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Shtinamin_ said:
Renamed said

Third, if this is what you think of the right, then you don't know what the right is actually about.

Try Again...

Can you tell me what the right is actually about?

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

Around the Network
zorg1000 said:
Shtinamin_ said:

Third, if this is what you think of the right, then you don't know what the right is actually about.

Try Again...

Can you tell me what the right is actually about?

I really appreciate your question. Thank you! :)

As of this moment, the Right otherwise known as conservatives have the following ideologies:

Protection of the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights. We can simplify that down to protect the rights of the citizens, and ensure the rules that the governments must follow. The US Constitution and Bill of Rights are to describe what the government cannot infringe upon in terms of the people's natural born rights.

Transparency in regards to government. 

Less to no taxes (some have the ideology that there shouldn't be taxes in the USA just like it was before WWI, in fact we succeeded from England in order to become the USA over a tax on just tea which I think was a 3¢/1lb of tea tax back in 1773, and other things which were mentioned in the US Constitution and Bill of Rights).

A government that puts it's focus more on it's own soil and people than other countries, or other countries' people. (The government can get involved in world-wide affairs but it must put more emphasis at home than afar).

Upholding and ensuring quality in schools, hospitals, businesses, police forces, firefighters, first responders, etc. in all aspects, public, private, local, federal, etc.

That every citizen, and visitor to the USA must obey, honor and sustain the laws of the land.

Desire a deflation in the economy so that people's spending power can increase, thus helps boom the economy. (That includes the stoppage of shrinkflation, and increased prices on essential goods).

All peoples, no matter their age, size, or disability are human and are given natural born rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

And there are more but these are the standards that the right stand by. Solid American policies. So if you agree with any of those talking points then you must be a conservative, or at least an independent that loves America. 🇺🇸 · 🦅 · 🗽

If we are to talk about what Trump and the right would even think of doing, go check Project 47. This has been approved of by Donald J. Trump, and is on his campaign page.

Lifetime Sales Predictions 

Switch: 160 million (was 120 million, then 140 million, then 150 million)

PS5: 130 million (was 124 million)

Xbox Series X/S: 54 million (was 60 million, then 57 million)

"The way to accomplish great things, is to be indefatigable and never rest till the thing is accomplished." - Joseph Smith Jr.

Shtinamin_ said:
Renamed said:

But there is no documentation of Biden wanting to implement a communist state from the left itself.   This is from the Heritage Foundation.  This is their playbook.

And I agree that he likely won't be able to implement much of those because the checks and balances and other safeguards but, as I stated, it shows the mind set of those crafting policy (which is what the Heritage Foundation does).

KLXVER said:

Several of these are just ridiculous.

Bomb Mexico? Why would anyone want that? What would that accomplish?

They are extremely ridiculous but they are all in Project 2025's playbook or stated by Project 2025's authors/proponents.  Although couched in language that isn't as direct as mine.

As for Mexico, they want to attack the cartels. It's not explicitly stated as such by the Heritage Foundation but they have fully endorsed Trump who has explicitly stated as such (along with others in the GOP). Link.

Replace, rewrite, what have you.  They are pushing for extensive modifications to several aspects to the point it no longer resembles the Constitution we know. And it is quite evident in the policies agenda list above.  You could not implement even half of those under the current Constitution.  If they want to implement the rest, they have to do something to the Constitution itself. Trump himself has stated as such a few times, "the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution".

Shtinamin_ said:

No self-proclaimed Americans, leftwing or rightwing would ever get rid of the US Constitution. Especially the Rednecks, and rightwing, and the Heritage Foundation. Just sit on that for a second, a group called The Heritage Foundation wants to terminate the US Constitution, which is the reason there even is a United States of America still standing today (along with The Declaration of Independence). This is the heritage of America.

First of all, people will think this is legit because they just assume so.

Second, it was a good laugh.

Third, if this is what you think of the right, then you don't know what the right is actually about.

Try Again...

Enjoy.  All 920 pages of their Mandate For Leadership: The Conservative Promise.  Written in collaboration by over 200 GOP policy makers, leaders, consultants, etc...  And what isn't in that document has been uttered by either Trump himself or other members of the GOP.

Yes I have actually read the whole thing and no there isn’t a single mention of terminating the US Constitution.

Try Again…

Read what I wrote to KLXVER above your quote.  I'm sorry.  I was just using the current languages of the right - hyperbole, oversimplification, amplification and embellishment. 

Renamed said:
Shtinamin_ said:

Yes I have actually read the whole thing and no there isn’t a single mention of terminating the US Constitution.

Try Again…

Read what I wrote to KLXVER above your quote.  I'm sorry.  I was just using the current languages of the right - hyperbole, oversimplification, amplification and embellishment. 

That's okay, but every single time they reference the US Constitution, they are saying that it is a focal point of their whole Project. To protect it, to uphold it, and to ensure that the governments are staying in their lane and not trespassing on the natural born rights that each person has. In fact they say that it is the necessity of the American people to fight to keep the Constitution for they make a lot of claims that the left, and progressives are trying to distort, and bypass the US Constitution (trampling over people's rights/government's barricades).

"As we approach our nation’s 250th anniversary, which will take place during the next presidency, America is now divided between two opposing forces: woke revolutionaries and those who believe in the ideals of the American revolution. The former believe that America is—and always has been—“systemically racist” and that it is not worth celebrating and must be fundamentally transformed, largely through a centralized administrative state. The latter believe in America’s history and heroes, its principles and promise, and in everyday Americans and the American way of life. They believe in the Constitution and republican government. Conservatives—the Americanists in this battle—must fight for the soul of America, which is very much at stake.
Just two years after the death of the last surviving Constitutional Convention delegate, James Madison, Abraham Lincoln warned that the greatest threat to America would come not from without, but from within."

(Roberts 19) Project 2025's "Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise"

I can provide more US Constitution quotes from the book if you want.

But yes a lot of people on the right use hyperbole, oversimplification, amplification and embellishment. Why, because the right care about the American people as a whole, and they want their message to get across. You start to lose people's interest when you ramble, and beat around the bush. They have been starting to talk more direct, and are starting to make their way towards concise, and clear (but that will take a while). This is what I've noticed especially from the newer right coming out.

And just because they have endorsed Trump does not mean that Trump endorses them. He certainly has endorsed Project 47. You should take a look at it. Project 47

America wants people that think for themself, does the right research, and does their best to make their community the best it can be (was that hyperbole, oversimplification, amplification and embellishment enough?).

Lifetime Sales Predictions 

Switch: 160 million (was 120 million, then 140 million, then 150 million)

PS5: 130 million (was 124 million)

Xbox Series X/S: 54 million (was 60 million, then 57 million)

"The way to accomplish great things, is to be indefatigable and never rest till the thing is accomplished." - Joseph Smith Jr.

Renamed said:

Read what I wrote to KLXVER above your quote.  I'm sorry.  I was just using the current languages of the right - hyperbole, oversimplification, amplification and embellishment. 

The language you are using is indicating that you have a biased view in political discourse. Essentially a view "good versus bad, and the right is bad by definition". No room for nuance.

That does not help having a genuine discussion.

Around the Network
Renamed said:
firebush03 said:

Lol that’s about as insane as thinking that Biden was going to enforce a communist state in his first year. (You should rephrase the poll to say “Do you think any of this is actually going to happen?”.)

No. Trump likely won’t even have a strong majority in either of the chambers, so he won’t have the kind of power even a quarter of these things. I won’t deny that the rhetoric has become unhinged on the right, but they will in no way be able to enforce any of this into legislation.

But there is no documentation of Biden wanting to implement a communist state from the left itself.   This is from the Heritage Foundation.  This is their playbook.

And I agree that he likely won't be able to implement much of those because the checks and balances and other safeguards but, as I stated, it shows the mind set of those crafting policy (which is what the Heritage Foundation does).

KLXVER said:

Several of these are just ridiculous.

Bomb Mexico? Why would anyone want that? What would that accomplish?

They are extremely ridiculous but they are all in Project 2025's playbook or stated by Project 2025's authors/proponents.  Although couched in language that isn't as direct as mine.

As for Mexico, they want to attack the cartels. It's not explicitly stated as such by the Heritage Foundation but they have fully endorsed Trump who has explicitly stated as such (along with others in the GOP). Link.

Tober said:

"Terminate the Constitution".........Right wing think tank.......?????

It's a good troll list though. Made me laugh.

Replace, rewrite, what have you.  They are pushing for extensive modifications to several aspects to the point it no longer resembles the Constitution we know. And it is quite evident in the policies agenda list above.  You could not implement even half of those under the current Constitution.  If they want to implement the rest, they have to do something to the Constitution itself. Trump himself has stated as such a few times, "the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution".

Shtinamin_ said:

No self-proclaimed Americans, leftwing or rightwing would ever get rid of the US Constitution. Especially the Rednecks, and rightwing, and the Heritage Foundation. Just sit on that for a second, a group called The Heritage Foundation wants to terminate the US Constitution, which is the reason there even is a United States of America still standing today (along with The Declaration of Independence). This is the heritage of America.

First of all, people will think this is legit because they just assume so.

Second, it was a good laugh.

Third, if this is what you think of the right, then you don't know what the right is actually about.

Try Again...

Enjoy.  All 920 pages of their Mandate For Leadership: The Conservative Promise.  Written in collaboration by over 200 GOP policy makers, leaders, consultants, etc...  And what isn't in that document has been uttered by either Trump himself or other members of the GOP.

In regards to @firebush03 
I agree with @Renamed, Biden has never said That he would implement a Communistic State replacing the Constitutional Federal Republic of the United States of America.

And I agree that they won't be able to implement everything on this list because not everything is what they support. A number of them are though.

In regards to @KLXVER, The Heritage Foundation wrote the book Project 2025's "Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise" in order to raise awareness, and show the necessity that the government is not protecting US citizens, and is not doing adequate enough in their job which is to serve publicly to ensure that the rights of the people are kept, and that the country will stand to last the eternities.

And there is not a single mention or reference to bombing Mexico. They talk about that the President in 2025 needs to secure the border, and ensure that the drug cartel is to be stopped for they are causing lots of damage to families, business, and lives. They also say that the Remain in Mexico agreement was great.

"In addition to finalizing the southwestern land border wall, the next Administration should take a creative and aggressive approach to tackling these dangerous criminal organizations at the border. This could include use of active-duty military personnel and National Guardsmen to assist in arrest operations along the border—something that has not yet been done." (Roberts 555 Project 2025's "Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise")

In regards to @Tober. I have already stated what they think of the US Constitution. And I'm glad you think this forum is a laugh.

And @Renamed that Trump quote you use was completely out of context. Reminds me of the bloodbath quote the news used. Here is the full quote.  "So, with the revelation of MASSIVE & WIDESPREAD FRAUD & DECEPTION in working closely with Big Tech Companies, the DNC, & the Democrat Party, do you throw the Presidential Election Results of 2020 OUT and declare the RIGHTFUL WINNER, or do you have a NEW ELECTION? A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution. Our great “Founders” did not want, and would not condone, False & Fraudulent Elections!" Donald Trump on Truth Social

He is speaking in regards of how he thinks there was fraud in the 2020 election. And honestly who cares, what matters is now and the future. But he is saying that if this was actually fraudulent, then what is to stop them and it is essentially is jumping over, around, and running over the US Constitution, and any federal rules that have been implemented.

If you are going to be telling truths, you must show the truth. What you are proclaiming is NOT THE TRUTH, and are BLATANT LIES. 

Try Again...

Lifetime Sales Predictions 

Switch: 160 million (was 120 million, then 140 million, then 150 million)

PS5: 130 million (was 124 million)

Xbox Series X/S: 54 million (was 60 million, then 57 million)

"The way to accomplish great things, is to be indefatigable and never rest till the thing is accomplished." - Joseph Smith Jr.

Shtinamin_ said:
zorg1000 said:

Can you tell me what the right is actually about?

I really appreciate your question. Thank you! :)

As of this moment, the Right otherwise known as conservatives have the following ideologies:

Protection of the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights. We can simplify that down to protect the rights of the citizens, and ensure the rules that the governments must follow. The US Constitution and Bill of Rights are to describe what the government cannot infringe upon in terms of the people's natural born rights.

Transparency in regards to government. 

Less to no taxes (some have the ideology that there shouldn't be taxes in the USA just like it was before WWI, in fact we succeeded from England in order to become the USA over a tax on just tea which I think was a 3¢/1lb of tea tax back in 1773, and other things which were mentioned in the US Constitution and Bill of Rights).

A government that puts it's focus more on it's own soil and people than other countries, or other countries' people. (The government can get involved in world-wide affairs but it must put more emphasis at home than afar).

Upholding and ensuring quality in schools, hospitals, businesses, police forces, firefighters, first responders, etc. in all aspects, public, private, local, federal, etc.

That every citizen, and visitor to the USA must obey, honor and sustain the laws of the land.

Desire a deflation in the economy so that people's spending power can increase, thus helps boom the economy. (That includes the stoppage of shrinkflation, and increased prices on essential goods).

All peoples, no matter their age, size, or disability are human and are given natural born rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

And there are more but these are the standards that the right stand by. Solid American policies. So if you agree with any of those talking points then you must be a conservative, or at least an independent that loves America. 🇺🇸 · 🦅 · 🗽

If we are to talk about what Trump and the right would even think of doing, go check Project 47. This has been approved of by Donald J. Trump, and is on his campaign page.

Let’s look at the issues Project 47 mentions and take out the vague platitudes.

Border Security-build a wall and end catch & release

Law and Order-fund the police and eliminate sanctuary cities

The Economy-cut spending and cut taxes

Right to Life-eliminate access to abortion

National Security-end wokeness and DEI initiatives in the armed forces

Parental Rights-remove DEI requirements and ban trans youth

Gun Rights-prevent any form of gun safety legislation

Support for Israel-turn a blind eye on atrocities happening to Palestinians

Breaking up the Administrative State-deregulation and make government less effective

ESG and Woke Capital-focus on short term profits and ignore long term sustainability

Higher Education-reduce funding

To summarize, the right wants to turn the government into an authoritarian, police state that economically focuses on allowing the wealthy to continue hoarding wealth while cutting funding to everything but the military and socially focuses on restricting the rights of women, minorities and LGBT individuals.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

I'm not even American, but most of that list is complete bonkers LOL

Well Project what ever it is sounds a little scary.


Iit sounds like the wishlist of an entitled child who wants all to conform to their world view and is will to kill others to achieve it.

This sounds like a solution to the Fermi Paradox where one of the Great Filters is just unmitigated stupidity.