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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Phil Spencer: "Nintendo future exists off their own hardware"

Surely it's better to have your future in your own hands, on your own hardware, instead of Meta....
Of course merely as a bigger, uncomfortable screen to play on, lacking HDR and dimmer visuals.

Quest 3 has pancake lenses and LCD panels to combat the light loss from pancake lenses. It does provide a bigger sweetspot (so easier to dial in and pass around) and has no pincushion distortion thus equal resolution around the screen. However no eye tracking foveated rendering (which wouldn't work with cloud streaming anyway).

So you get 25 pixels per degree across the board, equivalent to 20/48 vision.
Compare that to a 65" 4K tv viewed at the recommended seating distance of 9 ft (30 degree FOV) which gives you 128 pixels per degree (20/10 vision)
For 20/20 vision with 1440p games (before upscaling) you can sit 6 feet away from a 65" screen for 43 degree fov.

That's getting uncomfortable to watch already with pancake games.
Say you can stand a 60 degree fov screen for pancake games on Quest 3, means you're playing games in 1125x1204 resolution (or rather 1125x633 with black bars) I guess it is a match for xCloud's capabilities!

Anyway want to wear a headset to play games in lower resolution with added input lag, soon you can!
I tried flat games out on PSVR2 and nope it's not worth it, I'll use my old smaller tv instead.

However does this open a door to maybe MS getting into VR... Or is this just another gamepass advertisement.

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SvennoJ said:

Now i can't get into BG3. Starting with a complex character creator is already off putting, I don't know what everything is for. Then as always it starts with some forced action (escape) scene while I have no clue yet what anything does. 

BG 3 is a very very hard game to get into, because the mechanics are complex and the game just assumes you know what everything means. The game is full of definitive consequences, which means if you make poor choices in dialogues and character upgrades be prepared to turn your playtrough in a hell. 

It's also an absurdly long game. I'm in the middle act 3 (which is as long as act 1 and 2 combined if you have started the quests, mind you I missed A LOT of act 2 quests) clocking 108 hours thanks to the absurd amount of times I just reseted because I wanted to erasure poor choices that left me in many game over situations or because I noticed a game over was soon coming in battle. If you like exploration, puzzle solving and what to help NPC in their quests (and trusted me when I say their quests are not random but extremely important to the plot) be prepared to investing over 140 hours here. If you like to try different approaches and see how they impact the outcomes and unlock some quests restricted to characters recruitment and characters choices you're likely in need to play this game 3 or 4 times so yeah, big game 

To give the extension of how overwhelming this game choices can be, there is a dark gnome you can save in act 1, he's trapped in a windmill. If you fail to save him or simply kill him by accident you can't complete his quest in act 2. His quest in act 2 is interwined with another quest of another group of characters that you also need to help in act 1. 

If you miss or fail his quest in act 2, you can't find him in the beginning of act 3 and he can't help you to complete a step of one of the main quests in act 3 (you can complete this step without him, it's just borderline hell and you will need to be willing to sacrifice your whole party in the process). Again MAIN quest of the game, possibly unlocking one of the games final endings... just because you failed to save a random gnome in a windmill  

But anyways. Is this any good?

It's a masterpiece

It's very different from than anything I've played in my life. Made me realize how much I miss board RPGs and board games in general

Easily my GOTY and I'm slightly inclined to call it game of the generation and that's coming from someone who has 369 and of pure joy with Elden Ring

curl-6 said:
zeldaring said:

You don't like fromsoftware Games? I mean they are considered by many to be some of the greatest games of all time. You might have to go through hell to beat one but there is really nothing like them and once you get gud it's so satisfying. Bloodborne, sekiro, or elden ring  just beat one and see what they are about. Resident evil 4 remake is also amazing, evil with in 2. Batman arknight, and spiderman are fun. Gtav is also pretty  fun I won't lie just exploring the world is insane.

From games are a bit too hard for me; I don't cope well with frustration and I don't have great fine motor skills or reflexes, plus I have a stressful job and I prefer to play relaxing games at the end of my day.

They are not really that hard. They just need you to learn how thr mechanics works. If you make a good build then you're fine. Demon/Dark Souls are more punishimg because they are linear and unless you want to spend a scandalous amount of time grinding there is nothing much you can do to workaround your weakness as the best weapons, spells and material upgrades will only come if you progress trough the story and maps 

Elden Ring in this sense is much more forgiving. If you know where to find the right weapons and upgrade materials you can make your playtrough much more forgiving. This of course will need you to look for a guide or online help which imo remove a bit of the fun, but it's not really a deal-breaker. Elden Ring is also more mechanically loaded, so it needs a certain degree of familairty with RPG mechanics as well as time to learn how to properly use the absurd amount of weapons the game gives to you. But make no mistake, you can be a literal God in Elden Ring as long as you explore and do the quests correctly 

Actually, Phil's quote apply to Xbox better than any hardware lol...

PS/Switch each selling 3x the number of Xboxes weekly. All Xbox have going for them is they have money.

IcaroRibeiro said:
curl-6 said:

From games are a bit too hard for me; I don't cope well with frustration and I don't have great fine motor skills or reflexes, plus I have a stressful job and I prefer to play relaxing games at the end of my day.

They are not really that hard. They just need you to learn how thr mechanics works. If you make a good build then you're fine. Demon/Dark Souls are more punishimg because they are linear and unless you want to spend a scandalous amount of time grinding there is nothing much you can do to workaround your weakness as the best weapons, spells and material upgrades will only come if you progress trough the story and maps 

Elden Ring in this sense is much more forgiving. If you know where to find the right weapons and upgrade materials you can make your playtrough much more forgiving. This of course will need you to look for a guide or online help which imo remove a bit of the fun, but it's not really a deal-breaker. Elden Ring is also more mechanically loaded, so it needs a certain degree of familairty with RPG mechanics as well as time to learn how to properly use the absurd amount of weapons the game gives to you. But make no mistake, you can be a literal God in Elden Ring as long as you explore and do the quests correctly 

I don't know man sekiro and bloodborne being my first games were hard as hell for me. It was actually scary how hard they were. Elden ring has some hard bosses as well and if you ain't leveled up good luck.

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SvennoJ said:

And there would be a place for XBox hardware as well if MS actually gave a damn about XBox. MS could have taken a giant leap ahead with VR tied to Kinect, full body tracking in VR. And while Series S feels like it's holding back the X, it's the perfect excuse to turn it into the most powerful handheld rivaling Steamdeck.

MS rather competes with Steam, game distribution instead of creation. And how does MS' future not exists off their own hardware, the Azure platform... MS rather keeps their hardware to themselves and wants you to pay for using it which has been their philosophy since introducing live gold.

Nintendo and Sony are still innovating, MS is turning into a reseller.

This is some of the most bullshit i have heard. What did Sony bring to gaming that Ms or Nintendo didnt already do?.

Nintendo Analog stick --> Sony Dual Analog sticks. Nintendo Rumble Pak --> Sony the dual shock,

MS Hard Drive --> Sony Hardrive. Ms proper online with friends list etc on a console -> Sony now the same thing.

Fuck lets go back to sega. Sega Cd Sony using CD's for the PS1. Clearly DVD was the next stage so what did Sony bring???.

Chrkeller said:
SvennoJ said:

And there would be a place for XBox hardware as well if MS actually gave a damn about XBox. MS could have taken a giant leap ahead with VR tied to Kinect, full body tracking in VR. And while Series S feels like it's holding back the X, it's the perfect excuse to turn it into the most powerful handheld rivaling Steamdeck.

MS rather competes with Steam, game distribution instead of creation. And how does MS' future not exists off their own hardware, the Azure platform... MS rather keeps their hardware to themselves and wants you to pay for using it which has been their philosophy since introducing live gold.

Nintendo and Sony are still innovating, MS is turning into a reseller.

I've lost all interest in MS.  I owned a xbox, 360 and One.  I see no reason to get a Series.  When I look at xbox I cannot find a single game that I want to play that isn't on Steam.

And I'm curious to see what Sony does with Steam...  if they go full blown PC support like MS, next generation is an easy decision.  PC + Nintendo.

Your a Pc owner. As a Console owner just like PS fans im sure Xbox fans find plenty of reasons for having their console. Also all Sony games are going to be coming to PC to think they would back out now would be silly.

SvennoJ said:
Chrkeller said:

I've lost all interest in MS.  I owned a xbox, 360 and One.  I see no reason to get a Series.  When I look at xbox I cannot find a single game that I want to play that isn't on Steam.

And I'm curious to see what Sony does with Steam...  if they go full blown PC support like MS, next generation is an easy decision.  PC + Nintendo.

I did buy a Series X, to play Halo Infinite in split-screen co-op (cancelled), Starfield (lost interest due to fast travel dependence) and Forza 8 (lost interest after GT7 PSVR2). And yeah you can play them all on PC anyway. I did play Forza 7 on the Series X before VR hit GT7, now I use it as a 4K blu-ray player.

I'm leaving PC behind as well though, my next laptop/desktop is going to be Mac, I always butt heads with Windows and windows update is now completely broken on my system. So I'll be dependent on the few games that come to Mac.

Switch (2) and PSVR2 is what I'll be playing. One is capable of delivering finished physical games, the other brings the innovation. BG3 is getting Mac support so I can continue that there when the M3 Macs hit. I started on PS5 yet my controller has stick drift and the characters now all want to walk left all the time. So sick of controllers breaking all the time, so BG3 on Mac with mouse + kb sounds good to me.

I picked PSVR2 back up yesterday after a long break (TotK), still great but still waiting on RE4 VR patch. So just played some Synthriders and Puzzling Places. It would be nice if HL Alyx got a PSVR2 port, might still happen. Paper Beast is looking to get a great PSVR2 update soon.

Anyway next generation, Switch 2 is day one, PS6 depends on what Sony is doing with GAAS and VR. Then whatever comes to Mac I guess. I have no interest in a digital only console, so might just be Switch 2 for me next gen. XBox is already ditching the disc drive, Sony is making it optional, so PS6 might also be all digital. So please Nintendo, keep living off your hardware, it will be the only hardware worth buying for me!

I told you before your better off Switching from PC and MS since you always have problems with anything to do with Ms including Windows. Sad your so unlucky but look its no loss. Enjoy your time with Mac and Ps . Least us PC gamers wont have to worry about your constant buggering about Windows and PC and your unlock with them

SvennoJ said:

Surely it's better to have your future in your own hands, on your own hardware, instead of Meta....
Of course merely as a bigger, uncomfortable screen to play on, lacking HDR and dimmer visuals.

Quest 3 has pancake lenses and LCD panels to combat the light loss from pancake lenses. It does provide a bigger sweetspot (so easier to dial in and pass around) and has no pincushion distortion thus equal resolution around the screen. However no eye tracking foveated rendering (which wouldn't work with cloud streaming anyway).

So you get 25 pixels per degree across the board, equivalent to 20/48 vision.
Compare that to a 65" 4K tv viewed at the recommended seating distance of 9 ft (30 degree FOV) which gives you 128 pixels per degree (20/10 vision)
For 20/20 vision with 1440p games (before upscaling) you can sit 6 feet away from a 65" screen for 43 degree fov.

That's getting uncomfortable to watch already with pancake games.
Say you can stand a 60 degree fov screen for pancake games on Quest 3, means you're playing games in 1125x1204 resolution (or rather 1125x633 with black bars) I guess it is a match for xCloud's capabilities!

Anyway want to wear a headset to play games in lower resolution with added input lag, soon you can!
I tried flat games out on PSVR2 and nope it's not worth it, I'll use my old smaller tv instead.

However does this open a door to maybe MS getting into VR... Or is this just another gamepass advertisement.

Quest 3 is a very good headset. Dont know why your trying to say otherwise?. Just look at the Quest 2 and its already a pretty big jump over that.

I have watched movies on a massive screen in VR on a much lower res Headset and it was good. I am pretty sure i heard plenty of PS users saying how that was also good on the PSVR Maybe even you at one stage not sure??.

Anyway the Quest 3 is my next VR headset since i can use it away from my pc and than on my PC. Like i said before "If" Sony gave the option maybe i would of got the PSVR2, but even than im not sure since like i said i can use the Quest 3 without my PC.

IcaroRibeiro said:
SvennoJ said:

Now i can't get into BG3. Starting with a complex character creator is already off putting, I don't know what everything is for. Then as always it starts with some forced action (escape) scene while I have no clue yet what anything does. 

BG 3 is a very very hard game to get into, because the mechanics are complex and the game just assumes you know what everything means. The game is full of definitive consequences, which means if you make poor choices in dialogues and character upgrades be prepared to turn your playtrough in a hell. 

It's also an absurdly long game. I'm in the middle act 3 (which is as long as act 1 and 2 combined if you have started the quests, mind you I missed A LOT of act 2 quests) clocking 108 hours thanks to the absurd amount of times I just reseted because I wanted to erasure poor choices that left me in many game over situations or because I noticed a game over was soon coming in battle. If you like exploration, puzzle solving and what to help NPC in their quests (and trusted me when I say their quests are not random but extremely important to the plot) be prepared to investing over 140 hours here. If you like to try different approaches and see how they impact the outcomes and unlock some quests restricted to characters recruitment and characters choices you're likely in need to play this game 3 or 4 times so yeah, big game 

To give the extension of how overwhelming this game choices can be, there is a dark gnome you can save in act 1, he's trapped in a windmill. If you fail to save him or simply kill him by accident you can't complete his quest in act 2. His quest in act 2 is interwined with another quest of another group of characters that you also need to help in act 1. 

If you miss or fail his quest in act 2, you can't find him in the beginning of act 3 and he can't help you to complete a step of one of the main quests in act 3 (you can complete this step without him, it's just borderline hell and you will need to be willing to sacrifice your whole party in the process). Again MAIN quest of the game, possibly unlocking one of the games final endings... just because you failed to save a random gnome in a windmill  

But anyways. Is this any good?

It's a masterpiece

It's very different from than anything I've played in my life. Made me realize how much I miss board RPGs and board games in general

Easily my GOTY and I'm slightly inclined to call it game of the generation and that's coming from someone who has 369 and of pure joy with Elden Ring

Man the way you explain it makes it seem like hell. But no its not. The is "No" Wrong Choice. You just have to deal with the shit after your choice but imo none of them has been "Hell" or "Game Over" type things. Its pretty much just like any other proper classic RPG.