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Forums - Gaming Discussion - How far away are we from seeing games like Horizon: Zero Dawn and Spiderman 2018 on Switch/Switch 2?

Soundwave said:
Conina said:

I mean that also shows over 60% have 8GB or less GPUs, lol, like that's not the flex you think it is. That means I wouldn't be counting on games that require more than 8GB of VRAM any time soon. There's more people that have 4GB GPUs than 16GB + 24GB combined. 

Probably 8 GB VRAM will be the baseline for the next years due to that big percentage.

But PC gamers can switch to better hardware instantly when they need more GPU power for their games.
Nintendo gamers will be stuck on the Switch 2 hardware until at least 2030 without an upgrade path..

So should more and more games release with minimum specs of 10 - 12 GB VRAM, most PC gamers can just upgrade their GPU.

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Soundwave said:
zeldaring said:

Steam has 120 million active users and avertise it on their page all the time so they really don't need commercials every gamer knows about the Steamdeck is just they prefer to play on pc.

Or y'know Valve is selling millions of a product they basically gave less marketing than the Wii U got, has no retail presence, had people waiting on waitlists for months when for like a period of year after launch. I've said this will be a growing segment of the market and I stand by that. In 3-5 years, it wouldn't surprise me if these types of devices are moving 4-10 million units per year or more and then you have the Switch 2 as well. 

Lots of publishers are going to start taking that product sector a lot more seriously, because Sony and MS have stagnating in growing their market share, even though MS is spending through billions of dollars and wasting all this market money, even Sony isn't growing. 

If it sold near wiiu numbers in 2 years then I would say their something there but 3-4 million tells me there is no appetite for big thirdparty games on  a handheld.

zeldaring said:
Soundwave said:

Or y'know Valve is selling millions of a product they basically gave less marketing than the Wii U got, has no retail presence, had people waiting on waitlists for months when for like a period of year after launch. I've said this will be a growing segment of the market and I stand by that. In 3-5 years, it wouldn't surprise me if these types of devices are moving 4-10 million units per year or more and then you have the Switch 2 as well. 

Lots of publishers are going to start taking that product sector a lot more seriously, because Sony and MS have stagnating in growing their market share, even though MS is spending through billions of dollars and wasting all this market money, even Sony isn't growing. 

If it sold near wiiu numbers in 2 years then I would say their something there but 3-4 million tells me there is no appetite for big thirdparty games on  a handheld.

I think you are wrong and will be proven so. Do you think gaming laptops just popped up one day and started selling millions per year right away? No they didn't, initially it was a slow crawl, the Steam Deck product category is an infant that's just taking its first steps and I think you're wrong frankly. This product category will grow. There was a time when playing like even PS2 quality games on a laptop was something that felt impossible, today laptops that run the same games as any other hardware config is something no one even bats an eye lash at. Steam Deck 2 will outsell the Steam Deck 1 and so on and so on and more and more hardware vendors will start making their own versions. 

Soundwave said:
zeldaring said:

If it sold near wiiu numbers in 2 years then I would say their something there but 3-4 million tells me there is no appetite for big thirdparty games on  a handheld.

I think you are wrong and will be proven so. Do you think gaming laptops just popped up one day and started selling millions per year right away? No they didn't, initially it was a slow crawl, the Steam Deck product category is an infant that's just taking its first steps and I think you're wrong frankly. This product category will grow. There was a time when playing like even PS2 quality games on a laptop was something that felt impossible, today laptops that run the same games as any other hardware config is something no one even bats an eye lash at. Steam Deck 2 will outsell the Steam Deck 1 and so on and so on and more and more hardware vendors will start making their own versions. 

Well see, i honestly thought this thing was way north of 10 million, especially with Steam backing It and every thirdparty game available on it. The service is also exceptional. 

Conina said:
Soundwave said:

I mean that also shows over 60% have 8GB or less GPUs, lol, like that's not the flex you think it is. That means I wouldn't be counting on games that require more than 8GB of VRAM any time soon. There's more people that have 4GB GPUs than 16GB + 24GB combined. 

Probably 8 GB VRAM will be the baseline for the next years due to that big percentage.

But PC gamers can switch to better hardware instantly when they need more GPU power for their games.
Nintendo gamers will be stuck on the Switch 2 hardware until at least 2030 without an upgrade path..

So should more and more games release with minimum specs of 10 - 12 GB VRAM, most PC gamers can just upgrade their GPU.

Probably? More like "certainly" unless you're a publisher who's dying to have their game flop sales wise. 

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Soundwave said:

2050 is a popular laptop choice, again doesn't surprise me some here have a stick up their ass against it because it flies in the face of what they think hardware has to be today.  

Stop lying. It's actually not. I have already provided the evidence for all of this.

The RTX 2050 is at 0.24% of steam users.
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Laptop GPU is at 3.37%

That means the RTX 3060 Laptop GPU is 14x more common than the RTX 2050.

Again. Here is the evidence:

I suggest you look at the evidence and start thinking about the information that is presented in that evidence before you post your next piece of false information/lie.

Soundwave said:

Most GPUs on the Steam survey are on the lower end, then you have consoles like the Series S which a developer has to consider. The fact is developers are not going to make games and lock out all this kind of hardware. For fuck's sake almost 2x as many people have 4GB GPUs as 12-16GB rigs (which are generally the "high end" cards). 

I have already provided the evidence that determined that this is a lie.

Why are you still lying and arguing against provided evidence?

Soundwave said:

Yeah I forgot Digital Foundry has a sports section and swimsuit section of their website, lol, the fact is "tech dorks" talk a lot on message boards but aren't a market force. Y'all yapping away but you sure ain't showing up in numbers to drive software sales of games like Senua's Saga which is bombing harder than HiFi Rush, we've seen games like that which are trying to be graphics showcases flop or underperform over and over again. 

You need to pull your head out.

Again, Digital Foundry primarily deals with the analytical side of video games and the underpinning technology.

Their main bread and butter is frame rates, frame pacing and more... And that includes with Nintendo's platforms which often do not provide great results.

Conina said:

Probably 8 GB VRAM will be the baseline for the next years due to that big percentage.

But PC gamers can switch to better hardware instantly when they need more GPU power for their games.
Nintendo gamers will be stuck on the Switch 2 hardware until at least 2030 without an upgrade path..

So should more and more games release with minimum specs of 10 - 12 GB VRAM, most PC gamers can just upgrade their GPU.

If a game is competently designed, it doesn't matter if a game needs more VRAM than is available, it spills over into System Ram.
This actually happens more often than people realize.

Unfortunately, when games are not competently designed we start to see issues with things like texture loads.

PC Gamers tend to upgrade when there is a need... And console gamers don't understand that as they tend to be locked in permanently to the hardware they are provided for the entire life of that particular device.

I mean shit... I still have a spare PC that I built in 2011, 13 years ago... That will be faster and has more Ram than the unreleased Switch 2.0.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

Pemalite said:
Soundwave said:

2050 is a popular laptop choice, again doesn't surprise me some here have a stick up their ass against it because it flies in the face of what they think hardware has to be today.  

Stop lying. It's actually not. I have already provided the evidence for all of this.

The RTX 2050 is at 0.24% of steam users.
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Laptop GPU is at 3.37%

That means the RTX 3060 Laptop GPU is 14x more common than the RTX 2050.

Again. Here is the evidence:

I suggest you look at the evidence and start thinking about the information that is presented in that evidence before you post your next piece of false information/lie.

Soundwave said:

Most GPUs on the Steam survey are on the lower end, then you have consoles like the Series S which a developer has to consider. The fact is developers are not going to make games and lock out all this kind of hardware. For fuck's sake almost 2x as many people have 4GB GPUs as 12-16GB rigs (which are generally the "high end" cards). 

I have already provided the evidence that determined that this is a lie.

Why are you still lying and arguing against provided evidence?

Soundwave said:

Yeah I forgot Digital Foundry has a sports section and swimsuit section of their website, lol, the fact is "tech dorks" talk a lot on message boards but aren't a market force. Y'all yapping away but you sure ain't showing up in numbers to drive software sales of games like Senua's Saga which is bombing harder than HiFi Rush, we've seen games like that which are trying to be graphics showcases flop or underperform over and over again. 

You need to pull your head out.

Again, Digital Foundry primarily deals with the analytical side of video games and the underpinning technology.

Their main bread and butter is frame rates, frame pacing and more... And that includes with Nintendo's platforms which often do not provide great results.

Conina said:

Probably 8 GB VRAM will be the baseline for the next years due to that big percentage.

But PC gamers can switch to better hardware instantly when they need more GPU power for their games.
Nintendo gamers will be stuck on the Switch 2 hardware until at least 2030 without an upgrade path..

So should more and more games release with minimum specs of 10 - 12 GB VRAM, most PC gamers can just upgrade their GPU.

If a game is competently designed, it doesn't matter if a game needs more VRAM than is available, it spills over into System Ram.
This actually happens more often than people realize.

Unfortunately, when games are not competently designed we start to see issues with things like texture loads.

PC Gamers tend to upgrade when there is a need... And console gamers don't understand that as they tend to be locked in permanently to the hardware they are provided for the entire life of that particular device.

I mean shit... I still have a spare PC that I built in 2011, 13 years ago... That will be faster and has more Ram than the unreleased Switch 2.0.

2050 could sell 1 unit, the fact is it shows that modern games largely scale even to that little bandwidth and that low of RAM. 

It doesn't matter what you think PC gamers do or do not do, publishers make business decisions not "lets make games for a tiny niche audience of graphics enthusiasts" decisions, particularly today where making high end games is a business proposition of 2x-3x the cost of what it was even 8-9 years ago. 

If I'm a publisher spending huge amounts of money on a game, I don't give a fuck that you have 12GB or 16GB of RAM, I'm going to make sure my game still runs well enough on much lower end hardware than that, and that's really at the end of the day the only thing that matters. 

If there's a small market of people who want to spend hundreds more just to run the same game at a higher resolution and be able to see reflections in mirrors (whoopity doo) that's on them, it's not a great value proposition to most gamers though. 

A Switch 2 if it can run modern games like a 2050 can is remarkable in the sense that in past generations a DS or Game Boy or whatever the popular portable platform of the choice generally sure as fuck couldn't run modern games in a general sense. That this is now possible and potentially even commonplace today is notable. 

10 to 12 gb vram in a few years, as a baseline, wouldn't surprise me. Pushing RE4 gets to 8 gb.

S2 will be amazing for 1st party titles. Something like LM4 or Pikmin 5 will look stunning.

The S2 will run third party but with low settings across the board, 720p and 30 fps. People are more than welcome to be happy with that.


Vengeance 32 gb

RTX 4090 Ventus 3x E OC

Switch OLED

This generation is already baked in, was pretty much the moment Microsoft announced XBox Series S.

There isn't going to be a large jump forward in anything until Playstation 6 in 2028 and even then there is going to be a long, long, looooooooooooooooong cross gen period that will be worse than this generation where we're almost into year 5 and you can count the notable next-gen exclusives on maybe one hand, it's not like most developers even are going to jump in and start making PS6 only games in 2028.

There's no one in this business right that's sitting there saying "you know what I need right now? My gaming budgets to double again over what they already are today", let alone triple, quadruple again. There's no appetite in this business for that whatsoever. If there even was looking at the sales figures of things like Senua's Saga, Alan Wake 2, Immortals Aveum and even things like the recent Final Fantasy games are a sobering wake up call that going upwards in presentation/visual spend does not bring more sales with it. 

Switch 2 will be great for all types of games, 1st and yes 3rd party games too, so will the growing segment of portable consoles, and probably even Switch 2 Pro which is probably going to happen this generation unless Nintendo can manufacture a COVID boost (unlikely).

Last edited by Soundwave - on 10 June 2024

Soundwave said:

This generation is already baked in, was pretty much the moment Microsoft announced XBox Series S.

There isn't going to be a large jump forward in anything until Playstation 6 in 2028 and even then there is going to be a long, long, looooooooooooooooong cross gen period, it's not like most developers even are going to jump in and start making PS6 only games in 2028.

There's no one in this business right that's sitting there saying "you know what I need right now? My gaming budgets to double again over what they already are today", let alone triple, quadruple again. There's no appetite in this business for that whatsoever. If there even was looking at the sales figures of things like Senua's Saga, Alan Wake 2, Immortals Aveum and even things like the recent Final Fantasy games are a sobering wake up call that going upwards in presentation/visual spend does not bring more sales with it. 

Switch 2 will be great for all types of games, 1st and yes 3rd party games too, so will the growing segment of portable consoles, and probably even Switch 2 Pro which is probably going to happen this generation unless Nintendo can manufacture a COVID boost (unlikely).

Xbox s games could start running 20-30fps in the near future it's not like they are huge market to begin with and developers don't care they love pushing graphics. COD  of duty is gonna be online only as well do I don't know how they gonna get that game to work on Switch 2.