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Do you support Project 2025?

Yes 4 10.00%
No 36 90.00%

Project 2025 is a blueprint prepared by The Heritage Foundation (a right wing think tank) that lays out the first 180 days of the next Republican presidency.  The truncated summary of the agenda listed below is startling:

Mass layoffs of civil servants
Install Trump loyalists
Terminate the Constitution
Mass deportations
Bomb Mexico
Shoot migrants
Electrify the wall
Reinstate and expand Muslim ban
Ideological screening for immigrants
Revoke certain student visas
End birthright citizenship
10% tariff on all foreign goods
No 'two-state' solution
Withdraw from NATO
Punish hospitals that provide any trans care
Ban on trans car of any kind for minors
Exit Paris Climate Accord
Abolish the EPA
Increase dependence on fossil fuels
Nationwide abortion ban
Punish women for abortions
Abolish Department of Ed
Enforce 'patriotic based education'
Homeless encampments
Institutionalize the mentally ill
Full immunity for police
Employ 'stop and frisk' nationally
Shoot shoplifters
Federal takeover of Democratically led cities
Use National Guard on protests
Use military force on civilians

While unlikely that much of these policies could ever be enacted if our systems and institutions function as the safeguards they were designed to be, but it goes to show where the mind set is for many on the right.  That said, many others on the right are highly critical of it.  But will that ultimately be enough? Are we willing to take such a risk to our democracy?

Around the Network

Lol that’s about as insane as thinking that Biden was going to enforce a communist state in his first year. (You should rephrase the poll to say “Do you think any of this is actually going to happen?”.)

No. Trump likely won’t even have a strong majority in either of the chambers, so he won’t have the kind of power even a quarter of these things. I won’t deny that the rhetoric has become unhinged on the right, but they will in no way be able to enforce any of this into legislation.

Several of these are just ridiculous.

Bomb Mexico? Why would anyone want that? What would that accomplish?

"Terminate the Constitution".........Right wing think tank.......?????

It's a good troll list though. Made me laugh.

Renamed said:

Project 2025 is a blueprint prepared by The Heritage Foundation (a right wing think tank) that lays out the first 180 days of the next Republican presidency.  The truncated summary of the agenda listed below is startling:

Mass layoffs of civil servants  <- why?
Install Trump loyalists <- sounds like a bad idea, unless you want a facist with ultimate controll to take the wheel.
Terminate the Constitution  <-- why? who does that benefit?
Mass deportations
Bomb Mexico  <--- wtf? why?
Shoot migrants  <--- why?
Electrify the wall
Reinstate and expand Muslim ban  <-- freedom of religion? no?
Ideological screening for immigrants
Revoke certain student visas
End birthright citizenship  <--- being born in a country doesnt mean, your from it? hmmm?
10% tariff on all foreign goods  <--- will just make inflation go up, for things your reling on others for.
No 'two-state' solution  <---- because haveing religious powers run the country works great for other places in the world?
Withdraw from NATO  <--- the soft power, that USA uses to controll the world... why?
Punish hospitals that provide any trans care  <---- any? surely some might be deemed acceptable?
Ban on trans care of any kind for minors
Exit Paris Climate Accord  <--- billions of life, could be lost to climate change within 100-200 years, but why bother? I guess.
Abolish the EPA
Increase dependence on fossil fuels <--- because thats what the world needs. Who cares about the future climate anyways.
Nationwide abortion ban
Punish women for abortions
Abolish Department of Ed
Enforce 'patriotic based education'
Homeless encampments <--- go bankrupt, lose house, get rounded up, and put in a concentration camp.
Institutionalize the mentally ill <--- shouldn't you already be doing that? or is there no line here? all? even say depression?
Full immunity for police  <---- yes, police should be above the law.... right.
Employ 'stop and frisk' nationally
Shoot shoplifters <--- punishment fits the crime.... right?
Federal takeover of Democratically led cities
Use National Guard on protests
Use military force on civilians

While unlikely that much of these policies could ever be enacted if our systems and institutions function as the safeguards they were designed to be, but it goes to show where the mind set is for many on the right.  That said, many others on the right are highly critical of it.  But will that ultimately be enough? Are we willing to take such a risk to our democracy?

So much of this sounds crazy... I cant believe thats real.

Around the Network
Tober said:

"Terminate the Constitution".........Right wing think tank.......?????

It's a good troll list though. Made me laugh.

I really like your pfp, Tober. Goes hard.

Renamed said:

Project 2025 is a blueprint prepared by The Heritage Foundation (a right wing think tank) that lays out the first 180 days of the next Republican presidency.  The truncated summary of the agenda listed below is startling:

Mass layoffs of civil servants
Install Trump loyalists
Terminate the Constitution
Mass deportations
Bomb Mexico
Shoot migrants
Electrify the wall
Reinstate and expand Muslim ban
Ideological screening for immigrants
Revoke certain student visas
End birthright citizenship
10% tariff on all foreign goods
No 'two-state' solution
Withdraw from NATO
Punish hospitals that provide any trans care
Ban on trans car of any kind for minors
Exit Paris Climate Accord
Abolish the EPA
Increase dependence on fossil fuels
Nationwide abortion ban
Punish women for abortions
Abolish Department of Ed
Enforce 'patriotic based education'
Homeless encampments
Institutionalize the mentally ill
Full immunity for police
Employ 'stop and frisk' nationally
Shoot shoplifters
Federal takeover of Democratically led cities
Use National Guard on protests
Use military force on civilians

While unlikely that much of these policies could ever be enacted if our systems and institutions function as the safeguards they were designed to be, but it goes to show where the mind set is for many on the right.  That said, many others on the right are highly critical of it.  But will that ultimately be enough? Are we willing to take such a risk to our democracy?

No self-proclaimed Americans, leftwing or rightwing would ever get rid of the US Constitution. Especially the Rednecks, and rightwing, and the Heritage Foundation. Just sit on that for a second, a group called The Heritage Foundation wants to terminate the US Constitution, which is the reason there even is a United States of America still standing today (along with The Declaration of Independence). This is the heritage of America.

First of all, people will think this is legit because they just assume so.

Second, it was a good laugh.

Third, if this is what you think of the right, then you don't know what the right is actually about.

Try Again...

Lifetime Sales Predictions 

Switch: 160 million (was 120 million, then 140 million, then 150 million)

PS5: 130 million (was 124 million)

Xbox Series X/S: 54 million (was 60 million, then 57 million)

"The way to accomplish great things, is to be indefatigable and never rest till the thing is accomplished." - Joseph Smith Jr.

firebush03 said:

Lol that’s about as insane as thinking that Biden was going to enforce a communist state in his first year. (You should rephrase the poll to say “Do you think any of this is actually going to happen?”.)

No. Trump likely won’t even have a strong majority in either of the chambers, so he won’t have the kind of power even a quarter of these things. I won’t deny that the rhetoric has become unhinged on the right, but they will in no way be able to enforce any of this into legislation.

But there is no documentation of Biden wanting to implement a communist state from the left itself.   This is from the Heritage Foundation.  This is their playbook.

And I agree that he likely won't be able to implement much of those because the checks and balances and other safeguards but, as I stated, it shows the mind set of those crafting policy (which is what the Heritage Foundation does).

KLXVER said:

Several of these are just ridiculous.

Bomb Mexico? Why would anyone want that? What would that accomplish?

They are extremely ridiculous but they are all in Project 2025's playbook or stated by Project 2025's authors/proponents.  Although couched in language that isn't as direct as mine.

As for Mexico, they want to attack the cartels. It's not explicitly stated as such by the Heritage Foundation but they have fully endorsed Trump who has explicitly stated as such (along with others in the GOP). Link.

Tober said:

"Terminate the Constitution".........Right wing think tank.......?????

It's a good troll list though. Made me laugh.

Replace, rewrite, what have you.  They are pushing for extensive modifications to several aspects to the point it no longer resembles the Constitution we know. And it is quite evident in the policies agenda list above.  You could not implement even half of those under the current Constitution.  If they want to implement the rest, they have to do something to the Constitution itself. Trump himself has stated as such a few times, "the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution".

Shtinamin_ said:

No self-proclaimed Americans, leftwing or rightwing would ever get rid of the US Constitution. Especially the Rednecks, and rightwing, and the Heritage Foundation. Just sit on that for a second, a group called The Heritage Foundation wants to terminate the US Constitution, which is the reason there even is a United States of America still standing today (along with The Declaration of Independence). This is the heritage of America.

First of all, people will think this is legit because they just assume so.

Second, it was a good laugh.

Third, if this is what you think of the right, then you don't know what the right is actually about.

Try Again...

Enjoy.  All 920 pages of their Mandate For Leadership: The Conservative Promise.  Written in collaboration by over 200 GOP policy makers, leaders, consultants, etc...  And what isn't in that document has been uttered by either Trump himself or other members of the GOP.

Renamed said:
firebush03 said:

Lol that’s about as insane as thinking that Biden was going to enforce a communist state in his first year. (You should rephrase the poll to say “Do you think any of this is actually going to happen?”.)

No. Trump likely won’t even have a strong majority in either of the chambers, so he won’t have the kind of power even a quarter of these things. I won’t deny that the rhetoric has become unhinged on the right, but they will in no way be able to enforce any of this into legislation.

But there is no documentation of Biden wanting to implement a communist state from the left itself.   This is from the Heritage Foundation.  This is their playbook.

And I agree that he likely won't be able to implement much of those because the checks and balances and other safeguards but, as I stated, it shows the mind set of those crafting policy (which is what the Heritage Foundation does).

KLXVER said:

Several of these are just ridiculous.

Bomb Mexico? Why would anyone want that? What would that accomplish?

They are extremely ridiculous but they are all in Project 2025's playbook or stated by Project 2025's authors/proponents.  Although couched in language that isn't as direct as mine.

As for Mexico, they want to attack the cartels. It's not explicitly stated as such by the Heritage Foundation but they have fully endorsed Trump who has explicitly stated as such (along with others in the GOP). Link.

Tober said:

"Terminate the Constitution".........Right wing think tank.......?????

It's a good troll list though. Made me laugh.

Replace, rewrite, what have you.  They are pushing for extensive modifications to several aspects to the point it no longer resembles the Constitution we know. And it is quite evident in the policies agenda list above.  You could not implement even half of those under the current Constitution.  If they want to implement the rest, they have to do something to the Constitution itself. Trump himself has stated as such a few times, "the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution".

Shtinamin_ said:

No self-proclaimed Americans, leftwing or rightwing would ever get rid of the US Constitution. Especially the Rednecks, and rightwing, and the Heritage Foundation. Just sit on that for a second, a group called The Heritage Foundation wants to terminate the US Constitution, which is the reason there even is a United States of America still standing today (along with The Declaration of Independence). This is the heritage of America.

First of all, people will think this is legit because they just assume so.

Second, it was a good laugh.

Third, if this is what you think of the right, then you don't know what the right is actually about.

Try Again...

Enjoy.  All 920 pages of their Mandate For Leadership: The Conservative Promise.  Written in collaboration by over 200 GOP policy makers, leaders, consultants, etc...  And what isn't in that document has been uttered by either Trump himself or other members of the GOP.

Yes I have actually read the whole thing and no there isn’t a single mention of terminating the US Constitution.

Try Again…

Lifetime Sales Predictions 

Switch: 160 million (was 120 million, then 140 million, then 150 million)

PS5: 130 million (was 124 million)

Xbox Series X/S: 54 million (was 60 million, then 57 million)

"The way to accomplish great things, is to be indefatigable and never rest till the thing is accomplished." - Joseph Smith Jr.

firebush03 said:

Lol that’s about as insane as thinking that Biden was going to enforce a communist state in his first year. (You should rephrase the poll to say “Do you think any of this is actually going to happen?”.)

No. Trump likely won’t even have a strong majority in either of the chambers, so he won’t have the kind of power even a quarter of these things. I won’t deny that the rhetoric has become unhinged on the right, but they will in no way be able to enforce any of this into legislation.

The Supreme Court would never let that happen, as would no Republicans and probably not even one Democrat. Obviously, Joe Biden would never try something like that hypothetically unless some of his handlers wanted it (also highly unlikely)

The US Supreme Court and Congress would allow a semi-fascist, Christian Nationalist, or outright fascist state way before they would allow a communist state. There's no one far-left in the three branches of government that we know of, but there are more right-wingers than left-wingers and at least a dozen far-right figures.

Some of Project 2025 would be blocked if attempted, but I'm pretty sure President Trump and his allies would be able to (I'm striking through what they would be unable to get through or at least not try)...

Mass layoffs of civil servants
Install Trump loyalists
Terminate the Constitution 
Mass deportations
Bomb Mexico
Shoot migrants
Electrify the wall
Reinstate and expand Muslim ban
Ideological screening for immigrants
Revoke certain student visas
End birthright citizenship
10% tariff on all foreign goods
No 'two-state' solution
Withdraw from NATO
Punish hospitals that provide any trans care
Ban any trans care of any kind for minors
Exit Paris Climate Accord
Abolish the EPA
Increase dependence on fossil fuels
Nationwide abortion ban
Punish women for abortions
Abolish Department of Ed
Enforce 'patriotic based education'
Homeless encampments
Institutionalize the mentally ill
Full immunity for police
Employ 'stop and frisk' nationally
Shoot shoplifters
Federal takeover of Democratically led cities
Use National Guard on protests
Use military force on civilians

They will probably try almost all of those and would succeed at around half or more of them. 

Lifetime Sales Predictions 

Switch: 161 million (was 73 million, then 96 million, then 113 million, then 125 million, then 144 million, then 151 million, then 156 million)

PS5: 115 million (was 105 million) Xbox Series S/X: 48 million (was 60 million, then 67 million, then 57 million)

PS4: 120 mil (was 100 then 130 million, then 122 million) Xbox One: 51 mil (was 50 then 55 mil)

3DS: 75.5 mil (was 73, then 77 million)

"Let go your earthly tether, enter the void, empty and become wind." - Guru Laghima