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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Phil Spencer: "Nintendo future exists off their own hardware"

zero129 said:
KLXVER said:

Well Im excited for Days Gone 2 then since the developers wanted to make it, but Sony said no.

The industry doesnt run on heart points.

Im not sure if Days Gone was as popular as the Original Bayo to begain with. And even so its Sony who owns the IP and it was higher ups who didnt want it. We are talking about the guy who owns platinum studios here not someone under him. So if he really did want to make them other two games at some point he would of..

Sega owns the Bayonetta IP. They didnt want to make another one, so Platinum asked around and everyone said no. Until they asked Nintendo and they said yes. Nintendo is literally the only reason Bayonetta is a series now.

Days Gone sold like 9 Million copies on 1 console. The first Bayonetta sold around 2 Million combined on 2 consoles.

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zero129 said:

1. Monster Hunter 3, 4, whatever else came after that except for World was exclusive to Nin Platforms so why would anyone think something different now??. So no thats not the case.

2 I agree with this.

Your rest about MS having no exclusives. Unless you own a PC thats not the case. and i really do think Nintendo should allow and at somepoint will allow their games on PC just like Sony has. PC is the ultimate platform..

There was a big Capcom leak in the year before Monster Hunter Rise released and it confirmed a PC version.

Legend11 correctly predicted that GTA IV will outsell Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I was wrong.

smroadkill15 said:

People getting upset for a corporation humoring the idea of buying one the most popular and successful gaming companies. How could they 🫢. Any company with enough money and interest in gaming has likely discussed wanting to buy Nintendo at some point.
The email even has Phil nicely shooting the idea down unless the stars align perfectly. Big overreaction per usual from those too emotionally invested in this stuff.

Wanting to buy Nintendo is fine, I wouldn't mind owning Nintendo myself.  It's this part I don't like "they have a [Board of Directors] that until recently has not pushed for further increases in market growth or stock appreciation.”Continuing, Spencer's email revealed that, at that time, former Microsoft Board of Directors member and co-CEO of ValueAct Capital, Mason Morfit, had been “heavily acquiring” Nintendo shares. As a result, Spencer was keeping in touch with him as it was “likely he will be pushing for more from Nintendo stock which could create opportunities for us”.

Even though he does state he doesn't think a hostile takeover is appropriate, he literally has activist investors that have infiltrated the company by buying up stock with the intent of forcing Nintendo to increase the value of the stock. Some activist investors like the ones fighting Kohls are demanding Kohls fire a good chunk of their board and hire new ones picked out by the activist investors. These activist investors are scum, that try to push their way of doing business on other business, and if the don't they may one day decided to do a hostile takeover.

RolStoppable said:
zero129 said:

1. Monster Hunter 3, 4, whatever else came after that except for World was exclusive to Nin Platforms so why would anyone think something different now??. So no thats not the case.

2 I agree with this.

Your rest about MS having no exclusives. Unless you own a PC thats not the case. and i really do think Nintendo should allow and at somepoint will allow their games on PC just like Sony has. PC is the ultimate platform..

There was a big Capcom leak in the year before Monster Hunter Rise released and it confirmed a PC version.

I agree with you about the leak it showed lots of stuff but for ages no one passed any heed to it and thought it was fake or false. Heck some people still do to this day.

But we can both agree that its not a thing MH had lower sales on Switch than its other entries its just that being multi plat allowed it to sell to more users who was interested in the game. Like you said Mh did start off multi plat so clearly it would have MS and Sony and PC users who would all like to try a new entry in the game. even more so since the game has been exclusive to Nintendo platforms since 3.

KLXVER said:
zero129 said:

Im not sure if Days Gone was as popular as the Original Bayo to begain with. And even so its Sony who owns the IP and it was higher ups who didnt want it. We are talking about the guy who owns platinum studios here not someone under him. So if he really did want to make them other two games at some point he would of..

Sega owns the Bayonetta IP. They didnt want to make another one, so Platinum asked around and everyone said no. Until they asked Nintendo and they said yes. Nintendo is literally the only reason Bayonetta is a series now.

Days Gone sold like 9 Million copies on 1 console. The first Bayonetta sold around 2 Million combined on 2 consoles.

This is a good come back. I honestly never thought of the sales when i made my original reply. All i remember was hearing much more about bayo than i ever did about Days Gone.

But i honestly still do believe we would of got a Bayo 2 and 3 anyways at some point .

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please no... that would kill most of the industry's creativity in terms of gameplay

don't mind my username, that was more than 10 years ago, I'm a different person now, amazing how people change ^_^

zero129 said:
KLXVER said:

Sega owns the Bayonetta IP. They didnt want to make another one, so Platinum asked around and everyone said no. Until they asked Nintendo and they said yes. Nintendo is literally the only reason Bayonetta is a series now.

Days Gone sold like 9 Million copies on 1 console. The first Bayonetta sold around 2 Million combined on 2 consoles.

This is a good come back. I honestly never thought of the sales when i made my original reply. All i remember was hearing much more about bayo than i ever did about Days Gone.

But i honestly still do believe we would of got a Bayo 2 and 3 anyways at some point .

Maybe, maybe not. Running on hypothetics do not give us much to think on the actual state of things. 

Heck, after this Trilogy ended, Sega could try to "reboot" the series with their own fund this time to make a multiplat Bayo game this time.

Anywoo, can't wait for Astral Chain 2 

Switch Friend Code : 3905-6122-2909 

NintendoPie said:

of course, my previous concerns about further consolidation within the industry are not too much of a fantasy. greed and corporate laziness are the name of the game, as always. and seeing people continue to root for monopolization and capitalism... so weird.

Oh, I am over being surprised that some are rooting for monopolisation and consolidation, I am also over selling it to the rest of us as "pro-competitive". 

We have a new level of gaslighting, conflating, spinning, avoidance of any valid objections, and rephrasing of whatever being said just to bend the truth. We've seen throughout the years but it's perhaps best embodied by the backlash the FTC got for a leak they had nothing to do with (conspiracy theories went wild lol), this thread (and many others online about this thread), coming to a full circle with Phil Spencer tweet and the reaction of his fans to it.


You share a leaked email that has a lot more than MS desire to buy Nintendo, a lot more, but all of that gets pushed aside, you get reminded that it's a 3 year old email, and that non of their public or private stated intents matter, and MS is not buying Nintendo and that there is absolutely nothing to see here. 

Are you going to address the.....  "BUT SPENCER TWEETED OTHERWISE, NO COMPANY HASN'T CONSIDERED ACQUIRING NINTENDO".... even though I haven't touched on this bit at all in the OP or the headline, and next, you'll get a YouTube link for Phil's next inevitable crybaby interview as further evidence that we are wrong about directly quoting the guy and commenting on his literal statements. 

Last edited by LurkerJ - on 21 September 2023

Kneetos said:
Oneeee-Chan!!! said:

I don't know why these posts are liked and tolerated by so many people.🤔

If someone posted an image like Xbox doomed, no one would laugh, on the contrary, they would probably get a warning from the moderators.

The point of the image is: Phil spencer is saying that this almost 140 year old company doesn't know what's best for itself

The "Nintendo is doomed" meme is quite fitting here for this thread as a result, which is why people liked it.

People buy Nintendo consoles for their games, and they make a lot of money for it, the switch has sold an estimated 130 million sales and games like mario kart 8, in just 7 years has sold more then any first party game then Sony or Microsoft has ever released for any of their consoles.

Nintendo is also the only company doing any sort of meaningful expansion, instead of just buying studios, Nintendo of Japan bought land to build another building to hire more staff... (thanks Nintendo life) so they clearly aren't in any financial danger, a far cry from what Mr "they just don't realise their future is elsewhere" is saying

Now if people went with Microsoft, or specifically Xbox doomed, well, Microsoft already admitted that they were in last place and doing poorly compared to Sony and Nintendo. But I don't think the mods would care and maybe point out that "well Microsoft is saying they are in the gutter so... maybe (?)

Sorry for the essay vgc

This kind of arrogant, paternalist dickery is why Microsoft never makes any headway in Japan. They go over there and tell Japanese companies and Japanese consumers that Microsoft is the only way. Then the Microsoft executives are bewildered when the Japanese tell Microsoft to take some Duke controllers and stick them up their asses sideways.

Mar1217 said:
TheTitaniumNub said:

I just want Bayonetta 2 and 3 officially on Steam, is that so much to ask for

Nintendo could indeed accept a legitimate port to PC if Sega prolly bought them back the development cost and exclusive licensing of these 2 games.

But hey, just be happy these 2 games exist to begin with thanks to Ninty money and good relationship with Platinum Games.

Yes, I am very happy and thankful they exist on Switch, I mean heck, Bayonetta 3 is the number one main reason I bought my Switch, now that being said, I'd be much happier and more thankful if I could play them on PC, and not through emulation and torrents... Ah, Bayonetta 2 and 3 with Steam achievements and trading cards. Sounds like a dream.