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Forums - Politics Discussion - Israel-Hamas war, Gaza genocide

Only 97 trucks into Gaza via US pier: UN

The US-built temporary pier on the coast of Gaza has delivered 97 trucks of aid since operations began a week ago, a UN spokesperson says. The UN World Food Programme “took possession of 97 trucks since the floating dock came into operation” on May 17, Stephane Dujarric told reporters.

“There were a number of trucks where people, as we put it, ‘self-distributed’, but the trucks themselves did make it,” Dujarric said. “After a rocky start, the situation is stabilised. What we want to see, as we’ve been saying, is massive aid coming in through land routes.”

Before Israel launched its war on Gaza, about 500 trucks with humanitarian supplies entered Gaza through the now-closed land crossings each day.

And 190 a day through Rafah and Kerem Shalom before the Rafah invasion. First week for the pier, 14 a day. It was never meant as a replacement, hardly can be called a sufficient addition if fully operational. 190 + 150 still far short of what's needed.

106 trucks went through Kerem Shalom since may 17, so 203 total since may 17, avg 29 a day.

ICJ order on Israel ‘important but insufficient’: Turkey

Turkey’s Justice Minister Yilmaz Tunc says the World Court order for Israel to stop its attack on Rafah is “important yet insufficient”.

“The decision of the ICJ to stop the attacks of the occupying Israel, which has been committing genocide in Gaza and Rafah since October 7, and to pave the way for humanitarian aid, is important but insufficient to end the blood and tears flowing in Palestine,” Tunc said on X.

He stressed Israel must comply with the binding order by the UN’s top court.

“Countries and international organizations that believe in democracy and human rights should also take action to ensure that Israel complies with the decisions.”

Dunno why CNN labels this as an opinion, seems to be fact on the ground.

Opinion: The near-impossible task of providing food aid in Gaza
Kerri Kennedy is the associate general secretary for international programs at the American Friends Service Committee. The views expressed in this commentary are her own. Read more opinions at CNN.

Earlier this month, our team of humanitarian workers had to stop distributing aid in Gaza. Like most of the population there, our aid workers urgently needed to find new places for themselves and their families to shelter.

In recent weeks, Israel airdropped leaflets on eastern Rafah, instructing hundreds of thousands of Palestinians to move to areas that have already been destroyed. Israeli airstrikes were intensifying, and the ground invasion was about to begin.

Almost all humanitarian aid providers were operating out of Rafah, including my colleagues from the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC). Our staff in Gaza had been serving hot meals from open-air kitchens and hosting recreational activities for children and teens.

Since October, the team in Gaza has provided lifesaving humanitarian aid to more than half a million people. They continued to provide this aid even as they faced unbearable personal trauma. Their homes had been bombed. They had been forced to relocate over and over in search of a safety that does not exist. Dozens of their family members had been killed by air strikes.

Our office in Gaza City, located within a protected and deconflicted building, was bombed on October 9 — we don’t know if it is still standing. In Rafah, our staff were living in a compound with dozens of other families while continuing to organize the complex logistics of providing humanitarian aid. Now they are again seeking shelter.

In recent days, hundreds of thousands of people have fled Rafah, fearing for their lives. Prior to this latest Israeli operation, there had been 1.4 million Palestinians in Rafah, most of whom had already been forcibly displaced from elsewhere. This included over 600,000 children, nearly all of whom were sick, severely traumatized, injured or malnourishedMore children have been killed in Gaza over the last seven months than in all global conflicts combined between 2019 and 2022.

Meanwhile, the Israeli military has intermittently blocked aid from entering at the Kerem Shalom crossing. Israel has seized and closed the Rafah crossing since launching their military invasion of the southern border. Rubble and active hostilities are blocking passage of both trucks and people. Both crossings have been completely destroyed on the Palestinian side by the Israeli army. Israeli settlers are attacking aid trucks and destroying food stores.

Continued here

Very factual article for an 'opinion'. It does explain what was meant by Egypt allowing aid through:

Egypt has also been reluctant to open its border through Kerem Shalom after Israel seized the Gaza side of the crossing. But on Friday the Biden administration announced that Egypt had agreed to temporarily open the border to allow aid through. This is a step in the right direction.

So no detour, a temporary shortcut from Egypt to Kerem Shalom.

Around the Network

‘End this nightmare,’ says UN aid chief

Martin Griffiths, the UN’s chief of emergency humanitarian relief, says Israel’s war on Gaza has been “a tragedy beyond words”.

“At a time when the people of Gaza are staring down famine; when hospitals are attacked and invaded; when aid organizations are blocked from reaching people in need; when civilians are under bombardment from north to south; it is more critical than ever to heed the calls made over the last seven months:

“Release the hostages. Agree a ceasefire. End this nightmare.”

Senior Israeli officials say ‘war goals’ in Rafah will continue despite ICJ order

The Israeli consensus amongst ministers, as well as the prime minister, is that the ICJ is anti-Semitic and that they will continue with their war goals.

They will continue, as they have said many times, to eliminate Hamas from the whole of the Gaza Strip and retrieve those who are still held captive. There are 125 captives still in the Gaza Strip.

Benny Gantz, the war cabinet member, said that Israel is committed to continue the ‘just and necessary war’ as well as returning those held captive.

The far-right ministers, such as the National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, added that the only answer to this is to invade and occupy Rafah. Bezalel Smotrich, that’s the finance minister, was the first to respond to the ICJ order, and he said that this is going not just against Israel but also against the Jewish people.

Israel will be concerned even though they have the US as an ally to back them up. The international consensus is that Israel needs to stop this war.


This post has been edited for revealing the home address of another person to potentially incite hate and anger.

Relax guys. 

Last edited by twintail - on 25 May 2024

The Israeli military has arrested four men in the occupied West Bank city of Qalqilya, the Wafa news agency reports. Three of the men were brothers.

Israeli forces have also arrested a man from the town of Jaba, south of Jenin, and stormed the nearby towns of Arraba, Kafr Ra’i, Qabatiya, and Yabad, and the villages of Tura and Fahma, according to Wafa.

Israeli military raids have been reported in other locations across the occupied West Bank. They include:

  • The town of Dura, south of Hebron
  • The town of Beit Ummar, north of Hebron
  • The towns of Burqa and Bazaria, northwest of Nablus
  • The village of Jit, east of Qalqilya
  • Israeli settlers have attacked Palestinian homes with stones east of the city of Hebron

EU needs ‘daily presence’ as violence against Palestinians grows in West Bank: UN rep

Francesca Albanese, the UN special rapporteur on the human rights situation in the occupied Palestinian territory, said the EU needs to “upgrade” its role and maintain an ongoing presence in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem.

Albanese said such a presence would “act as ‘passive’ protection for the Palestinians, while more formal measures are taken”.

The UN rapporteur made her remarks following a visit by EU diplomats to the occupied Jordan Valley amid an “increasingly coercive environment that Israeli’s occupation forces and armed settlers pose to Palestinian communities”.

Albanese also questioned whether the EU’s representatives will now inform their governments that “apartheid Israel is intensifying its daily violence against the Palestinians”.

Israeli army continues raids in occupied West Bank

The Israeli military has carried out several raids in the occupied West Bank overnight and Saturday morning, injuring two Palestinians and arresting several others.

In the city of el-Bireh, a 15-year-old child was injured by live bullets fired by Israeli troops. A young man from al-Khader in the south of Bethlehem sustained bruises after soldiers beat him near his house. In addition:

  • Israeli forces stormed Salem, Burqa and Bazaria in Nablus, where confrontations took place.
  • In Tulkarem, troops stormed the towns of Ramin and Shuweika and arrested two Palestinians.
  • In Qalqilya, Israeli forces with armoured vehicles deliberately damaged civilian cars during their storming of the city, and arrested four relatives of whom they claimed to be a wanted person.
  • At dawn, settlers from the old city of Hebron attacked homes of Palestinians in the besieged neighbourhood of Wadi al-Husayn and threw stones at Palestinian homes.

G7 to call on Israel to maintain Palestinian bank links

G7 finance leaders will call on Israel to maintain correspondent banking links between Israeli and Palestinian banks to allow vital transactions, trade and services to continue, according to a draft joint statement seen by Reuters news agency.

The statement, to be released at the end of a Group of Seven finance ministers and central bank governors’ meeting in northern Italy, also calls for Israel “to release withheld clearance revenues to the Palestinian Authority, in view of its urgent fiscal needs”.

The G7 finance leaders also called for the removal or relaxation of other measures “that have negatively impacted commerce to avoid further exacerbating the economic situation in the West Bank”.

UN chief expects Israel to comply with ICJ order: Spokesperson

A spokesman for Antonio Guterres said the UN’s secretary-general “trusts” that Israel will comply with the International Court of Justice’s orders and end its attack on Rafah, open Gaza’s border crossings to allow entry of humanitarian aid, and allow access to Gaza for war crimes investigators.

Guterres also expects that the other “parties” – a reference to Palestinian armed groups – will implement the ICJ’s repeated call for the immediate release of Israeli captives held in Gaza, UN spokesman Stephane Dujarric said.

UN member states have a duty to follow Security Council decisions and court orders, he said. “The secretary-general has no crystal ball,” Dujarric told reporters. “Whether or not they choose to do so is a question you need to ask them.”

In accordance with the ICJ statute, Dujarric said the secretary-general will now transmit the ICJ’s provisional measures regarding Israel to the UN Security Council. Guterres later posted on social media the message that “protecting civilians is not negotiable”.

“Wars have rules that everyone must respect,” he wrote.

How can you trust that Israel will comply this time. They haven't in all previous times... Yet what else can he do with the US thwarting everything the UN tries to de-escalate the situation. US has never cared about international law. Rules only apply to 'others'.

ICJ ruling a milestone showing Israel crossed all limits: Euro-Med monitor

Maha Hussaini, strategy director of Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor, says the ICJ decision is an important and crucial step the world has awaited for decades, not just since the beginning of “the genocide” that started on October 7.

“This is finally a recognition by the international community that has long resorted to only timid statement about Israel’s violations,” she told Al Jazeera in Deir el-Balah.

Hussaini said that it is a recognition that “what Israel is doing in the Gaza Strip has actually crossed all limits”. She added that for decades, the international community has continued not to only to defend, but also supported Israel by providing arms that have been involved in war crimes and crimes against humanity.

“The Palestinians have lost faith in humanity. They were abandoned and failed by the international community. This is now a milestone.”

US Senator Bernie Sanders says US ignores crimes in Gaza at its peril

Sanders warned the US that if it ignored the “crimes against humanity” being committed in Gaza, it would not have any credibility to criticise “the actions of any country, no matter how terrible those actions may be”.

In a post on social media accompanied by a video of the Vermont senator making a speech, Sanders said the US “claims to be the leader of the free world”.

“At our best, we try to mobilise countries to uphold international law and prevent crimes against humanity,” he said.

“How will the United States be able to criticise any country in the world? Whether it is Russia, China, Saudi Arabia or anyone else, any other country in the world, if we pretend [about] that what is happening in Gaza. If we actually believe what Netanyahu is saying,” he said.

That pretense was shattered long ago. The US has a bloody history full of war crimes.

People’s Conference for Palestine – Thousands attend workshops in Michigan

Thousands of protesters against Israel’s war on Gaza are gathering in Michigan to plan the next stage of their campaign.

The People’s Conference for Palestine runs for three days and will hear from dozens of speakers as they work out tactics and strategies to stop the killing of more Palestinians.

Around the Network

Father of captive retrieved from Gaza said Israeli gov’t has not contacted him

The father of Hanan Yablonka, an Israeli captive whose body was retrieved from Gaza on Friday, said that he has not been contacted by anyone in the Israeli government regarding his son’s death.

“It’s hard for us and no one called,” he told Israel’s Channel 12.

“Maybe I should be a Likud member [Netanyahu’s party], then everyone would call me. The prime minister can’t call? Are we hundreds? It’s three families, make a call, send a telegram,” the grieving father said.

The Israeli military said the bodies of three captives taken to the Palestinian enclave in the October 7 attack were recovered during an overnight mission in Jabalia, northern Gaza. It named them as Orion Hernandez, 30, Hanan Yablonka, 42, and Michel Nisenbaum, 59.

Israelis protest against US support for Gaza war

Israeli activists protest against Israel’s war on Gaza and the US providing weapons for the war in front of the US consulate in Jerusalem on May 24

Setting fire to UNWRA headquarters is fine, protesting peacefully is not allowed.

Majority of Israelis say Netanyahu’s gov’t not doing enough to free captives

A new poll conducted by the Midgam polling institute for Israel’s Channel 12 reveals that 67 percent of Israelis believe Netanyahu’s government is not doing enough to free captives held in Gaza.

Only 30 percent of those polled on Friday believe Israel’s ultimate goal at this stage of the war is to defeat Hamas.

Twenty-two percent said Israel bears sole responsibility for the failure of the exchange negotiations while 48 percent called on War Council minister Benny Gantz to resign from the cabinet immediately.

Israeli rights group calls on ‘citizens of Israel’ to open eyes to ‘apartheid regime’

B’Tselem, one of Israel’s leading human rights organisations, has called on Israelis to heed developments at the International Criminal Court and the International Court of Justice regarding the war on Gaza and ensure the “violence, destruction and killing” stops.

“Israel will inevitably incur harsher international intervention” if it continues to “ignore the catastrophic reality on the ground” in Gaza and fails in its “duty to protect human life”, B’Tselem said in a series of posts on social media.

“We, the citizens of Israel, must open our eyes,” the rights group said. “We must listen to the clear call from around the world: the violence, destruction and killing must stop now,” it said.

“It is time we understood that violence and disregard for human life are keystones of the Israeli apartheid regime between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea.”

Former Italian MP hangs Palestinian flag from Italian parliament

Former Italian Member of Parliament Stefano Apuzzo has been filmed hanging a Palestinian flag from the Italian parliament in Rome in protest of Israel’s war on Gaza.

In footage of the incident, Apuzzo can be seen climbing out of a window at the Palazzo Montecitorio, home to the lower house of the Italian Parliament, and onto a balcony, where he unfurls a Palestinian flag.

“Enough with the use of Italian weapons in genocide in Gaza. There are 35,000 dead in Gaza,” Apuzzo shouts from the balcony.

Punched, choked, kicked: German police crack down on student protests

Campus activism in Germany has stepped up in recent weeks as students, following their American counterparts, have established occupations or encampments on university grounds in Berlin, Munich, Cologne and other cities.

While some protests have proceeded peacefully, others have been dispersed by police, sparking public debate about whether students have exceeded the limits of protected speech and protest in Germany, or whether authorities have infringed on those same rights in order to suppress antiwar activism.

One student occupier at Berlin’s Humboldt University told Al Jazeera that police punched his head repeatedly and kicked him as they broke up protesters’ occupation of a campus building, sending him to the hospital with a concussion.

A pro-Palestinian protester at the department of social sciences at Berlin’s Humboldt University is removed from the building by police

US says cruise missile destroyed in latest attack on Yemen’s Houthis

The US military’s Central Command, which has responsibility for the Middle East, said its forces “successfully engaged” a cruise missile site in an area of Houthi-controlled Yemen.

The land-attack cruise missile presented an “imminent threat” to US and military coalition forces, as well as merchant vessels in the region, CENTCOM said in justification for its attack on Friday.

Houthi forces in Yemen have been waging a months-long campaign to target shipping in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden with links to Israeli firms or ports. Houthi leaders say their attacks on shipping will end when Israel ends its war on Gaza.

Thousands of Houthi supporters gathered in the capital Sanaa on Friday, in what has become a weekly event, to show public support for Palestinians as Israel’s military pounds the Gaza Strip from air, land and sea.

Displaced Palestinians surviving on just 3% of minimum daily water needs: UN report

The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UN OCHA) has released an update on the deteriorating situation in Gaza as communicable diseases rise and displaced people are desperately short of water as Israel intensifies its attacks from north to south.

No hospitals are currently accessible in northern Gaza, the World Health Organization reports, and as of Friday only the al-Awda Hospital was “considered partially functional” in the north, though it, too, was inaccessible amid Israeli military operations.

The International Rescue Committee and the organisation Medical Aid for Palestinians reported that in central Gaza displaced people are surviving on just 3 percent of the internationally recognised minimum requirements of water.

At one shelter for displaced Palestinians, 10,000 people received just 4,000 litres of water per day, “translating to about 0.4 litres per person, for drinking, washing, cooking and cleaning”, UN OCHA reports.

Children under five are being hit hardest, with that age group accounting for 29 percent of acute respiratory infections, 33 percent of bloody diarrhoea cases, and 28 percent of watery diarrhoea.

The World Food Programme (WFP) warned this week that “if food and humanitarian supplies do not begin to enter Gaza in massive quantities, desperation and hunger will spread”.

Displaced Palestinians in the central town of Deir el-Balah form queues to receive clean water distributed by aid organisations on May 20

Israeli strike in Nuseirat refugee camp kills 4: Report

An Israeli air attack on an apartment building in the Nuseirat refugee camp, in central Gaza, has killed at least four people, local media is reporting.

Elsewhere, an unspecified number of people have been reported killed by an Israeli air attack on a residential building in the Daraj neighbourhood of Gaza City in the north of the territory, according to the Wafa news agency.

The youngest casualties – Children suffer as Israel’s war on Gaza rages

A displaced Palestinian woman and children at a wood-burning stove in Deir el-Balah on May 24

Palestinian children search through a rubbish dump in Khan Younis, in the southern Gaza Strip, on Friday

Palestinian PM calls out book-burning Israeli soldiers

The social media account of the Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammad Mustafa has shared an image of an Israeli soldier reading a book in a library at Gaza’s Al-Aqsa University while a shelf of books burns in the background.

The prime minister said the soldier had shared the image of himself “posing in front” of the burning books at the library, “which they had set on fire”.

“Israel has targeted all universities in the Strip, with some being completely destroyed,” the post on the prime minister’s X account adds.

‘No surprise’: Israeli forces intensify attacks on Gaza despite court order to stop

It’s not a surprise to see the Israeli military scaling up its attacks across the Gaza Strip at the same time as the court was in session ordering Israel to [implement] a complete cessation of its hostilities and genocidal acts on the ground.

It’s happened before, repeatedly almost. Every resolution, every decision in an international arena is met with public defiance by the Israeli government and the Israeli military on the ground.

Just as day breaks, we have reports of ongoing attacks in the vicinity of the Kuwaiti Hospital, including Shaboura refugee camp, which is where the hospital is located. Relentless attacks took place overnight on Shaboura refugee camp.

In the early hours of this morning, there is more artillery shelling of [the camp’s] surroundings, which is pushing people into further forced displacement and also preventing ambulance vehicles from the hospital being dispatched to get to areas where there has been a bombing.

Gradually, step by step, another health facility is being pushed out of service as the Israeli military approaches the main roads leading to the Kuwaiti Hospital.

Right now we can safely say that there isn’t a single health facility operational in the northern part of the Gaza Strip.

Israel’s attacks in Rafah continue despite ICJ ruling

There are intense attacks and aerial bombardment by the Israeli forces across the Gaza Strip despite the ICJ ruling. There were massive attacks across Rafah, particularly in the eastern and the central parts, when the court was in session yesterday.

The Israeli military said nine bombs were dropped on one area in the city, which seems like an attempt by the army to assassinate a target. We have also seen an expansion of the military incursion further to the western part and the surrounding areas, where Shaboura refugee camp and Kuwaiti Hospital are located.

The camp has been bombed in the past months, with attacks severely damaging residential homes and the public facilities, including the roads leading to the hospital.

Hamas using ‘fighting compounds’ as ‘most violent’ battle for Jabalia rages: Monitors

Palestinian fighters in Gaza’s northern Jabalia refugee camp have established “fighting compounds” which allow them to rapidly and safely move through buildings rather than on the streets where they would be exposed to Israeli attack, war monitors report.

Israeli forces battling in Jabalia since May 11 have described the Palestinian resistance fighters in the camp area as “bolder” that in other parts of Gaza and the fighting as being the “most violent” of the war so far, the Institute for the Study of War (ISW) and the Critical Threats Project (CTP) report.

The US-based defence think tanks said the two-week-long battle for control of Jabalia demonstrates that Hamas is “conducting a deliberate defence of the area” and their “unusually high rate of attacks” on Israeli forces proves that Hamas can remain “combat effective”, despite the loss of their Jabalia battalion commander in October.

“Hamas has organized its military wing like a conventional military and has developed a deep bench of experienced military commanders to run it,” the ISW/CTP said. “Hamas uses this conventional military structure to continue fighting, despite intense Israeli military pressure.”

Israel’s Jabalia operation causing more internal displacement

The Israeli military has continued its operation in the Jabalia refugee camp in northern Gaza, targeting more residential buildings and public facilities, including schools and UNRWA facilities.

The attacks have displaced more people.

Right now, the entire population of the camp has been pushed out towards the western part of Gaza City, apart from the people trapped inside at the evacuation centres due to the Israeli operation.

There has been no water or food supplied to the camp for the last 17 days. There is an actual famine going on there.

Separately in Jabalia, an attack on a three-storey residential building reportedly killed three people, with several injured, in what seem to be a targeted assault.

Palestinians living in the Jabalia Refugee Camp, Beit Lahia, Al-Falouja, and Al-Fakhura in the north of Gaza migrate towards safer areas after being forced to flee due to Israeli attacks, Friday

Kamal Adwan Hospital still surrounded by Israeli forces

Dr Hussam Abu Safiya, the head of paediatrics at Kamal Adwan Hospital in Gaza, has told Al Jazeera that Israeli forces are still surrounding the hospital. He added that:

  • The hospital is out of service due to the continuous siege.
  • He got in touch with Red Cross and UNICEF but didn’t get any reassurance that something will be done.
  • Some patients and premature babies are still inside the hospital.
  • The health system has become a primary target for the Israeli forces.

Kamal Adwan hospital’s health team evacuate Palestinian patients after Israeli airstrikes damaged the building, on May 21

Israeli attacks killed 450 displaced people in UNRWA shelters since October 7

Over the past week, the UNRWA has received reports of numerous Israeli attacks on its shelters that have killed internally displaced people.

In one instance reported on May 22, a UN school in Jabalia was besieged by Israeli forces and shelled, causing an undetermined number of casualties.

In another case, reported on May 17, two UNRWA sanitation and maintenance offices were found to have been “completely destroyed” by Israeli air strikes.

Since Israel’s war on Gaza began, the UNRWA has seen 174 of its facilities damaged by attacks. At least 450 displaced people have been killed and 1,472 injured inside these facilities, it said.

Woman killed by Israeli attack on Gaza City home

Our colleagues on the ground are reporting that an Israeli military strike has targeted a family home in Gaza City’s Sabra neighbourhood, killing a woman and injuring other people.

Numerous other neighbourhoods of Gaza City have come under heavy artillery shelling, according to the Wafa news agency, including Sheikh Ajlin, Tal al-Hawa and Zeitoun.

Civil defense teams and residents carry out search and rescue efforts after an Israeli attack hit a house in al-Daraj neighborhood in Gaza City, Friday

More Palestinians killed in Wadi Gaza

The number of people killed in the Israeli attack on Wadi Gaza has now risen to six, as Israeli quadcopters fire at people congregated there, reports Al Jazeera’s Hani Mahmoud.

Palestinians desperate for aid often gather in Wadi Gaza to try and reach aid trucks coming from the floating pier near Gaza City. Others must cross the area to return to their homes, said Mahmoud.

Part of US-built Gaza pier swept into sea, then recovered: Report

Israel’s Channel 12 reports that strong waves caused part of the dock to break off and drift into the sea before a US Navy crew secured it and brought it back ashore.

The US-built pier, located southwest of Gaza City, has delivered 97 truckloads of aid since it opened May 17, according to the United Nations, as key land crossings to the enclave remain shuttered.

PR pier is turning into a 320 million dollar cruel joke.