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If they're going to move up from LEGO Horizon eventually, one of their Marvel games (Spider-Man or the upcoming Wolverine) would make the most sense. They pay a lot of money to Marvel/Disney for those rights.

From the leaked Spider-Man 2018 financials from Sony we can see Marvel/Disney took home $218 million for Spider-Man 2018 alone, this fee is likely getting larger with time (this is not part of the main budget either, that remains the same), whereas Sony was at $352 million net, so Disney is making like $10/copy against 20 million sold for doing nothing, whereas Sony gets like $16/copy. Although 3rd parties basically live with this setup for every game (licensing fees).

Nintendo also makes a lot more profit than Sony does, Sony reports higher revenue than Nintendo does, but only half the profit margin. This is probably part of the reason they're not happy with their profit margins. They look over and see Nintendo's game division is making a lot more money.