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Forums - Gaming Discussion - 7th gen or 8th gen


Which was the better gen in your opinion?

Wii/PS3/360/DS/PSP 54 66.67%
Wii U/PS4/XBO/3DS/Vita 27 33.33%

I think I enjoyed the WiiU + PS4 and 3ds more.... tbh, so I'm going against the tide.

Jpcc86 said:

Unpopular opinion, but I like the 3Ds library more than the Ds library, I mostly didnt care much for the Wii and the PS4 > PS3. Thus I gotta go 8th gen on this one.

Knew I couldn't be the only one.

Last edited by JRPGfan - on 01 July 2024

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7th Gen, easy victory.

  • Wii versus WiiU is a complete embarrasment, with a landslide Wii victory.
  • PS3 versus PS4 is also no contest, while PS4 had a couple of decemt games it pales in comparison to PS3.
  • XBox 360 versus One, I can’t technically say since I never played either but XBox One was a nonfactor anyway so I think it is safe to say 360 is an easy win here.
  • DS versus 3DS now however is different, as I liked the 3DS a lot. There are plenty of great games on it and I’d say this is the only system here that can compete with its predecessor, and even beat it.
  • PSP versus PSV is difficult because there wasn’t anything interesting on either. Though no actually there was a single game on PSV I was interested in so there’s that.
  • On the PC side during these era’s, both were a huge downgrade from the years during the 6th Gen, but the 7th Gen equivalent at least had a couple games I’d end up playing for a prolonged period of time, or at all really.

So what made those 7th Gen games stand out so much, and caught my attention and interest? Originality, novelty, variety, and games felt more inspired. That generation got me back into gaming while the 8th did little for me. The 9th even less a pushed me away but that’s a different story.

Jpcc86 said:

Unpopular opinion, but I like the 3Ds library more than the Ds library, I mostly didnt care much for the Wii and the PS4 > PS3. Thus I gotta go 8th gen on this one.

I played little of third-party games on 3DS (but only a little more on DS), but the first-party library of 3DS was superior to me.

I know it's sacrilege to some but playing software and hardware on anything weaker than a PS2/PSP/3DS is usually of no interest to me. And DS is around a PS1 (sometimes N64) in capability roughly. 

I've probably spent about 99% of my playtime on sixth generation hardware and newer, and as for the software probably about 93-96% sixth generation and newer. EarthBound is a case of a fourth generation title but I played it on Wii U.

I don't know if there's been a thread ranking the game generations (more than just two we're talking about right now), but 6th-8th are easily my top 3. And even with some shortcomings and still years to come, 9th gen will probably still be at least 4th place. 

Lifetime Sales Predictions 

Switch: 161 million (was 73 million, then 96 million, then 113 million, then 125 million, then 144 million, then 151 million, then 156 million)

PS5: 115 million (was 105 million) Xbox Series S/X: 48 million (was 60 million, then 67 million, then 57 million)

PS4: 120 mil (was 100 then 130 million, then 122 million) Xbox One: 51 mil (was 50 then 55 mil)

3DS: 75.5 mil (was 73, then 77 million)

"Let go your earthly tether, enter the void, empty and become wind." - Guru Laghima

8th without a single doubt.
PS4 had some of the best games ever, and a lot more great games than PS3.
Wii U also had great games, some of Switch best games are games born on Wii U or straight up Wii U games (BotW, 3D World, Tropical Freeze, Mario Kart 8, Splatoon, Mario Maker).


I get people think 7th is more iconic and set the precedence for everything positive coming from 8th, but 8th have better games

Also, I see Switch as 8th gen, so yeah

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Team Gen 7 here for sure.

There were so many fantastic experiences during Generation 7: Bioshock, Mario Galaxy, Uncharted, Assassin’s Creed, Gears, Fallout, the Arkham games, COD’s peak and tons more. Seeing such nice looking games in much higher resolution, the Wii’s pointer controls, the Virtual Console, the birth of touch screen gaming... every system during the 7th gen was good and welcome in its own way. Performance may not have always been great, but creativity certainly had my interest.

Generation 8, on the other hand, is my least favorite generation since before the NES: 3DS/WiiU’s concepts both flopped, I didn’t care for God of War’s new direction, the story in the TLOU2 was terrible, smallest jump from gen-to-gen (to my eyes), less games per series due to longer dev times, droughts on WiiU were unprecedented, and the state of gaming in general just lost my interest compared to Gen 7, save for Resident Evil. Spider-Man on the PS4 and hand-held Zelda returning to form were some pleasant surprises though, and I did enjoy playing several of my favorite 7th gen titles with way better performance via remasters but overall I was fine with leaving Gen 8 behind.

7th gen gets my vote too.

I liked the Wii more than the Wii U, the PS3 more than the PS4, and the 360 more than the Xbone.

8th gen had some great games, but the sheer amount of classics on 7th gen was enormous; the Bioshock, Mass Effect, Uncharted, and Gears of War trilogies, Mario Galaxy 1 and 2, Xenoblade Chronicles, Bayonetta, Vanquish, Dead Space, Metroid Prime 3, Portal 1 and 2, Skyrim, The Last Story, Zelda Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword, Puppeteer, Dishonoured, Halo 3/4/Reach, Alan Wake...

7th gen also predated a lot of negative trends in modern gaming like aggressive monetization and 5+ year dev cycles.

8th gen for me by miles. The sony games sucked that gen for me and basically everything had no challenge that gen, other then last of us and gran turismo i did not like any of sony offering except those 2 games, fromsoft games were so janky and ugly i could not get into them, and wii was a repackaged GC with motion controls, yea no thanks. 7th gen was the most brain dead gameplay gen for me.  I'll make a quick list of games that actually loved in both gens

batman Arkham city best game that gen
Last of us best story ever in a game
resident evil 5 was really good
red dead was a solid 8.5
DMC 4 was a 8.5
Mario galaxy games are the worst of the 3d mario games
halo 3 was 9.5

That's it these are the only games I really cared about that gen

Now 8th gen lets compare 8th games i loved

sekiro best game ever
bloodborne a 10
GOW 2018 A 10
spiderman 8.5
arkham knight was a 9
ghosts of tsushima
evil within 1 and 2
Witcher 3
dark souls 3
resident evil 2
red dead 2

8th gen made gaming great again for me.

Last edited by zeldaring - on 01 July 2024

LegitHyperbole said:

I don't get it, are people blinded by nostalgia so much. 7th gen was great and all but idk how it comes close to what we seen during the 8th gen wonder. The 7th gen might have started the seeds and put things in motion but it was 8th gen where the seeds sprouted and we got the fruits of what was promised. Well, I think we can all agree that 9th gen is where the crops are dying, the fruits are rotting on the ground but there's an odd one here and there that is ripe and tasty. That said, 2023 was one of the best years in gaming history objectively so it can't be as bad as it seems.

7th gen was boring to me.  Almost Everything was dumbed down and offered no challenge. dark souls was too ugly and janky on that hardware. uncharted great graphics but just mindless shooting with no skill needed and same with GOW on ps3 just button mash and win, mario galaxy huge step back from mario 64, and twilight princess was ugly and boring. ninja gaiden 2 was mediocre compared to ninja gaiden black. Very disappointing gen for me. 

LegitHyperbole said:

I don't get it, are people blinded by nostalgia so much. 7th gen was great and all but idk how it comes close to what we seen during the 8th gen wonder. The 7th gen might have started the seeds and put things in motion but it was 8th gen where the seeds sprouted and we got the fruits of what was promised. Well, I think we can all agree that 9th gen is where the crops are dying, the fruits are rotting on the ground but there's an odd one here and there that is ripe and tasty. That said, 2023 was one of the best years in gaming history objectively so it can't be as bad as it seems.

I don't think it's necessarily nostalgia; there are multiple factors in favour of gen 7; shorter dev times meaning games came out more often and we got whole trilogies like Mass Effect, Uncharted, Bioshock, and Gears (4 games for the last even) in the span of a single generation, less microtransactions, pay-to-win, and other shady practises, arguably more innovation and fresh new ideas, etc.