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Renamed said:
Shtinamin_ said:

Yes I have actually read the whole thing and no there isn’t a single mention of terminating the US Constitution.

Try Again…

Read what I wrote to KLXVER above your quote.  I'm sorry.  I was just using the current languages of the right - hyperbole, oversimplification, amplification and embellishment. 

That's okay, but every single time they reference the US Constitution, they are saying that it is a focal point of their whole Project. To protect it, to uphold it, and to ensure that the governments are staying in their lane and not trespassing on the natural born rights that each person has. In fact they say that it is the necessity of the American people to fight to keep the Constitution for they make a lot of claims that the left, and progressives are trying to distort, and bypass the US Constitution (trampling over people's rights/government's barricades).

"As we approach our nation’s 250th anniversary, which will take place during the next presidency, America is now divided between two opposing forces: woke revolutionaries and those who believe in the ideals of the American revolution. The former believe that America is—and always has been—“systemically racist” and that it is not worth celebrating and must be fundamentally transformed, largely through a centralized administrative state. The latter believe in America’s history and heroes, its principles and promise, and in everyday Americans and the American way of life. They believe in the Constitution and republican government. Conservatives—the Americanists in this battle—must fight for the soul of America, which is very much at stake.
Just two years after the death of the last surviving Constitutional Convention delegate, James Madison, Abraham Lincoln warned that the greatest threat to America would come not from without, but from within."

(Roberts 19) Project 2025's "Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise"

I can provide more US Constitution quotes from the book if you want.

But yes a lot of people on the right use hyperbole, oversimplification, amplification and embellishment. Why, because the right care about the American people as a whole, and they want their message to get across. You start to lose people's interest when you ramble, and beat around the bush. They have been starting to talk more direct, and are starting to make their way towards concise, and clear (but that will take a while). This is what I've noticed especially from the newer right coming out.

And just because they have endorsed Trump does not mean that Trump endorses them. He certainly has endorsed Project 47. You should take a look at it. Project 47

America wants people that think for themself, does the right research, and does their best to make their community the best it can be (was that hyperbole, oversimplification, amplification and embellishment enough?).

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