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Kamal Adwan Hospital still surrounded by Israeli forces

Dr Hussam Abu Safiya, the head of paediatrics at Kamal Adwan Hospital in Gaza, has told Al Jazeera that Israeli forces are still surrounding the hospital. He added that:

  • The hospital is out of service due to the continuous siege.
  • He got in touch with Red Cross and UNICEF but didn’t get any reassurance that something will be done.
  • Some patients and premature babies are still inside the hospital.
  • The health system has become a primary target for the Israeli forces.

Kamal Adwan hospital’s health team evacuate Palestinian patients after Israeli airstrikes damaged the building, on May 21

Israeli attacks killed 450 displaced people in UNRWA shelters since October 7

Over the past week, the UNRWA has received reports of numerous Israeli attacks on its shelters that have killed internally displaced people.

In one instance reported on May 22, a UN school in Jabalia was besieged by Israeli forces and shelled, causing an undetermined number of casualties.

In another case, reported on May 17, two UNRWA sanitation and maintenance offices were found to have been “completely destroyed” by Israeli air strikes.

Since Israel’s war on Gaza began, the UNRWA has seen 174 of its facilities damaged by attacks. At least 450 displaced people have been killed and 1,472 injured inside these facilities, it said.

Woman killed by Israeli attack on Gaza City home

Our colleagues on the ground are reporting that an Israeli military strike has targeted a family home in Gaza City’s Sabra neighbourhood, killing a woman and injuring other people.

Numerous other neighbourhoods of Gaza City have come under heavy artillery shelling, according to the Wafa news agency, including Sheikh Ajlin, Tal al-Hawa and Zeitoun.

Civil defense teams and residents carry out search and rescue efforts after an Israeli attack hit a house in al-Daraj neighborhood in Gaza City, Friday

More Palestinians killed in Wadi Gaza

The number of people killed in the Israeli attack on Wadi Gaza has now risen to six, as Israeli quadcopters fire at people congregated there, reports Al Jazeera’s Hani Mahmoud.

Palestinians desperate for aid often gather in Wadi Gaza to try and reach aid trucks coming from the floating pier near Gaza City. Others must cross the area to return to their homes, said Mahmoud.

Part of US-built Gaza pier swept into sea, then recovered: Report

Israel’s Channel 12 reports that strong waves caused part of the dock to break off and drift into the sea before a US Navy crew secured it and brought it back ashore.

The US-built pier, located southwest of Gaza City, has delivered 97 truckloads of aid since it opened May 17, according to the United Nations, as key land crossings to the enclave remain shuttered.

PR pier is turning into a 320 million dollar cruel joke.