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IcaroRibeiro said:
SvennoJ said:

Now i can't get into BG3. Starting with a complex character creator is already off putting, I don't know what everything is for. Then as always it starts with some forced action (escape) scene while I have no clue yet what anything does. 

BG 3 is a very very hard game to get into, because the mechanics are complex and the game just assumes you know what everything means. The game is full of definitive consequences, which means if you make poor choices in dialogues and character upgrades be prepared to turn your playtrough in a hell. 

It's also an absurdly long game. I'm in the middle act 3 (which is as long as act 1 and 2 combined if you have started the quests, mind you I missed A LOT of act 2 quests) clocking 108 hours thanks to the absurd amount of times I just reseted because I wanted to erasure poor choices that left me in many game over situations or because I noticed a game over was soon coming in battle. If you like exploration, puzzle solving and what to help NPC in their quests (and trusted me when I say their quests are not random but extremely important to the plot) be prepared to investing over 140 hours here. If you like to try different approaches and see how they impact the outcomes and unlock some quests restricted to characters recruitment and characters choices you're likely in need to play this game 3 or 4 times so yeah, big game 

To give the extension of how overwhelming this game choices can be, there is a dark gnome you can save in act 1, he's trapped in a windmill. If you fail to save him or simply kill him by accident you can't complete his quest in act 2. His quest in act 2 is interwined with another quest of another group of characters that you also need to help in act 1. 

If you miss or fail his quest in act 2, you can't find him in the beginning of act 3 and he can't help you to complete a step of one of the main quests in act 3 (you can complete this step without him, it's just borderline hell and you will need to be willing to sacrifice your whole party in the process). Again MAIN quest of the game, possibly unlocking one of the games final endings... just because you failed to save a random gnome in a windmill  

But anyways. Is this any good?

It's a masterpiece

It's very different from than anything I've played in my life. Made me realize how much I miss board RPGs and board games in general

Easily my GOTY and I'm slightly inclined to call it game of the generation and that's coming from someone who has 369 and of pure joy with Elden Ring

Man the way you explain it makes it seem like hell. But no its not. The is "No" Wrong Choice. You just have to deal with the shit after your choice but imo none of them has been "Hell" or "Game Over" type things. Its pretty much just like any other proper classic RPG.