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Forums - Politics Discussion - 2024 US Presidential Election

the-pi-guy said:
Radek said:

These people are truly deranged

Plenty of parents have kicked out or abused their kids for being gay, trans.

But sure, the real problem here is when kids cut off their abusive parents! 

It's deranged to advocate people should stay in contact with their abusers. 

I hope you somehow really misunderstood Radek's post cause conflating being an abuser with voting for Trump is what would actually be deranged here.

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The_Yoda said:
jason1637 said:

Instead of acknowledging Election inference you're saying "but did it happen in other states"

Was it election interference? Is Get Out the Vote also election interference or any other program that seeks to get voters registered?

Seems law professors were split and a judge ruled that it was not but I only took a surface level look.

A candidate paying people to vote is interference lol. Elon was directly working with the Trump Campaign. Whether Conservative like it or not the richest man in the world bought the election and Trump is likely to be his puppet. Trumps campaign spent $350m and Elon literally ran a $200m initiative to get him elected. If it wasnt for Elon Trump does not win.

Norion said:

I hope you somehow really misunderstood Radek's post cause conflating being an abuser with voting for Trump is what would actually be deranged here.

Why are those "deranged" left wingers crying in that video posted like 20 pages back? 

Because conservative policies and rhetoric are indirectly hurting people. A lot of women are terrified of what would happen if they became pregnant and it threatened their life. A lot of women are terrified of divorce potentially becoming more difficult, on the basis of no-fault divorce potentially being removed; and potentially getting stuck married to an actual abuser, on the basis that they can't prove the abuse.

Trans people and gay people are terrified of their rights and life being taken from them. 

These policies and rhetoric have consequences, regardless of whether the intention is good or not. 

I can absolutely understand that you think that a lot of this is an exaggeration. 

And I honestly hope that's the case, but the fact of the matter is, a lot of people in power have actively talked about a lot of these issues. And if they get their way, plenty of people have good reason to be terrified. 

And it's not unreasonable for people to be upset with their parents, if their parents helped those things happen. 

sc94597 said:

If Americans think the current economy is in a recession, we're in for a crazy ride over the next two-four years when a real one happens. 

If there's an actual recession in the next four years, unless the Dems run someone who is a terrible candidate, they will win. 

If everything is still expensive in the eyes of people in 4 years, the Dems will probably win again. 

This will go back and forth for a while because I don't think either party has an answer. 

BFR said:

Here's a thought.....and let's see if you liberals and democrats can follow my logic....

1. An illegal immigrant crosses the border into the USA - without a passport and without a Social Security card, and thus they are initially unemployed.

2. After arriving here, that immigrant gets a job - So now, they are members of the working class.

3. Which means, they have to buy groceries and pay taxes!

4. Based on #3, can you really blame them for voting for the candidate that listens to their concerns more so than the other one?

5. Bernie is right, the dems have lost touch with the working class.

What are you talking about?

Illegal immigrants can't vote in presidential elections.

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the-pi-guy said:
Norion said:

I hope you somehow really misunderstood Radek's post cause conflating being an abuser with voting for Trump is what would actually be deranged here.

Why are those "deranged" left wingers crying in that video posted like 20 pages back? 

Because conservative policies and rhetoric are indirectly hurting people. A lot of women are terrified of what would happen if they became pregnant and it threatened their life. A lot of women are terrified of divorce potentially becoming more difficult, on the basis of no-fault divorce potentially being removed; and potentially getting stuck married to an actual abuser, on the basis that they can't prove the abuse.

Trans people and gay people are terrified of their rights and life being taken from them.Â

These policies and rhetoric have consequences, regardless of whether the intention is good or not. 

I can absolutely understand that you think that a lot of this is an exaggeration. 

And I honestly hope that's the case, but the fact of the matter is, a lot of people in power have actively talked about a lot of these issues. And if they get their way, plenty of people have good reason to be terrified. 

And it's not unreasonable for people to be upset with their parents, if their parents helped those things happen. 

I'm gay myself actually and sorry but this is absurd. Nothing you said here comes even remotely close to justifying calling Trump voters abusers. Can you really not see just how over the top that is? If someone wants to argue that voting for him over things like the economy was ignorant then that's whatever and there will have been some people who voted for him for bigoted reasons but to generalize such a big chunk of the population over there to such a massive degree is completely untrue and does nothing but further the intense division going on over there.

And I would consider acting that way with friends and even family members over how someone voted unreasonable when there's tons of reasons why someone might've voted the way they did. If someone voted for a political party that's unfriendly to gay people but that had nothing to do with why and they had understandable reasons for their vote then I wouldn't make a big deal out of it.

Last edited by Norion - on 12 November 2024

Chris Hu said:
curl-6 said:

So long as the left decides to double down and learn nothing, they will continue to lose people.

Now is the time for introspection and change, for rethinking how the left can reach those outside their bubble.

By all means, keep screaming at anyone who disagrees with leftist ideology, but then don't act surprised if they vote against you.

The left did not lose.  The left has little to no power in the US.  The center right (Democrats) lost to the far right (Republicans). Since both parties shifted rightward since Reagan's first term.

Sorry but to say the left has no power is nonsense.

Over the last 8-9 years, the activist left has infiltrated and captured countless institutions across the Western world, from big tech to academia to education to media outlets, and used them to force their ideology on others and punish anyone who resists. Countless people have been harassed, excluded, censored, threatened, even fired from their jobs for not conforming to the beliefs of the left.

I'm left leaning on most issues and I've literally been sent death threats for being not left enough, it's unconscionable and people are sick of it.

Norion said:

I'm gay myself actually and sorry but this is absurd. Nothing you said here comes even remotely close to justifying calling Trump voters abusers. Can you really not see just how over the top that is? If someone wants to argue that voting for him over things like the economy was ignorant then that's whatever and there will have been some people who voted for him for bigoted reasons but to generalize such a big chunk of the population over there to such a massive degree is completely untrue and does nothing but further the intense division going on over there.

And I would consider acting that way with friends and even family members over how someone voted unreasonable when there's tons of reasons why someone might've voted the way they did. If someone voted for a political party that's unfriendly to gay people but that had nothing to do with why and they had understandable reasons for their vote then I wouldn't make a big deal out of it.

I was very careful not to use generalizations. 

I haven't said every conservative is like this, very specifically said there are people that want to do these things, and hopefully that these things don't end up happening.

I haven't said every liberal/leftist should cut off their family members, for these reasons. Just that it's not unreasonable for them to do so; IF their parents supported these things.

the-pi-guy said:
Norion said:

I'm gay myself actually and sorry but this is absurd. Nothing you said here comes even remotely close to justifying calling Trump voters abusers. Can you really not see just how over the top that is? If someone wants to argue that voting for him over things like the economy was ignorant then that's whatever and there will have been some people who voted for him for bigoted reasons but to generalize such a big chunk of the population over there to such a massive degree is completely untrue and does nothing but further the intense division going on over there.

And I would consider acting that way with friends and even family members over how someone voted unreasonable when there's tons of reasons why someone might've voted the way they did. If someone voted for a political party that's unfriendly to gay people but that had nothing to do with why and they had understandable reasons for their vote then I wouldn't make a big deal out of it.

I was very careful not to use generalizations. 

I haven't said every conservative is like this, very specifically said there are people that want to do these things, and hopefully that these things don't end up happening.

I haven't said every liberal/leftist should cut off their family members, for these reasons. Just that it's not unreasonable for them to do so; IF their parents supported these things.

I really don't think you were careful enough since it's easy to take your initial post as you calling all Trump voters abusers since the women in the video you replied to seem to be referring to voting for Trump in general, not just a specific subset of his voters. If you were really only referring to specific subsets then that needed to be made a lot more clear. 

Last edited by Norion - on 13 November 2024

Mnementh said:
sundin13 said:

Assuming that story is accurate, why do people think that Dems would have done significantly better given a longer campaign? A shorter campaign helps maintain enthusiasm and allows the candidate to run a campaign focused on the general election instead of having to pivot after the primary. 

My take is that Dems were doomed from the start because of idiots not understanding the economy. 

Sorry, that is a massively bullshit take. First of all, you find reasons why the Dems were doomed from the start. But the truth is, that in every election you will find reasons that are unfortunate for one party or another. So why not pack it in from the start, why raise 1 billion dollar from donors, who probably could use it better? Nah, you can win every election. Is it hard? You bet it is, but even if the basics are in your favor.

A longer campaign may not seem so fresh, but political stances are often pretty set in stone. A longer campaign helps to slowly grind away at these positions, a longer campaigns helps to solidify talking points that are beneficial for a party. The republicans did that, you see they always were on about border policies and immigrants. This sets in over time so that even for people who at the start didn't take this topic too seriously will think it is a serious issue at the end. That is what a long campaign does for you. If you set the talking points (which I would argue the democrats also did badly by choosing talking points that were irrelevant for a majority of people).

And you all have to stop calling people idiots who are different from you. Do you really think calling everyone idiots will make them vote your way the next time?

But the biggest blunder is blaming people not understanding economy. Bernie Sanders said 60% of americans live paycheck to paycheck. What does understanding the economy help these people exactly? Living paycheck to paycheck is a majorly shitty situation and all your insight into worldwide economic development doesn't help.

Let's make up a story. What if, the Democratic presidency instead of telling everyone to suck it up because worldwide economic situation is bad, would be understanding of the problems the working class people face. What if they create programs to help the people that are poor and are hardest hit? What if they supported their people instead of big corporations? Well, Democrats would win the presidency, many terms in succession. They would withstand the sirens call of fascism while the rest of the world gives in and elects or nearly elects fascist governments.

How do I know this? I know this, because this isn't a hypothetical about now, it is a history lesson. The world was hit by a major economic crisis about a hundred years ago. President Franklin D. Roosevelt created programs to help the working americans like the New Deal. The result was that FDR won four consecutive terms as president and the US withstand fascism while most of the world became fascist regimes.

So stop telling people to suck it up, stop telling them they "need to understand the economy", instead do something to help these people, and please for the love of god stop telling working class people they are idiots and start taking them seriously. Because they may have a different live path than you, but that doesn't mean you are in any way better than them.

EDIT: And because I know that people will come in here and scream at me: WHY DO YOU NOT CRITICIZE THE RIGHT? Simple answer: criticizing is a way to make better, and I am not here to improve the right. They are doing well enough on their own, probably because some strategists have recognized things I said here and used it in their favor. Or maybe they just lucked out. I don't know. But they don't need my help and I am unwilling to give them help.

First of all, I'm not here to earn votes right now. I don't care if calling a spade a spade is bad politics, I think right now I'm in the place where I'm gonna call that shit a spade. If someone gets angry because someone on the internet called them an idiot for acting like an idiot and votes against the dems, I feel like they are just proving me right. Sure, bad politics and all that, but I'm out of the game of convincing voters. 

Second, I feel like your argument regarding campaign length comes down to something we seem to both agree on: Dems are trash at messaging. I won't argue with you there. But the messaging war doesn't start with a campaign, nor does it end with one. So yeah, the everlasting messaging war is important for politics, and a campaign could be one tool for participating in that messaging war, but I disagree that it is a necessary part of it. The messaging war didn't start for Dems when Kamala joined the race, it had been ongoing for years.

As for the rest of what you are saying, I fear we don't live in the same reality which is frustrating for me because it is exactly what I am talking about. The entire Democratic platform is based around helping the poor. Like, wtf are you on about?