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IcaroRibeiro said:
curl-6 said:

From games are a bit too hard for me; I don't cope well with frustration and I don't have great fine motor skills or reflexes, plus I have a stressful job and I prefer to play relaxing games at the end of my day.

They are not really that hard. They just need you to learn how thr mechanics works. If you make a good build then you're fine. Demon/Dark Souls are more punishimg because they are linear and unless you want to spend a scandalous amount of time grinding there is nothing much you can do to workaround your weakness as the best weapons, spells and material upgrades will only come if you progress trough the story and maps 

Elden Ring in this sense is much more forgiving. If you know where to find the right weapons and upgrade materials you can make your playtrough much more forgiving. This of course will need you to look for a guide or online help which imo remove a bit of the fun, but it's not really a deal-breaker. Elden Ring is also more mechanically loaded, so it needs a certain degree of familairty with RPG mechanics as well as time to learn how to properly use the absurd amount of weapons the game gives to you. But make no mistake, you can be a literal God in Elden Ring as long as you explore and do the quests correctly 

I don't know man sekiro and bloodborne being my first games were hard as hell for me. It was actually scary how hard they were. Elden ring has some hard bosses as well and if you ain't leveled up good luck.