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Forums - Gaming Discussion - How far away are we from seeing games like Horizon: Zero Dawn and Spiderman 2018 on Switch/Switch 2?

Playstation should port titles like Ratchet and Clank, Horizon, God of War and Astro over as soon as possible on Switch 2. If they want to make more profit this is the way to do that.

Please excuse my (probally) poor grammar

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Tools of Destruction and Crack in Time needs to be ported. Both are amazing.


Vengeance 32 gb

RTX 4090 Ventus 3x E OC

Switch OLED

If they're going to move up from LEGO Horizon eventually, one of their Marvel games (Spider-Man or the upcoming Wolverine) would make the most sense. They pay a lot of money to Marvel/Disney for those rights.

From the leaked Spider-Man 2018 financials from Sony we can see Marvel/Disney took home $218 million for Spider-Man 2018 alone, this fee is likely getting larger with time (this is not part of the main budget either, that remains the same), whereas Sony was at $352 million net, so Disney is making like $10/copy against 20 million sold for doing nothing, whereas Sony gets like $16/copy. Although 3rd parties basically live with this setup for every game (licensing fees).

Nintendo also makes a lot more profit than Sony does, Sony reports higher revenue than Nintendo does, but only half the profit margin. This is probably part of the reason they're not happy with their profit margins. They look over and see Nintendo's game division is making a lot more money. 

zeldaring said:
burninmylight said:

Oh, definitely the bolded. I'm amazed no one has mentioned this yet, but let's say that Soundwave's claims are true about the Mariko model's capabilities. Well, does that mean that devs should now be making games with that extra beef in mind? If so, what does that mean for all of us with an older model? Sounds like an N64 Expansion Pak situation.

And about the Switch Pro being canceled to make it easier to market and sell the Switch 2: I can see that, but not for the reasons Soundwave is stating. I think the biggest factor in that is the worldwide chip shortage effecting every sector of technology at the time, and production lines being harshly bottlenecked for a couple of years. None of the Big 3 could produce consoles fast enough to keep up with demand, but Nintendo was the least impacted thanks to its console already being on the shelf for years and having production lines well in place. A Switch Pro would have likely experienced the same drip feed that the PS5 and X Series (mostly X) did, and would have complicated supply chains. Nintendo read the room and saw that it would be wisest to go ahead and stick with its golden goose. This is speculation on my part, but I think that was the bigger factor.

The smaller factor is that it does become easier to market the Switch 2 when you're not asking customers to spend hundreds more dollars on another piece of hardware, this one the third time in the span of eight or so years and coming off of a catastrophic global event that caused mass unemployment and inflation. And when you do reveal and market it, it has more room to shine with a greater sense of the newness factor and a better contrast to the Switch 1's capabilities. I am aware that the PS5 is doing well despite the PS4 Pro and a new iPhone is released every year followed by submodels.

The older switch could  be over clocked as well just not as much as Marika. In the end though the over clocked doesn't produce miracles like Soundwave states. It's really more about the extra programming that the mod community does to get better perfomance, at much lower resolution. but if we are talking about just over clocking the switch it's get a nice boost in 5fps-15fps boost depending on the game, that's about it hardly anyone would call that a pro version it's laughable. 

As for why ninetndo didn't release pro, honestly it would have been a mistake for them, a pro version would not be in demand like a ps5 or Xbox series it's not new console. And just a better version of the switch. It would have demand for sure but just like the ps4 pro it would probably 20-30% of switch sales. Nintendo should have released switch 2 earlier cause based on the pro specs the switch 2 jump would not be worth it so Nintendo did the right thing.

You're flat out lying here. 

The overclock on Mariko produces way more than 5-15 fps boosts. It can double the frame rate and/or increase resolution, even though Switch games don't have resolution settings generally, we can see this in DOOM Eternal and other games (see again the video I posted) the resolution will increase in undocked mode because the game has dynamic resolution, so the game automatically sees it has performance overhead and increases the undocked resolution. It's not even specifically programmed to run at this higher resolution undocked, but the game does it automatically. 

Ask yourself why you are so invested in this stupid agenda that you flat out lie, I can produce 10+ videos that show performance increase well over 5-15 fps increases in frame rate. 30 fps to 60 fps in a lot of games, it can run games at 60 fps like Persona 5 Royal that don't even run at 60 fps on the PS4 Pro. 

You have this dumb agenda that you won't move off of because your feelings got hurt that someone corrected you that Nintendo is not in the Wii/DS era anymore hardware wise. 

The "overclock" of the Mariko is what the chip can actually do too, it's not some extreme performance case, the Mariko at those clocks can run comfortably at the same temperature the OG Switch runs at with its stock clocks. That's why the battery life remains 3-4 hours and the fan is still running at below 50%. We can see this clearly in Santiago's videos (temp, fan speed) and it's well established that the Mariko still gets over 3+ hours at the higher clocks. 

Not only that the chip can run games at 1440p-4K resolution, there was another video that proved that also. They were planning a 4K model, you don't make a 4K dock and alter a chipset to allow for 4K display if you weren't. That's fact of the OLED hardware, there is no arguing that. The OLED model is selling great too, so the whole "well Pro wouldn't have sold great" doesn't make any sense, it would have been the OLED model. 

Last edited by Soundwave - on 19 June 2024

Psychonauts 2 port to S2 would be cool. I wouldn't double dip, already run it on my rig, but it could be good for the franchise to get more exposure. Seems like it could fit well with the Nintendo audience and help fund a third title.


Vengeance 32 gb

RTX 4090 Ventus 3x E OC

Switch OLED

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Soundwave said:
zeldaring said:

The older switch could  be over clocked as well just not as much as Marika. In the end though the over clocked doesn't produce miracles like Soundwave states. It's really more about the extra programming that the mod community does to get better perfomance, at much lower resolution. but if we are talking about just over clocking the switch it's get a nice boost in 5fps-15fps boost depending on the game, that's about it hardly anyone would call that a pro version it's laughable. 

As for why ninetndo didn't release pro, honestly it would have been a mistake for them, a pro version would not be in demand like a ps5 or Xbox series it's not new console. And just a better version of the switch. It would have demand for sure but just like the ps4 pro it would probably 20-30% of switch sales. Nintendo should have released switch 2 earlier cause based on the pro specs the switch 2 jump would not be worth it so Nintendo did the right thing.

You're flat out lying here. 

The overclock on Mariko produces way more than 5-15 fps boosts. It can double the frame rate and/or increase resolution, even though Switch games don't have resolution settings generally, we can see this in DOOM Eternal and other games (see again the video I posted) the resolution will increase in undocked mode because the game has dynamic resolution, so the game automatically sees it has performance overhead and increases the undocked resolution. It's not even specifically programmed to run at this higher resolution undocked, but the game does it automatically. 

Ask yourself why you are so invested in this stupid agenda that you flat out lie, I can produce 10+ videos that show performance increase well over 5-15 fps increases in frame rate. 30 fps to 60 fps in a lot of games, it can run games at 60 fps like Persona 5 Royal that don't even run at 60 fps on the PS4 Pro. 

You have this dumb agenda that you won't move off of because your feelings got hurt that someone corrected you that Nintendo is not in the Wii/DS era anymore hardware wise. 

The "overclock" of the Mariko is what the chip can actually do too, it's not some extreme performance case, the Mariko at those clocks can run comfortably at the same temperature the OG Switch runs at with its stock clocks. That's why the battery life remains 3-4 hours and the fan is still running at below 50%. We can see this clearly in Santiago's videos (temp, fan speed) and it's well established that the Mariko still gets over 3+ hours at the higher clocks. 

Not only that the chip can run games at 1440p-4K resolution, there was another video that proved that also. They were planning a 4K model, you don't make a 4K dock and alter a chipset to allow for 4K display if you weren't. That's fact of the OLED hardware, there is no arguing that. The OLED model is selling great too, so the whole "well Pro wouldn't have sold great" doesn't make any sense, it would have been the OLED model. 

Lol you are the one  invested in a  lie, as usual.  we have videos  DF a reputable source testing 7-8 games with the same setting with a over clocked switch and guess what the results were much smaller then 5-15fps mean while you posting videos with extreme over clocks, mods with much lower resolution , and only in portable mode where the console has to remain plugged in. To frankly get your stupid point that nintendo gimped the hardware cause a system coming out in 6 years would be a bigger jump.

Last edited by zeldaring - on 19 June 2024

Soundwave said:
zeldaring said:

The older switch could  be over clocked as well just not as much as Marika. In the end though the over clocked doesn't produce miracles like Soundwave states. It's really more about the extra programming that the mod community does to get better perfomance, at much lower resolution. but if we are talking about just over clocking the switch it's get a nice boost in 5fps-15fps boost depending on the game, that's about it hardly anyone would call that a pro version it's laughable. 

You're flat out lying here. 

The overclock on Mariko produces way more than 5-15 fps boosts. It can double the frame rate and/or increase resolution, even though Switch games don't have resolution settings generally, we can see this in DOOM Eternal and other games (see again the video I posted) the resolution will increase in undocked mode because the game has dynamic resolution, so the game automatically sees it has performance overhead and increases the undocked resolution. It's not even specifically programmed to run at this higher resolution undocked, but the game does it automatically. 

I couldn't find a DOOM Eternal video in this whole thread.

So let's have a look at the DOOM 2016 video you posted a few pages ago:

At first he shows the game wih standard clocks and its 30 fps lock:

Then he overclocks the Switch (CPU +92%, GPU +30%, Memory +25%):

Then he increases the FPS target from 30 to 60 fps which results in a massive quality drop due to the dynamic resolution:

He even mentions the huge quality drop: "If you don't care about resolution, there you go. It can get very grainy and still drop below 60 fps" (while the fps counter on his screen falls below 40 fps):

"Would I play it docked like this? No, not really!"

Instead he recommends keeping the 30 fps lock and using the OC extra performance for the higher dynamic resolution... which can't be double because with 30 fps lock, the GPU is the bottleneck.

In handheld mode (with worse resolution, worse shaders, missing reflections) it is easier to keep 50 - 60 fps with hits in the upper 40s:

Last but not least, he mentions an OC battery life of 3 hours... ~ half the time due to overclocking:

Conina laid down the hammer. That should conclude the stupid assertion that shouldn't have been made in the first place.


Vengeance 32 gb

RTX 4090 Ventus 3x E OC

Switch OLED

Conina said:
Soundwave said:

You're flat out lying here. 

The overclock on Mariko produces way more than 5-15 fps boosts. It can double the frame rate and/or increase resolution, even though Switch games don't have resolution settings generally, we can see this in DOOM Eternal and other games (see again the video I posted) the resolution will increase in undocked mode because the game has dynamic resolution, so the game automatically sees it has performance overhead and increases the undocked resolution. It's not even specifically programmed to run at this higher resolution undocked, but the game does it automatically. 

I couldn't find a DOOM Eternal video in this whole thread.

So let's have a look at the DOOM 2016 video you posted a few pages ago:

At first he shows the game wih standard clocks and its 30 fps lock:

Then he overclocks the Switch (CPU +92%, GPU +30%, Memory +25%):

Then he increases the FPS target from 30 to 60 fps which results in a massive quality drop due to the dynamic resolution:

He even mentions the huge quality drop: "If you don't care about resolution, there you go. It can get very grainy and still drop below 60 fps" (while the fps counter on his screen falls below 40 fps):

"Would I play it docked like this? No, not really!"

Instead he recommends keeping the 30 fps lock and using the OC extra performance for the higher dynamic resolution... which can't be double because with 30 fps lock, the GPU is the bottleneck.

In handheld mode (with worse resolution, worse shaders, missing reflections) it is easier to keep 50 - 60 fps with hits in the upper 40s:

Last but not least, he mentions an OC battery life of 3 hours... ~ half the time due to overclocking:

Welp there goes his argument again  being thrown right out the window and destroyed using his own video lol.

This is the DOOM Eternal video:

Keep in mind this guys is a TECH head his whole channel is about performance, he is not really indicative of a regular gamer, but his videos are well laid out, he has his personal preferences, it's doesn't invalidate performance increases. 

Also keep in mind in the comments he says he didn't overclock the RAM, that significantly improves performance as well according to him. 

Docked goes from 28-30 fps to 45-60 FPS with the overclock. Of course you lose some resolution here, but this is the same with PS4 Pro quite often, even the PS5 has to go to lower resolutions to hit 50+ FPS, so I'm not sure why this is singled out as something for Switch only.

At 2:50 he goes to 30 fps but it increases the resolution "much higher resolution" according to him, game "looks significantly sharper".

At 5:10 he increases the resolution of undocked mode "game looks razor sharp, kind of insane". 

At 6:00 in or so he drops the resolution back to the standard undocked res, but now we see it is 55-60 fps instead of the previous 28-30 fps. He is testing according to him on "the most demanding level" in the game too and has some drops, but is also hitting 60. 

It's important to note here because I know you're going to try and twist these comments with bullshit, when he is saying 60 is blurrier he means relative to the artificially higher resolution he forced with the overclock. The resolution at 60 fps undocked is the STOCK resolution for undocked, so this is not a case of the game being forced into some different very low resolution to get 60 fps. This is the same resolution is has as stock settings, it just runs at 45-60 fps instead of 24-30 fps the normal Switch does.

He prefers the higher resolution, that's his personal preference, some people will prefer the higher frame rate. This is no different from plenty of PS4 Pro ports that also don't run locked at 60 fps in every case. 

At 9:20 he says the game is stable enough at 60 fps that he would play that way. At 9:55 "honestly it's awesome to play on the small screen at 60 fps, it's pretty impressive". 

Also using Digital Foundry videos from 4 years ago when the Mariko Switch wasn't even hacked is misleading, the Mariko Switch can overclock and maintain good battery life/reasonable internal temps. The OG Switch actually can run fine too, but it can't overclock quite as high and the battery life is about 90 minutes, but the discussion is about the Mariko model (OLED in specific). 

Regarding battery life, he says what he gets in battery life in the Kingdom Come video:

Go to 9:30 in the video this section actually a great example, this game is the ultimate stress test for Switch, this rain section drops below 25 fps frequently even on a PS4 Pro (*Pro*). This is probably the most challenging impossible port on the Switch, as said even PS4 Pro struggles with this game. 

The Switch can hold near 30 fps in the rain section, again note even the PS4 Pro can't do that. At 9:45 he says he gets more than 3 hours battery life with the overclocks (I think in this one he did overclock the RAM too, he didn't do that for DOOM Eternal because he didn't know how at the time). 3+ hours is perfectly reasonable battery life, that's what the OG Switch gets playing BOTW with stock clocks. 

Last edited by Soundwave - on 19 June 2024