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Soundwave said:
zeldaring said:

Steam has 120 million active users and avertise it on their page all the time so they really don't need commercials every gamer knows about the Steamdeck is just they prefer to play on pc.

Or y'know Valve is selling millions of a product they basically gave less marketing than the Wii U got, has no retail presence, had people waiting on waitlists for months when for like a period of year after launch. I've said this will be a growing segment of the market and I stand by that. In 3-5 years, it wouldn't surprise me if these types of devices are moving 4-10 million units per year or more and then you have the Switch 2 as well. 

Lots of publishers are going to start taking that product sector a lot more seriously, because Sony and MS have stagnating in growing their market share, even though MS is spending through billions of dollars and wasting all this market money, even Sony isn't growing. 

If it sold near wiiu numbers in 2 years then I would say their something there but 3-4 million tells me there is no appetite for big thirdparty games on  a handheld.