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Forums - Gaming Discussion - 1990's, Game of the Decade


1990's. Game of the Decade

Super Mario World 2 2.20%
A Link to the Past 5 5.49%
Sonic 2 3 3.30%
Doom 9 9.89%
Super Metroid 10 10.99%
Chrono Trigger 7 7.69%
Super Mario 64 12 13.19%
Final Fantasy VII 13 14.29%
Ocarina of Time 28 30.77%
Age of Empires II 2 2.20%

The Legend of Dragoon.

From those I would pick Sonic 2.

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That wasn't easy. SMW, LTTP, Super Metroid and OOT were my options. Ended up voting for Ocarina of Time, even though one could argue A Link to the Past being better. In the end OOT did basically everything LTTP did and most of it better.

Ei Kiinasti.

Eikä Japanisti.

Vaan pannaan jalalla koreasti.


Nintendo games sell only on Nintendo system.

Lots of great contenders, but I'm going to have to give it to Super Mario 64, though A Link to the Past, Super Metroid, Final Fantasy IV, and Super Mario World would not be too far behind.

For games released in NA during the 90s, I'd give the vote to Super Mario Bros. 3.

All told, of my Top 10 games of all time, seven of them were released in NA in the 90s. Such a great decade overall.


Art by Hunter B

In accordance to the VGC forum rules, §8.5, I hereby exercise my right to demand to be left alone regarding the subject of the effects of the pandemic on video game sales (i.e., "COVID bump").

The_Liquid_Laser said:

I wasn't sure how this poll would turn out since in the 80's over 50% of people voted for Mario 3.  This has turned into a very interesting race so far though.  Doom, FF7, and Ocarina are all tied for first place with Mario 64 and Chrono Trigger being not far behind.  It's pretty much impossible to tell how this poll is going to turn out at this point.

Not really. Ocarina will win. It always does

For me it would definitely be Fallout. But from this list, I'll pick Final Fantasy VII.

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KLXVER said:
The_Liquid_Laser said:

I wasn't sure how this poll would turn out since in the 80's over 50% of people voted for Mario 3.  This has turned into a very interesting race so far though.  Doom, FF7, and Ocarina are all tied for first place with Mario 64 and Chrono Trigger being not far behind.  It's pretty much impossible to tell how this poll is going to turn out at this point.

Not really. Ocarina will win. It always does

It's boring, but very true. Never seen a poll like this that doesn't end with OoT winning

Dreamcaster999 said:
KLXVER said:

Not really. Ocarina will win. It always does

It's boring, but very true. Never seen a poll like this that doesn't end with OoT winning

My vote was for Chrono Trigger, but I would figure Super Mario World would have had a pretty good chance.  Sales wise 20.6 million people bought it on the SNES, where OOT only sold 7.7 million on the N64.  Yes total sales doesn't mean more people will love it, but that's 13 million more people that would have had a chance for it to be their favorite game that didn't play OOT. 

rapsuperstar31 said:
Dreamcaster999 said:

It's boring, but very true. Never seen a poll like this that doesn't end with OoT winning

My vote was for Chrono Trigger, but I would figure Super Mario World would have had a pretty good chance.  Sales wise 20.6 million people bought it on the SNES, where OOT only sold 7.7 million on the N64.  Yes total sales doesn't mean more people will love it, but that's 13 million more people that would have had a chance for it to be their favorite game that didn't play OOT. 

Oot sold another 6.44 million on 3DS and Zelda is more popular than ever thanks to BotW and TotK while 2D Mario just came back today after not having that big of a success on WiiU. NSMBU did sell 16 million on Switch, yet BotW sits at over 30 million.

But indeed, OoT knocked out half-life which to me is the GotD. AoE2 got lucky in the run-off. Still deserved though. Civilization should have had it in 1991 but AoE2 is a perfect combination of Civilization and RTS and has aged incredibly well.

Hmm, tough to choose here (and not for the reason most people will find this tough - none of these are even in my top 50). It's between Mario 64 and Sonic 2 for me.

Dreamcaster999 said:
KLXVER said:

Not really. Ocarina will win. It always does

It's boring, but very true. Never seen a poll like this that doesn't end with OoT winning

I've seen Ocarina of Time lose polls like this several times, but it's been a while since I've seen anyone do a poll like this.  Gamefaqs used to do an annual series of polls to determine the greatest game of all time.  About half of the time Ocarina of Time would, in fact, win.  The other half of the time Final Fantasy VII would win.

Of course, it's been several years since I've seen them do something like this.  Since then Ocarina of Time was released on the 3DS, which probably helps its popularity.  On the other hand, younger gamers don't care about the Final Fantasy series.  The current versions of the series are not relevant to younger gamers, and so they are not going to go back and play earlier entries in the series.  Meanwhile, Zelda is now more popular than it's ever been.  Some younger BotW fans are going to want to go back and try the earlier Zeldas.  This sort of thing gives OoT an advantage over Final Fantasy VII among people who weren't gamers in the 90s.