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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Bayonetta 3 looks awfull on switch

Probably the worst exclusive i've come across. Seriously at time it's on par with ps1, ps2 level games. Flat ground textures, same with trees and rocks for example, no texture detail, blocky  , poor depth of field/ rendering of distance. I just got to chapter 4, seriously I feel like I'm playing a ps1 title. Did I download a bad patch or something?

These were some pics I took the other day, I will add more on later.

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Its not the best looking Switch game, but PS1/PS2 levels? Thats sounds weird.

Lol wrong on every account but I take this as a troll thread anyway.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

Leynos said:

Lol wrong on every account but I take this as a troll thread anyway.

I don't waste time trolling. I spent $64 on the game

KLXVER said:

Its not the best looking Switch game, but PS1/PS2 levels? Thats sounds weird.

Please play it and tell me if i'm wrong. Or ican sent u screenshots.

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KratosLives said:
KLXVER said:

Its not the best looking Switch game, but PS1/PS2 levels? Thats sounds weird.

Please play it and tell me if i'm wrong. Or ican sent u screenshots.

There is a big difference between PS1 and PS2 game. The fact they are put on the the level says troll.

it looks awful imo, and it does have more of that dreamcast look to it, with flat lighting low quality models and colorful.

KratosLives said:

Probably the worst exclusive i've come across. Seriously at time it's on par with ps1, ps2 level games. Flat ground textures, same with trees and rocks for example, no texture detail, blocky  , poor depth of field/ rendering of distance. I just got to chapter 4, seriously I feel like I'm playing a ps1 title. Did I download a bad patch or something?

They wanted more and bigger open spaces, bigger enemies ect..... it came at a cost (when it comes to environments, textures).
I've heard plently people say they think Bayonette 2 looks better than the 3rd one.

Its got much more exploration now, than previous games though.
So you can take your time, running around checking every nook and cranny.

*off beat take:
They tried for too much. Switch hardware isnt strong enough, to pull off the vision they wanted, so something had to give, for them to be able to make it so.

Ok, well play the PS5 or XBox version then.

JWeinCom said:

Ok, well play the PS5 or XBox version then.

If you wanted the best looking "version", you would play it on a emulator.
Helps with the alising when you scale it up (ryujinx runs it best (fastest), as far as I know, so that would be the way to go, unless you have a monster pc (then yuzu has better accuracy)).

Here it is running 4k/60 on Yuzu: