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The Israeli military has arrested four men in the occupied West Bank city of Qalqilya, the Wafa news agency reports. Three of the men were brothers.

Israeli forces have also arrested a man from the town of Jaba, south of Jenin, and stormed the nearby towns of Arraba, Kafr Ra’i, Qabatiya, and Yabad, and the villages of Tura and Fahma, according to Wafa.

Israeli military raids have been reported in other locations across the occupied West Bank. They include:

  • The town of Dura, south of Hebron
  • The town of Beit Ummar, north of Hebron
  • The towns of Burqa and Bazaria, northwest of Nablus
  • The village of Jit, east of Qalqilya
  • Israeli settlers have attacked Palestinian homes with stones east of the city of Hebron

EU needs ‘daily presence’ as violence against Palestinians grows in West Bank: UN rep

Francesca Albanese, the UN special rapporteur on the human rights situation in the occupied Palestinian territory, said the EU needs to “upgrade” its role and maintain an ongoing presence in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem.

Albanese said such a presence would “act as ‘passive’ protection for the Palestinians, while more formal measures are taken”.

The UN rapporteur made her remarks following a visit by EU diplomats to the occupied Jordan Valley amid an “increasingly coercive environment that Israeli’s occupation forces and armed settlers pose to Palestinian communities”.

Albanese also questioned whether the EU’s representatives will now inform their governments that “apartheid Israel is intensifying its daily violence against the Palestinians”.

Israeli army continues raids in occupied West Bank

The Israeli military has carried out several raids in the occupied West Bank overnight and Saturday morning, injuring two Palestinians and arresting several others.

In the city of el-Bireh, a 15-year-old child was injured by live bullets fired by Israeli troops. A young man from al-Khader in the south of Bethlehem sustained bruises after soldiers beat him near his house. In addition:

  • Israeli forces stormed Salem, Burqa and Bazaria in Nablus, where confrontations took place.
  • In Tulkarem, troops stormed the towns of Ramin and Shuweika and arrested two Palestinians.
  • In Qalqilya, Israeli forces with armoured vehicles deliberately damaged civilian cars during their storming of the city, and arrested four relatives of whom they claimed to be a wanted person.
  • At dawn, settlers from the old city of Hebron attacked homes of Palestinians in the besieged neighbourhood of Wadi al-Husayn and threw stones at Palestinian homes.

G7 to call on Israel to maintain Palestinian bank links

G7 finance leaders will call on Israel to maintain correspondent banking links between Israeli and Palestinian banks to allow vital transactions, trade and services to continue, according to a draft joint statement seen by Reuters news agency.

The statement, to be released at the end of a Group of Seven finance ministers and central bank governors’ meeting in northern Italy, also calls for Israel “to release withheld clearance revenues to the Palestinian Authority, in view of its urgent fiscal needs”.

The G7 finance leaders also called for the removal or relaxation of other measures “that have negatively impacted commerce to avoid further exacerbating the economic situation in the West Bank”.