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Soundwave said:
zeldaring said:

If it sold near wiiu numbers in 2 years then I would say their something there but 3-4 million tells me there is no appetite for big thirdparty games on  a handheld.

I think you are wrong and will be proven so. Do you think gaming laptops just popped up one day and started selling millions per year right away? No they didn't, initially it was a slow crawl, the Steam Deck product category is an infant that's just taking its first steps and I think you're wrong frankly. This product category will grow. There was a time when playing like even PS2 quality games on a laptop was something that felt impossible, today laptops that run the same games as any other hardware config is something no one even bats an eye lash at. Steam Deck 2 will outsell the Steam Deck 1 and so on and so on and more and more hardware vendors will start making their own versions. 

Well see, i honestly thought this thing was way north of 10 million, especially with Steam backing It and every thirdparty game available on it. The service is also exceptional.