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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Hellblade II new trailer

Looks phenomenal; I loved the first game and this makes me seriously tempted to pick up a Series X

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Finally, the game is looking more complete than ever. Feels like they're definitely gonna up the cinematic antics in this one.

The gameplay evolution will be something to look forward to since a lot of the elements of the first game were rather basic.

Still, they haven't spelled a release window yet appart from 2024 ... Prolly a late release

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Best looking game when it comes out
Then gta 6 will take over

dane007 said:

Best looking game when it comes out
Then gta 6 will take over

Hmmm, not so sure, GTA5 has tro spread its rendering budget across a big open world full of crowds, traffic, etc while this seems smaller scale and therefore better able to make each individual asset look better.

Gorgeous graphics, best looking game I have seen so far this gen.

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That looked amazing. I honestly can not wait one of the best looking games so far apart from GTA6.

Yeah it's definitely one of the best looking games I've seen to date, on any platform, especially with regard to the character models and lighting.

Something just seems off with the character faces to me, same with the first game.

Anyways, still need to play the first one but I'll have this one wishlisted.

BasilZero said:

Something just seems off with the character faces to me, same with the first game.

Anyways, still need to play the first one but I'll have this one wishlisted.

Any examples of what you mean?.

Maybe its since the game looks so real and is reaching the uncanny vally or something?. Other than that not sure how things look off with the faces??.

Ninja Theory. Always had great looking tech but then you play the game and it falls apart. Their gameplay is always lackluster.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!