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Forums - Sony Discussion - PlayStation 2024 Prediction League - Until Dawn at 67

BraLoD said:

CD-Action: the game is incredibly charming, fell just short of being perfect! My overall experience was just fantastic!

Score: 80

Reasoning: the other games where good too, so must take away from it.

Playstation reviews... lol, as expected.

These type of things happen lol, also happens to Xbox and Nintendo games as well.

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Hiku said:
BraLoD said:

CD-Action: the game is incredibly charming, fell just short of being perfect! My overall experience was just fantastic!

Score: 80

80 is "just short of being perfect"?

Metacritic should remove the top 3 and bottom 3 review scores to remove outliers made for clicks.

80 isn't a low score though, I strongly doubt it's made for clicks. The reasoning does seem iffy though, but that's hardly a rarity when you look at summaries.

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2025 OpenCritic Prediction Leagues

BraLoD said:

CD-Action: the game is incredibly charming, fell just short of being perfect! My overall experience was just fantastic!

Score: 80

Reasoning: the other games where good too, so must take away from it.

Playstation reviews... lol, as expected.

And y’all make fun of Xbox fans who cry about the Xbox tax lol.

UnderwaterFunktown said:

80 isn't a low score though, I strongly doubt it's made for clicks. The reasoning does seem iffy though, but that's hardly a rarity when you look at summaries.

I think saying "just short of perfect" in the summary and giving it 80 is going to result in a lot more clicks than normal.
I imagine it's on purpose.

LegitHyperbole said:

Astrobot 95
Silent Hill 2 78
Until Dawn 80

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

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It has 100% recommended and all. I've never seen a game achieve that on Opencritic.

Until Dawn 82, updating SH2 to 84.






LegitHyperbole said:

It has 100% recommended and all. I've never seen a game achieve that on Opencritic.

Not too terribly uncommon for critically acclaimed titles during their first few weeks on OC. TotK, Mario Wonder, Baldur’s Gate, Metroid Prime Remaster, FFVIIReB are just to name a few from the past 18 months. This doesn’t take away from AB’s critical acclaim at all!…though you’re remark is a bit hyperbolic here (which fits your name, I suppose).

firebush03 said:
LegitHyperbole said:

It has 100% recommended and all. I've never seen a game achieve that on Opencritic.

Not too terribly uncommon for critically acclaimed titles during their first few weeks on OC. TotK, Mario Wonder, Baldur’s Gate, Metroid Prime Remaster, FFVIIReB are just to name a few from the past 18 months. This doesn’t take away from AB’s critical acclaim at all!…though you’re remark is a bit hyperbolic here (which fits your name, I suppose).

Haven't been paying attention I suppose. First time I seen it at any rate. 

Don't know how when the original tech demo was fun but no where that good. It got boring quick and I love platformer and Mario games