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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - 74.8% Of Xbox Series Purchases Were the Series S for April 2022

zeldaring said:
zorg1000 said:

Umm…….yes? The only reason high end smartphones sell as well as they do is because of the 2-3 year payment plans that most cell providers offer. If everybody had to pay the full cost of their phone upfront (like they do with consoles) then consumer habits would be a lot different.

I'm sure it helps but people are also addicted to latest phones with the hottest tech. I mean who doesn't have a credit card in America for a 300$ switch or 400$ ps5.  They just don't sell cause of plans, they sell cause people are addicted to the latest tech. I would say you have a ton of gamers that care about graphics and tech and alot of gamers that don't but to say the majority doesn't feel a upgrade from ps4 to ps5 is false.

You’re just ranting at this point.

@bold, when did I ever mention PS4?

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

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zorg1000 said:
zeldaring said:

I'm sure it helps but people are also addicted to latest phones with the hottest tech. I mean who doesn't have a credit card in America for a 300$ switch or 400$ ps5.  They just don't sell cause of plans, they sell cause people are addicted to the latest tech. I would say you have a ton of gamers that care about graphics and tech and alot of gamers that don't but to say the majority doesn't feel a upgrade from ps4 to ps5 is false.

You’re just ranting at this point.

@bold, when did I ever mention PS4?

You mentioned people can't tell the difference between series s and X. some games the difference is big. So mentioned ps4 to ps5. Basically anyone that compares 30 to 60fps will see the difference.

Own the Series S - and love it!

I think the current split is closer to 60:40 in Series S's favor.

It's like Microsoft are doing all they could to ensure Series S beats the more popular X. Series X's midgen refresh is staying at the "same great price" while ditching the disk drive (adorably all digital) in favor of a larger capacity storage. It will be met with zero hype because the PS5 Pro will launch at a comparable price and potentially twice the real world performance, and the mega popular base PS5 will be significantly cheaper (+ the ability to buy a detachable disk drive).

MS initially didn't plan for the X to outsell the S, probably because it's much more expensive and harder to produce (it's poorly deigned from a mass market standpoint). I thought Series X's relatively high demand would eventually compel them to prioritize it and find a solution, but the refresh and its pricing imply that MS are keeping it as their "enthusiast" console. Then again, Series X production did significantly improve while Series S sales declined YoY.

zeldaring said:

Iphone 14 pro and pro  max shipped around 48 million units in 6 months.

What about iPhone 14 and 14 Plus shipments? And it's ratio against 14 Pro series?


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From what I remember, series s was the only one available at the time in stores. You simply could not find X anywhere for a long time

zeldaring said:
Kakadu18 said:

How many people buy a new phone every year? Definitely only a small minority.

Iphone 14 pro and pro  max shipped around 48 million units in 6 months.

That doesn't tell us anything about how many of these people bought the previous year's version as well. There are a ton of people.

Is that for that month only or from launch?

Either way, quite surprising.

zeldaring said:
zorg1000 said:

You’re talking about personal preferences, I’m talking about the general population. You’re one of the hardcore gaming enthusiasts/tech junkies I’m referring to, the vast majority of people are not going to know the resolution or frame rate of a game unless you tell them. That’s great that you enjoy physical but media is moving to digital and people seem to be happy with that.

You can't really talk about what the general population cares about when they buy a 1000$ iPhone every year. People like the latest most powerful tech and they read about how it benefits them. I can imagine the samething for consoles. Ps5 is destroying Xbox sales after all.

The general population spends a lot more time on their phones than on consoles

According to recent data, the average person spends 3 hours and 15 minutes on their phone each day. And 1 in 5 smartphone users spends upwards of 4.5 hours on average on their phones every day. Jan 9, 2023

Responding internet users stated that they used a games console for an average of one hour and 58 minutes per day. Thailand was ranked second, with users spending an average of one hour and 38 daily minutes on console gaming. The global average was one hour and 12 minutes. Dec 14, 2022

So even with this select pool of responding users, time spend on consoles is already far less than on phones. People are going to spend more money on things they use all the time. Plus many people buy phones on subsidized plans, which makes it much easier to get higher end phones with a new replacement every 2 years. And all those people are fine watching videos on their phone, streaming Netflix, instead of watching 4K blu-rays on LG OLED.

The general population cares about convenience and hiding the true cost of things behind monthly payments. Hence Series S with Gamepass is working.

Ryuu96 said:

IGN is actually very wrong here, this data is April 2022 only, one month, Lol.

Don't know what you want to do with that, a title change, but it changes the thread significantly.

Thanks for noticing and making the change!