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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Microsoft increases the price of the Xbox Series S in Brazil by 200 dollars.

I'm Brazilian and as I frequent this site I thought I'd bring up this topic since Microsoft just increased the price of the Xbox Series S in dollars. It's almost the same as the PS5. It doesn't make sense since the Brazilian currency is stable compared to the dollar. The Xbox fanbase was not happy at all and we are the third largest Xbox market in the world.

I bring a page in Portuguese 

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Microsoft deserves every last breath of ridicule on this BS! avoid getting banned for inactivity, I may have to resort to comments that are of a lower overall quality and or beneath my moral standards.

1) Wai... Brazil truly is Xbox 3rd biggest market ?!

2) Welp, they may just not care enough to be affordable anymore with some of their markets. Because, you know ... Making more pure profits on hardware suddenly became more enticing to them ?

Switch Friend Code : 3905-6122-2909 

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jvmkdg said:

Canada on the same step as Russia xD

Welp, to be frank, Xbox has kinda lost a lot of typical fanbase it had here during the Xbox 360 times. Knowadays, it's mostly Switch, PC and PS5/PS4 users you gonna see around here.

Switch Friend Code : 3905-6122-2909 

With R$ 3.599 I would purchase an RTX for my PC instead.

Sucks for gamers in Brazil, but its a digital only console, so Im happy to see it become expensive so less people buy it.


BraLoD doesnt deserve to grace a Xbox Series S

/s just in case lol

KLXVER said:

Sucks for gamers in Brazil, but its a digital only console, so Im happy to see it become expensive so less people buy it.

The kind of Machiavellian plan only a true villain could come up with 😈

That and stupid Smash Tournament official guidelines to kill your competitive players lol

Switch Friend Code : 3905-6122-2909