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I played The Witcher 3 at release, which was a huge mistake. I played for about 3 hours and experienced quite a few bugs. Finally I was in some cellar with Geralt and he just refused to use the ladder to get back up. I was stuck down there and my last save was like an hour before. I lost all motivation and figured if I wanted to keep going, I had to save every two steps or something, managing multiple savegames like in Bethesda games. I really didn't want to do that. So I quit the game and never touched it again. I'm sure it is a great game and all, but in my memory, it will be forever known as "The Glitcher 3".

As for the best game of all time, that is obviously Mega Man X on SNES. Level design is next to perfect as is the flow in gameplay. Simply unmatched until this very day.

Last edited by OdinHades - on 27 July 2024

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