perfect game.

Honorable close mentions would be below not in any order,
Mario Galaxy
Zelda BOTY
Warcraft: 3
Perfect Dark
Halo: 3

I second Half-Life 2, it's not my favorite game of all time (but up there), but for what it did, what it was, and the overall incredible quality of almost every single aspect of it, it needs to be "single best" game of all time for me.

My favorite game of all time is "Betrayal at Krondor" - I replay it once every year.

Honorable mentions and far up on the list for me:

Gran Turismo 4
Deus Ex
Thief 2: The Metal Age
Heroes of Might & Magic III
Civilization IV
The Witcher 3
Diablo II

Last edited by Mummelmann - on 27 July 2024

curl-6 said:

To this day, it's about the closest thing I've experienced to a perfect video game.

From its tense, thrilling action to its rich atmosphere, from its glorious B-movie camp to its pitch-perfect pacing, it's just a masterclass in pure entertainment, delivering a constant stream of dopamine and adrenaline.

I've played through it 11 times, and each time it blew me away all over again. There may come a day when I find something capable of dethroning it, but after almost twenty years, so far, nothing else has.

Great game, played it in 2019 for the first time and have the remake installed. I prefer the ps4 remaster, it held up well enough that it didn't need a remake at all. 

It's so hard for me to decide Metal Gear Solid 2 or 3. I just love everything about the series but 2 and 3 are my absolute favourites and best games I've ever played. I'm blown away everytime I play 2 and 3 again